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Everything posted by Crazing

  1. Wow this album is balm to my ears. So good. Lushtech.
  2. Whenever I have hospital stuff the drugs literally make me feel like maybe there is a normal life without doom
  3. If u can't love that shit...life is boring. so fun and out there. Overwhelmingly Fun!
  4. Albini was a fucking legend - probably as much of an influence on my life as my dad
  5. Not saying they should fix anything. Just some commentary on the way media attention works.
  6. Its a cess hole: trash culture....both of them make themselves look like idiots. In a world of pain...the west just looks to two loaded clowns shouting at eachother for entertainment.
  7. https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-news/lawmakers-tiktok-ban-pro-palestinian-content-1235016101/
  8. These albums basically came out when the decline in music listening began I like that second woman - never heard of them Yea that is a really nice sounding album
  9. Had a friend from way back got indoctrinated into Stand with Us https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/StandWithUs...used to post straight hasbara shit on fb and twitter....then in 2018 was like okay guys maybe we have taken this too far...now hes calling himself some kind of peacenik....and ignoring everything....hands over ears...lalalalala
  10. Problem is that life now is just a rehearsal for social media. One of the kids I taught became a content creator and moved to l.a The school was all like but he's missing school and what about his attendance and grades. I'm thinking but the only reason u exist is to make him mr money bags and he's that at 15 so job done. Shut it. He's passed the stupid business exam irl. Even if he is just contributing to the utter cultural shite being factoried out ad infinitum he beat the dumb marketing cnts at the school who spend more effort on social media pr than education anyway.
  11. They're not banning tiktok cause it's dumb or cause of Chinese interest are they. I work in edu and see a) a lot of kids ruining their lives on social media but b) it's a threat to the status quo so ultimately I'm alright with it. The last half year has laid it all out there.
  12. The nights of weed driving around hertforshire in the 90s listening to Bukem and Conrad will not be forgotten. Legend.
  13. Rian treanor did that thing way back where he rearranged the audio in pop songs in sequences of most alike snippets of sound....can't find it anymore. This track sounds like that. This sounds like a Nathan Barley playlist.
  14. Shogun is episode after episode of sexual tension. Also really good.
  15. Sounds big but not much outside his usual
  16. The ploque op7 has a random button which is a very useful feature. The algorithms can't be changed though through some kind of matrix which is kind of annoying.
  17. That Kettel melody....eeeash Sendai sound sick af
  18. There was a crazy Skee Mask remix with some mad perc breaks in it a while back....fm or physical modelling...could never find it Both the Datachi albums that came out were definitely on repeat
  19. I've kind of stopped listening to music...used to be obsessed with everything new but now just check out the usual Autechre, Aphex, Squarepusher etc I'd appreciate some recommendations say from 2015 onwards...electronic I understand some people hate lists but they are kind of useful.
  20. Watching a double play with balls thrown so accurately and fast there is literally no trajectory is insane....perfect games are a fluke of nature....I don't find the homer that interesting tbh...in field and outfield plays and pitching can get close to art... I've been into so many sports but more so watching in the last few years....tennis...watching alcaraz at his best is another level of genius... American football....anyone can watch a running back plow through 8 massive beasts and be awed.... You do absolutely have to suspend your disgust in the corporate machine of it all but human beings do some badass shit just for the fun of it... NHL I will give a try!
  21. My current problem is I like american sports...baseball and football....they are fun to watch...im sorry...
  22. I'd say they have 3 good albums total and the rest is forgettable drek. I relistened to some grunge yesterday and man lots of it is trash. Matt Camerons drums on Badmotorfinger are incredible...why do they sound so terrible now...the sound that is, not the playing....
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