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Walter Ostanek

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Everything posted by Walter Ostanek

  1. still not managed to see it but can't wait. who plays the pug in this version?
  2. it doesn't even need an article because it's retina-burningly obvious, but here's one anyway discussing the use of the Baltimore bridge disaster by certain actors to whip up a geostrategic media frenzy:
  3. used to love this lad, haven't listened for yonks
  4. do we live in a timeline where you can admit to war crimes on reddit?
  5. Furthermore I'm so fucking sick of these ideas that people want to be imperial subjects of Putin because they speak Russian or because they opposed Maidan. I've got to know so many people like that over the last couple of years, these narratives couldn't be further from the truth. At least he touched on the resource issue - that is, indeed, a very material underpinning to the "SVO". Though he's weirdly off-kilter about France's interests in Ukrainian uranium, they can (and do) have a far safer, far higher-grade supplier in the form Canada. Been talking to a friend in russia all evening, he is scared shitless of what comes next, everyone with a brain there remembers how Chechnya unfolded. I talk to a couple of friends in Kharkiv most days... but can't tonight because they still have blackouts after the last missile attack.
  6. Christ that has some nauseating takes. Simping for imperialism based on the etymology of a country's name and historical linguistic regions. I hope the Swiss don't find out!
  7. I remember my mum getting upset with me when I came home with the CD version and she saw the bewbs on the cover lol. And fond memories of intricately adding all the symbols in Word so I could paste them into Winamp and give the second track its proper name
  8. Hmm, they were warning about something like this happening a couple of weeks ago. What a convenient excuse for even more dictatorial powers - so soon after an "election" too! An awful lot like how Chechnya first kicked off, no? It'll also be a great way of putting the yanks in a bind too: "you're fine with Israel committing genocide after the murderous Hamas raid, so how can you criticise our vindictive brutality?" Funnily enough, barely anyone gave a shit in the news about the russian rockets lobbed at a Ukrainian hydroelectric dam last night.
  9. The yanks benefit immensely from Israel's existence, it's a nice little toehold from which to play geopolitical chess in the ME, though I don't see any material benefit accruing to the US from Bibi's latest escapade in unmatched brutality. They want an Israel that keeps Iran in check, not an Israel that dents their own credibility. Whereas russia and china have a lot to gain from the continued outrage That's it in a nutshell. The Gulf sheikhs throw them the odd bone, and undoubtedly help with negotiations, but it never amounts to anything substantial. Why would any state offer any *actual* help the Palestinians? They're poor. They have nothing to offer in return. (By Israel's design)
  10. They are reaping the geopolitical gains from the fallout of this brutality, so why would they support a ceasefire? In Palestine they are well aware that no country in the world actually gives a toss about them
  11. how to beat off to autechre
  12. Yes, the same Tony Banks who's in Genesis and who my mum used to fancy. Is it just confirmation bias or are there Genesissy leitmotifs in there?
  13. I thought the 2nd and 3rd both had some fantastic ideas in them. Detailed dives into drastically different forms of intelligence. I found the end of the 3rd one crushingly depressing though and, well, almost pointless, after seeing how much the Enkidu crew suffered, only for it to turn out that *spoilers*. Ditto the deference to some kind of Prime Directive ethic in parts of the 3rd book just seemed weird, given that the first two books were about as antithetical to that as possible. I get that the "we're going on an adventure" fellas didn't want to homogenise cultures/civilisations out of existence, but I struggled with the leap from that to "let's just watch them die" Not read any of his other series, it's kinda daunting seeing how many books he pumps out. Feel like I'd enjoy the Tyrant Philosophers, though.
  14. Honestly I know very little about the bloke, having religiously avoided anything to do with Apple for my whole life so far. But the manner of his death alone tells you he was a cunt. Remember kids, alternative medicine is a fascist gateway, always was, always will be.
  15. Fuck me that was a solid read. Have you read the other two? Really hope Tchaikovsky keeps things going in that series, though I understand it runs the risk of turning into a "hyperintelligent creepy crawly of the week" thing
  16. holding the down arrow down in Excel to see how fast i can get to the bottom
  17. any guesses as to which songs relate to richard dreamshagging which celebrity?
  18. Ah yes Russophobia But yeah fuck Nuland for general neoliberal bullshit, tho the coup stuff is just cringe
  19. Catch the same bloke in a few weeks and he'll probably be boasting about being lavishly wined and dined at some swanky client event
  20. Shit, I used to plod down the street in my first year of uni back to halls listening to that on my 256MB MP3 player. Don't think I've even thought about it since. Lovely little bunch of traxxx
  21. the only person i've ever had to sack is also the only person IRL i've known who's been a self declared JP fanboy. Sacked him for joking about rape one too many times in front of female coworkers, alongside all the typical woman-o-phobic comments
  22. And linking those two things, if you ever wonder why the Indian media/online community is so pro-RU, and why India is now home to so many troll farms, look at who in India profits from Putin's war: Ambani, Adani, the Birla clan: all of the Modi oligarch groupies, getting very rich off of cheap russian oil. You could possibly make a coherent argument that this internet-borne fascist revival is being conducted by and for the oil industry specifically
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