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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by tec

  1. If you cryptically mention BoC and end a sentence in this fashion you too can post like Joyrex...
  2. ^Spot on. Fucking hell, my arse is already clenched in anticipation of the new tears in rain speech.
  3. That video is for what to do when a full vampire - doesn't need any neck eating ! But the bloke just attacks me otherwise, this is bullshit. Where do you live? Come round to mine and fix this!
  4. Playstation, otherwise I'd have been all up in that console like it was a cheap brass.
  5. Yep - Thanks but I've already gone full vampire, try as I may to sneak into people's houses to suck their blood to get my level down it just isn't happening as they always wake up. What happened to cheat codes in games?!
  6. Vangelis is still alive, get that beautiful legend back.
  7. I see someone else watches the Horror channel. Yep. It can be alright for the odd quirky independent horror film. But there are some complete rotters on there too - For example Cube 2: Hypercube which was last nights fucking confusing (in a shit way) offering. -i/10 Haha, I almost watched that but couldn't be dealing with the ad breaks if it was like the first one, ie a claustrophobic tense film, as they would have killed it. Didn't miss out then?
  8. I see someone else watches the Horror channel. A Town Called Panic - Fucking amazing, an indian, a cowboy and a horse accidentally order loads of bricks and travel to the centre of the Earth. Watch it if you like stop-motion animation and things that are good.
  9. Does anyone know an easy way to change back from being a vampire in Skyrim? I wouldn't mind if you could kill every single NPC as I'd just go on a rampage and wipe out the entire map but you can't, they just get winded for a bit then chase after you again, it's bullshit.
  10. One episode into Jorskott, started watching it solely upon hearing it has some nordic folklore shit in there, seems pretty good so far.
  11. I got Demon's Souls and it's pretty annoying and dull, what am I missing?
  12. Sweet, had that one for ages so will get round to it, maybe not at the film club though as I recall it being a long one. We went for Alone in the end, no woods and too many cheap scares from the blokes who done Shutter, which is considerably better.
  13. Are there any decent ghost in the woods type horrors knocking about? I curate a horror film club (of 4 people, including myself) and someone has asked for one.
  14. The original vinyl track list breaks my heart.
  15. Balls, I was looking forward to this one too. Not many horror anthologies are better than Creepshow, even the sequel is better than most.
  16. ^I really enjoyed it, the single people dancing in the wood to electronic music was watmm in film form.
  17. tec

    Now Reading

    This is awesome, nice one. I don't wish for this to sound rude; I work in a bookshop, and if anyone came in and asked for a book by your author name anger-steam would make my brain explode. You got a deece name brother.
  18. Richard Herring's Leicester Square theatre show this week was outstanding, watch the whole thing but a lady gets loud and irritating around the 43 minute mark and it's quite mad. As always steer clear of the comments though, lots of female-hating freaks.
  19. Haha, I done a run of the series last year, they really aren't very good but I enjoyed it anyway.
  20. I've had this for about a year and can't bring myself to watch it.
  21. I was so distracted by Trump I didn't notice Cruz is such a creepy fuck.
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