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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by tec

  1. This is what the stress of being president can do, can you imagine the state of Trump after a couple of weeks? It's going to be insane, the excess neck flab he tucks into his shirt will explode.
  2. tec

    Now Reading

    I work in a bookshop and had been planning for a couple of weeks to order in The Fisherman when I got paid, then the day before I went in a charity shop and found a mint copy of it for 3 quid, it was insane. Not read it yet.
  3. No Man's Sky - it's alright, not really sure what I'm supposed to be doing though. Is it worth sticking with?
  4. I agree, and to say something more controversial the first one isn't even that good.
  5. tec


    Who isn't returning? I re-watched the first series but my girlfriend wasn't as into it as I expected so in anticipation I'll probably just watch Fire Walk With Me and give the second series a skip.
  6. tec

    Now Reading

    They All Love Jack - the bloke who wrote Withnail and I is fucking angry taking on the Ripper, loving it so far.
  7. The Witness Thanks, looks cool athough potentially like Myst, which I am ashamed to say I never had the patience to play.
  8. Getting a playstation 4 for Christmas helped make up for getting a stomach bug and spending most of it on the can. What games are good?
  9. This. I don't think they knew what made the original Blair Witch Project good. Oh well. tec - you should watch The Autopsy of Jane Doe. I just watched it. Fairly creepy, also kinda terrible in that horror movie way, but it's definitely one of the better ones to come out this year. Yup, there are many examples but a big one was how they chose to have it so time froze (?) so day never came. In the first their desperation to escape each day before sun down was a great tension builder. Nevermind. I'll definitely give that one a go, glad you enjoyed the film, even if it were no good Brian Cox is usually worth a watch.
  10. I really liked the Blair Witch Project but wasn't angry about this one in a 'Star Wars fan losing his mind about the prequels' way, it was just awful.
  11. Blair Witch - As someone who watches a lot of bad horror films I was still surprised by how exceptionally shit this film was. I've never been sure of Adam Wingard but I won't try his films again, this was my worst of the year.
  12. tec

    Now Reading

    Patterson is pretty shit mate.
  13. tec


    Took me about a year to get it, I'm still not sure that I do, but this is their best album for me.
  14. Krampus - Starts off well and it's kinda fun but feels like a wasted opportunity too eg krampus does not use his chain and hook to rip off someone's head. Instead you have little gingerbread men running about a lot.
  15. You say that like he hasn't spent the last five years popping up in any old bollocks.
  16. tec

    Now Reading

    Reading Laird Barron's The Croning after keanu reeves recommended him as a deece new author of horror. Quarter of the way in and definitely liking the vibe, you can feel a noose going around the main character's neck that is only going to tighten. I'll get this done then move onto an M.R James re-read for the festive season.
  17. I have a feeling that David Attenborough is going to go on Christmas Day.
  18. tec

    Now Reading

    I read Harvest after seeing it in the gothic exhibition in the British Library, couldn't really get into it but I was hoping for some kinda Wicker man weirdness so the fault may have been my own.
  19. tec

    Now Reading

    The new Alan Partridge book, as good as the last one.
  20. If you have any knowledge of Jonestown this film is a waste of time. If you don't, read the wiki entry then listen to the sound of them all killing themselves. It'll save you time and is far more effective. After I saw this film in the cinema I got a text from a friend telling me Rik Mayall was dead. That was an awful day.
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