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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by tec

  1. What's new and good? Between 20-30 minutes long, the last two shows I fell in love with are Limmy's Show and Nathan For You. Rick and Morarty was too annoying.
  2. People need to watch this film. I went to a Q and A with the director and most of the cast, Steve Oram incredibly wrote a script for the actors to read then told them to replace the words with ape sounds.
  3. tec

    Now Reading

    Great book, there's a BBC book club podcast where he is interviewed and he seems safe as fuck, worth a listen.
  4. tec


    I was going to say the second series starts and ends strongly but is complete tosh during the middle, then use James' song as an example of the drop in quality only I've just discovered this happened during the third episode so I don't know what to believe. It's always worth posting anyway.
  5. I thought there would be a massive thread here on Ash vs Evil Dead, either the search didn't find it or watmm has let me down. Anyway, halfway through the series and it's fucking awesome.
  6. tec

    Now Reading

    How to Build a Universe by some bloke - I really want to get into space and astronomy but I'm a fucking idiot, if anyone has suggestions I am all ears. I've also watched Cosmos and read the Bill Bryson one.
  7. I don't know what this means. I have never walked out of a cinema early actually, I did once watch Transformer 2 and was twenty minutes in before I realised I'd already seen it but erased it from my mind.
  8. Wild Tales - Like all anthology films the strength varies but great on the whole, almost worth it for the road rage segment alone.
  9. Where do you draw the line? I've picked a few bad movies recently; Honeymoon, Monsters: Dark Continent and Spring, each I hated almost from the start but I persevered until the credits as my loathing continued. I can't think of many films that I thought were shit but grew on me so why waste the time?
  10. Went to a horror film festival over the weekend, The Snarling was the highlight, try and catch it if you like your comedy/horror movies.
  11. The Lobster - Fat Colin Farrell might be my favourite Colin Farrell. Decent film, had me on edge but pretty funny too.
  12. There was a bit when Hurley (I think) ends up in a mental asylum and it's revealed that one of the characters from the island is in there with him too, I remember it creeping me out and as far as I'm aware it was never explained. Or why the statue only had 4 toes. Or, or, oh god, this fucking show.
  13. lol Because I'm a complete sucker when they were all in Heaven or whatever hugging I was like, aww that's sweet, cool. Then in the cold light of day I was furious.
  14. This thread is great for entering a random page number then finding a recommended film. This film is on youtube (HDRIP) and is about to be watched. Thanks for the recommendation. Awesome film.
  15. I really liked The Revenant but Leo must have been created by Skynet or something.
  16. tec

    Now Reading

    I've never read any of Patterson's stuff but it's shameful the amount of books he releases with his name on them, and I blame him and Dan Brown for the growing trend of a chapter being a page and a half long, it's pathetic. Sorry.
  17. tec

    Go Corbyn

    Maybe I'm a mad conspiracy theorist but there is a lot of media attention placed on this, which can happen when there is a shuffle, whilst the Tories continue to fuck us all with housing. http://www.theguardian.com/housing-network/2016/jan/05/expert-views-housing-bill-end-affordable-housing?CMP=share_btn_tw
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