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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by tec

  1. Sweet, hopefully he can give me a lift back to Croydon next time I fall asleep on the train and end up there.
  2. ^I've not seen the last episode yet but I was going to ask again if any other watmmer's had seen the series and if it was only me thinking it wasn't up to much, kinda glad I'm not. That poppadom eating bit was one of the most tedious things I've ever seen, like something from bloody Family Guy.
  3. Monster Squad - Great stuff, two for two for Fred Dekker after enjoying Night of the Creeps, if you're looking for a bit of 80's fun these are for you, I'm disappointed to see the only other film he has directed that I haven't seen now is Robocop 3.
  4. It's either self-sabotage or not to my tastes, but it definitely treads familiar ground.
  5. Last night was a low point, even my cat left the room.
  6. lol just finished jordskott. what a fucking mess I got 4 episodes into it, it was okay but I couldn't dedicate another 6 episodes to it, fuck that shit. What happened?
  7. Stewart Lee's Comedy Vehicle. I don't know if he's tired of his own popularity and misses being the underdog but the latest series is a rehashing of his old material with poorer jokes. Is this a kind of sabotage, or is he just old and fat?
  8. Nice, one of the lads from The Horrors is in the group and I am such a sucker for this sound
  9. Kinda hoping Klopp smashes the fuck out of it next year, Guardiola could do with a comedown.
  10. Phantom of the Paradise - I fucking love Brian De Palma, this was great.
  11. It's either a bad haircut or an even worse wig, sort it out mate.
  12. Yeah I was going to go for those as the bloke who presents Pointless does the English version, I wonder how often he says indeed in it.
  13. Is it worth getting a Playstation 4 at the moment or shall I wait until it drops in price and continue milking my PS3 for all it's worth? 250 quid seems a bit much, I could get a car for that money.
  14. dude was that the stop motion thing? with those guys from the milk adverts? i remember watching that by chance when i was ill or hungover or something, was pretty cool. i miss having a tv, i would always find the strangest films by surprise, stuff that i'd never ordinarily see. Ha yeah that's the one. I've heard about the tv series, haven't watched it yet but I will do.
  15. tec

    Now Reading

    John Yorke - Into The Woods. Interesting, although I suspect I am reading about writing to avoid doing any myself.
  16. If someone else doesn't watch A Town Called Panic soon I'm gonna snap.
  17. That film's a weird one, it doesn't really go anywhere, more just like hanging out with a couple of vampires who are cooler than you and know it, which is also mildly irritating. I watched it at night next to a graveyard which helped spice it up a bit.
  18. tec

    Now Reading

    Yes, I too have seen covers of books. Alexei Sayle - Stalin Ate My Homework. Quite fun, prefer his fiction I think, but I did briefly meet him at the signing of his second autobiography and got a handshake.
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