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Herr Jan

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Everything posted by Herr Jan

  1. https://soundcloud.com/user18081971/mulberry-bush https://soundcloud.com/user18081971/nutcrapper
  2. Damn, those Cheetah tracks... For some reason Dale Coopers advice comes to mind. Everyday brings a new present Also lol:
  3. Wow. Incredible journalism job there. Complete and utter bullshit.
  4. Since jasondonervan has vanished from watmm (unfortunately), I'm guessing it is in limbo. I'd still like to know what this was building up to though...
  5. Learn to fish yourself :) http://soundcloud-download.com/
  6. https://www.youtube.com/user/MillionDollarExtreme
  7. Like petina said, really glad to receive that Bradley Strider track digitally, even though I love my crackly vinyl pressing :) one of his best tracks from that period, absolutely magical and on a scale from 1-10 it rates 25 on the nostalgia scale. Where did he say that? he put a MDE video link (mind=blown) in his account profile description RDJ put a link to the 2010 era (when pornography was allowed her) watmm 'nice tits thread' in one of the earlier tracks. he must have somehow kept his own archive of the old watmm posts. It was classier than Mike P just posting 'pussy wall' over and over again the comments section of his SC dump Which track is that? Weird thing to do... They linked to my upload of the most recent batch (in 128kbps, called 'Fourth batch') before it went down, citing the source as 'from the internet'. This massive .zip however, came from a user on Reddit. And yeah, Resident Advisor and Fact have shown how horrible they are performing their profession when RA made an entire article based on a misinformed tweet as the source (that spoke about that Caustic Window account being legit) without any factchecking, then Fact Mag just copied their entire article, linking to RA as the source. None, all the new downloads are VBR
  8. He added a new description to 8 MTG (Mind The Gap) Edit Eq-Powerpill. I asked him a few days ago if this was supposed to be a PowerPill track (Mike P. once mentioned it in an interview with Joyrex, I posted that bit earlier in the thread), then he added the 'powerpill' bit to the track name as a response / confirmation that it was. Now he added this: this and 'jaws' were supposed to be possible follow ups for pacman but after i gave this to London records, they were like yeah mate, umm..when you do a track with vocals get in touch with us again..got some other funny stories about them.. Might upload the jaws track if i can find, was a bit weak though.
  9. It would be nice if people (not just you) would at least read the last few pages of the thread instead of posting the same question on every new page, it's been posted already. It's fake. Also, that 208th track is most likely just made up (also posted earlier).
  10. And the Caustic Window LP :) but yeah, this. Since that was released we had 22 hours of new music by Aphex and the confirmation bias'ed are looking for / wanting more accounts. Just focus on the stuff that's already there and be cautious in suspecting anything. And would like to join bitroast in saying thanks again to Aphex for such a huge undertaking just to share so much gems with the rest of the world. It has been a great ride!
  11. You might want to check out his Astro Unicorn radio shows, he did a shit ton of weekly shows full of great themes, fun stuff and top tunes a couple of years ago on Intergalactic FM. Most of them were saved and are up for streaming and download on his website (definitely worth it!): http://www.moosleybay.com/astro.htm
  12. It wasn't between RDJ and Cunningham. It was RDJ and Chris Jeffs (Cylob).
  13. Read a few pages back, Fredd-E 'unmasked' the person behind the YT-channel. It's not CC. The user on here who started this video thing in this thread is the guy behind the channel (big shock). The videos have nothing to do with Aphex, nothing that remotely links to him or anything. It's just random footage to troll (OMG, random numbers, this means something!) The 2 live videos are most likely sourced from other channels (look in the comment section of one of the two videos).
  14. Damn son. Hope that's just a hoax, haven't seen that posted anywhere.. well the infos (except maybe guesing to which era it belongs as they were just estimates..I think you know the drill) were always super quick and verbatim of soundlcoud..heck they even posted exact times when the tracks were put up..so as far as that goes I don't really think thats wrong info This extra track wasn't up yesterday evening, hours after the sc was pulled, so that's not a good sign. Can't everyone just edit that spreadsheet too? not anymore as far as I have understood. Since some people lieked to fuck with it too much there is as far as I know just one person able to do that now. Ah ok, thanks for the info. I'll just deny it exists until someone uploads a copy of it :)
  15. Damn son. Hope that's just a hoax, haven't seen that posted anywhere.. well the infos (except maybe guesing to which era it belongs as they were just estimates..I think you know the drill) were always super quick and verbatim of soundlcoud..heck they even posted exact times when the tracks were put up..so as far as that goes I don't really think thats wrong info This extra track wasn't up yesterday evening, hours after the sc was pulled, so that's not a good sign. Can't everyone just edit that spreadsheet too?
  16. Goddamnit. Someone just copied everything including his profile description and just uploaded the ages old MfM leak. Ffs. So yeah, please ignore.
  17. Was me who mentioned that 'shit knock-offs' comment, but I think that was one of the user-name squatters. It was under the 8user... username, but he'd already moved to user{BIRTH_DATE} at that point. Yup, that wasn't Richie. Thanks for clearing that up cebec, that Antartica thing was a bit vague to me.
  18. No news on why, he just vanished. He changed his name a few times (last one was user18081971 , his date of birth), then apparently posted something about Antartica (not sure about that), then it was gone. Every name he used throughout the event was copped by trolls. That was it. No news about the next step. Maybe it was pressure from 'suits', that could also explain why he didn't make the last batch downloadable (as a compromise maybe).
  19. What ? Chris also ? I thougt Cylob has a grudge against him ffs people keep getting it wrong lol No not Chris. I think he was mentioning Chris Clark, not CC... Whatever, some things are happening, that's what's cool lol, no. It was Chris Jeffs a.k.a. Cylob.
  20. ? Confirmed. I can confirm this confirmation. It can be confirmed that the people confirming the confirmation have confirmed it. Definitely confirmed.
  21. its not richard, it's rubbish music, you're stupid if you think this is him, etc etc. look at us now. I think skepticism is healthy, as long as its civil folks To be fair, this thread was initiated because of a fake account (or more), so those comments weren't that out of place. When the real account popped up it was around page 7 of this thread it was pretty obvious that it was really him this time around.
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