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Herr Jan

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Everything posted by Herr Jan

  1. Weird. I honestly thought the episode with Glenn falling was the midseason finale, but it turns out it was only episode 3?! Have to catch up now but that says a lot.
  2. Apart from the first one, those scales on his site aren't equal temperament. Equal temperament means that the ratios between any two successive frequencies are the same. So e.g. 2TET would have frequencies 33, 33*sqrt(2), 66, 66*sqrt(2) and so on. In general an nTET scale has frequencies of the form f*2^(p/n) with fixed f and integer p. The scales Aleksi gives have frequencies of the form f*2^q*(1 + p/n) with fixed f, integer q and integer p in [0, n). Yes, my pedantry got the better of me. Sorry. Np, was just curious if you could back it up. Loud and clear now, thanks! That said, consider the possibilty that calling that specific sequence equal temperament might be an error of the journalist. I mean, AP studied the theory for years so I doubt he wouldn't be aware of this? Or were there any direct quotes by AP you had in mind?
  3. Sorry to be that guy, but I'd be able to take all the Colundi-talk more seriously if AP actually understood how equal temperament works. That's quite an arrogant statement. Explain?
  4. Only took about FIFTEEN albums but the colundi sequence is finally getting some well deserved press. Interview with Aleksi on RA: http://www.residentadvisor.net/feature.aspx?2567
  5. Btw, 'someone' is selling their wire recording of Level 8. Of course with a nice discogs price, $400,- http://www.discogs.com/sell/item/286403902?text=Aleksi-Per%C3%A4l%C3%A4-The-Colundi-Sequence-Level-8&format=Cylinder Limited to just 10 copies this is probably one of the rarest braindance releases ever, even Aleksi doesn't have one (he told me at the gig) so this might be the only opportunity!
  6. Mailed to reserve a CD, got a reply to give up postal adress with first come / first served rule. Replied in about 10 minutes and was just informed there aren't any left.
  7. Managed to grab the mp3 of the new one this morning, the tags say it's 'you belong to me [afx edit] [90]-edward 'get down' crosby, [written by groove II groove] [GD104]'. Sounds very Bradley Strider-ish, this tune must be an early inspiration :)?
  8. Massive trolling opportunity for Richard Let's not give him any ideas Damnit tri! Anyone that saved the other version from earlier? I think I listened to it a few hours ago but I don't remember it at all.
  9. still not as irritating as a bunch of adult men on a music forum talking smack about a person who posts innocent comments on soundwank kiss my shinny armoured butt btw oh and afx renamed a track, heh -> 2 Tran 1 Env Delay Edit+3 [time Kink]+[Jessica Cortes mix] oh la la muchos butthurt glad master richard got a heart and a sense of humour unlike the lot of you Ivan, it's on the verge of being verbal harrassment - not to mention it's clogging up space where people would like to leave genuine comments / criticism (one of the unique and interesting perks of the SC platform) - I could start spamming this forum with "what"s and "whoa"s and "SAWIII when?"s, but I'm guessing you probably wouldn't appreciate that. i saw a comment that said "someone kill this bitch jessica" now that is rude and retarded and i can't stand short dick nuns like that i think there are worse things then someone having some fun on soundcloth and you know on any song there half of the comments from most people will be "awesome" "cool" "sawIII" just think of it like only one huge bukkake burst a song just scroll down when you see the red the afx junk is one of the awesome thing ever and i'm having loads of fun just like the rest of you so let's keep it that way for everyone I'm with Ivan - the whole thing is too awesome to worry about some over-excited commenter, and Rich obviously gets a giggle out of it. Fun times! +1 - had a little chuckle reading that new track title :) also:
  10. Herr Jan


    Me and Amen Lare Me.And AnnaK . And my brother. I think it may have been Audioblysks first live gig too. lol Yeah, after I posted that I already reasoned that it would probably be a lot
  11. Herr Jan


    Completely agree, this one is utterly brainmelting. Have heard them all four now but this one is already my favourite, as well as the most radically different from the others it seems? So happy to have the Utrecht one though, how many people can say they have a soundboard for their first ever AE gig :)
  12. Herr Jan


    Listening to the Utrecht one now as that was my very first Autechre gig :) really happy that I've got a soundboard for this. It's blowing my mind right now!
  13. I'm actually glad I'm not the only one finding Pallbearer incredibly boring. My mates love them, and we saw them live together with YOB last year. Boring standard colouring book doom metal with no power or punch or anything unique in it. Not a big fan of YOB but at least they destroyed the venue properly. I've also been forced to listen to the Pallbearer albums a few times as well but it just couldn't hold my interest at all. Those The Body tracks are great, someone shared them in chatmm recently (usagi?) and I saved the links, really dug it! Anyway, there's few metal bands that can hold my interest these days but these guys have always been my favourite (probably not the first time I'm mentioning them here), will finally see them live this weekend in Antwerp, together with Urfaust and Alkerdeel: Interesting vocal styles and lyrics, brown Belgian vibes, improvisation pieces, unique instruments for this style, midgets with beards, influences all over the place, carrots and beer, dirty production, all 10/10 imo.
  14. Weird, clicked on the page and it said 201 tracks. Refreshed, it said 261 tracks again. Now it's just 198 tracks :(
  15. Wow, nice spot! Listening on laptop speakers now in a noisey place but I can definitely hear the similarities. Also, Simmm and Quaristice as a whole are monumental and still hold up incredibly well (can't believe it's already over 7 years ago), absolute highlights.
  16. +1 although I'm very positive Glen's death was a cop out. He'll be back after 5 episodes at most.
  17. Sold at the colundi gigs, this is a limited to 300 12" compilation. A1 Written & Produced by Aleksi Perala A2 Written & Produced by Krzysztof Oktalski A3 Written & Produced by Reid Dunn A4 Written & Produced by F.M. D'Arcangelo 1-a Written & Produced by Jodey Kendrick 1-b Written & Produced by Todd Osborn 1-c Written & Produced by David Barnard 32 mins 33 rpm Bought it saturday and it's fantastic :) suprised to see it's already on YouTube, so here it is: You might have a shot at ordering one through we@colundi.net
  18. lol. i liked it but i see what you mean. i'm just so starved for good sci-fi that i'll take something half-decent gladly. i was pissed that they made mars look like arizona. this is the one planet that we know what it looks like, and quite well. it wouldnt have been hard for them to figure out how to make it look like mars, but they decided it needed to look like a funky arizona. some producer or effects manager decided mars doesnt look enough like arizona. one of the cool things about mars is that its so small, you see the curvature of the planet by looking at the horizon, but they never had a horizon shot because matt damon was always inside a canyon wherever he went. and mars doesnt look like narrow canyons everywhere, most of the place has a very vast look with very gradual inclines, and very distinct, gnarly rocks (not gnarly like those funky arizona rocks, gnarly like you can see millions of years of a different kind of erosion), but fuck that, sand and weird canyons is what we're going with. Funny how your technical remark from the standpoint of liking it makes the film seem much more shittier than Herr Jan's description (i didn't watch it). What the actual fuck, couldn't they make Mars look like Mars in 2015, fuck me. And they forgot to remove CLOUDS from the sky
  19. OK, kind of drunk maybe but I just saw The Martian in the theatre and I already declared it this generations Armageddon. How they can ruin a movie with so much cool set ups is beyond me, what an eternal shitfest. To summarize: picture an 80's montage, South Park style. Except for the emotions. End of movie. And don't forget the cliché of someone explaining things in jargon and someone else asking 'to have it translated in English please'.
  20. I was mentioning this yesterday but wasn't able to find it again, thanks! http://www.infinitelooper.com/?v=xyqw3IWGaKw&p=n#/57;61
  21. +1 Looks to me like someone who is aging with dignity and has opted not to go down the route of surgery and botox that a large percentage of females in the industry feel obligated to because of people like you. You look like a bit of an arsehole for having posted this +1
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