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Herr Jan

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Everything posted by Herr Jan

  1. Percy Sledge (73 y.o.) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FOaDgS1RKK0
  2. Not sure why I never posted in this thread before, probably because I didn't have much to contribute. Discovered loads through this thread though :) Anyway, I just stumbled upon one of my first noise albums I ever heard (besides Merzbow) and I still love it. Short introduction: Starting back in 1983 and ending in 1996, Torgersen spent over 12 years in the service of providing people with homemade bass and thunder, releasing a string of critically acclaimed albums, touring Norway and abroad with groups such as Nemlig Hemlig, Masters of Møh, SUPERskill and Lord Bård. In 1996 Torgersen left the scene due to a heavy depression. He went traveling around the world, bringing along a mini-disc and video camera. He collected a huge mass of images and sounds, resulting, inter alia, in the release of «Brown Ring of Fury».
  3. Oh yeah, those Spoilsbury Toast ones! I just remembered this one too:
  4. Perfect track to submerge with now, cheers!
  5. Burnt Face Man (and Salad Fingers obv) was the shit back in the day! He also seems responsible for getting loads of young kids into Aphex and BoC, which is nice :)
  6. You're not wrong, but the thing is you shouldn't have bothered replying imo
  7. Just rediscovered my copy of Container - LP (2012) and (re)found out that this guy is fucking batshit insane. Proof:
  8. Exactly. It would be less shitty if Showtime pulled the plug compared to what's actually happening now. Would it be unthinkable for Lynch to still shop around other networks? Netflix maybe? Or are his hands already contractually tied? Seeing the reactions from the actors (Kimmy Robertson, Peggy Lipton, Harry Goaz) on Twitter/fb I can't see how they would agree to even continue without Lynch. And already a petition has been set-up: https://www.change.org/p/showtime-save-twin-peaks
  9. First new Dodheimsgard album since the classic 'Supervillain Outcast' from 2007, and it is prrrretty impressive so far:
  10. I doubt it (I certainly wouldn't be able) but apparently there is a part of a wall of the restaurant dedicated to the people who finished it. It's mostly a homage / rip off from the Heart Attack Grill anyway (it's called the Heart Attack Burger).
  11. Nah, it isn't. Rephlex has ceased to exist and gave the rights to the music back to every artist, so everyone is free to do with it however they please = why you see a lot of artists throwing their Rephlex catalogue on bandcamp (EOD, Jodey, Ceephax, etc.) or soundcloud (Bogdan). In the case of Aphexs stuff it's more complicated since Chrysalis (his publisher) still owns the rights (afaik!), so I'm not expecting anything anytime soon, especially not bandcamp.
  12. So I went out for a bite with some mates in preparation for an all nighter gig with Moodymann. We all have the metabolism of a bumblebee so we thought it would be a good idea to get these mothers It was pretty basic (bacon, cheese, lettuce, red onion, etc. but it was amazing. I hardly touched the fries. And we were all bitching for hours on end on the dancefloor about having stomach aches. Couldn't eat anything for at least 16 hours. Tonight I'm going for that 'English Man' again, that nasty one a few pages back. The next challenge might be this one, if you eat it within 30 minutes you get it for free (otherwise it's €25)... Impossible.
  13. This is my jam for tonight right here https://soundcloud.com/heavytassen/radio-fenriz-1
  14. They are pretty far from each other, but isn't that exactly the point though? To see the progress and the things he experienced to give some context how some prick laywer came to be? I have nothing but praise for this show anyway, the last episode was incredible. Ever since I saw their use of color explained it got even better too.
  15. https://soundcloud.com/bakk-projects/dystopia-guy-tavares Fuck me what a set.
  16. Very likely yeah, didn't notice that! Just like I haven't noticed the artwork on 'Suzanne' before:
  17. Suprisingly (well, not really...) really little happened for a season finale, but it still was one of the better episodes this season. Actually, this has been one of the best seasons imo, together with the first one. Or maybe I'm just so used to shitty seasons that this one seems relatively great, dunno. But for the love of god... Please kill off that priest guy asap. Most annoying character in the shows history.
  18. Pretty much this! Still very much satisfied with Level 8 for a while though, can't get enough of it.
  19. Noice :) on 14 Floating∞ @user48736353001: this is actually one of my fave ever tracks, prob top 5 on 18 With My Family @krnlgk: thanks, i think this is also in my top 10 me tracs, gives me goosebumps all over, i know i did a good one when that KEEPS happening :)
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