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Herr Jan

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Everything posted by Herr Jan

  1. Wow https://soundcloud.com/user48736353001/3-slothscrape
  2. Finally, the Windowlicker scratch intro mystery has been solved! @chris-lockwood-14: yeah i think i gave the master to cunningham and it got lost, not sure,will check, btw its all me inc. the scratching, people kept asking me is that Luke? if it was luke i would have credited him, funny how people like to assume wht you can and can't do. And that 11th track from the Joyrex tape was a collab with Cylob apparently, and he is just as keen on Richard as he is/was on watmm... @asergh: that was with Cylob so i'd have to ask him, did a few with Chris back in the days when he used to talk to me, he's got some petty grudge against me, miss hanging out with him.
  3. Yeah, and his talk about still making 'simple' 90's house tracks is making me all fuzzy inside. Anything in the spirit of Laricheard style Analords would be just phenomenal. '@mark-cartwright-15: i did some similiar ones a few years ago, simple 90's vibes, turned out really good actually, will def post or release at right time.'
  4. https://soundcloud.com/user48736353001/13-phukup2 https://soundcloud.com/user48736353001/6-backdrop-trigger New ones
  5. Re: that track: @choochhale: ha yeah, that was only a 1st amen tryout, there is a finished version somewhere...
  6. Awes, someone asked (again) if he would release a Joyrex tape track and once again he did! Funny thing is that they are all (except one?) faster than on the leak.
  7. Enjoy your time over there / be safe Stephen! lol
  8. on 22 Gak Bass @horst-fascher: fanks, ive pissed a few suits off but they all go fuk themselves Besides that, he very quickly deleted that other version of Girl / Boy for obvious reasons. Warp doesn't look appear to be cool about this at all (no tweet or anything about it). I was thinking what Alfreddo above thought about the downloads being disabled from now on too, seems plausible although he might just turn them on later, who knows!
  9. Better just use this link / overview, I stopped using his frontpage for a while now.
  10. Read above, it's still online. https://soundcloud.com/user48736353001/1-lmt
  11. This has to be a repost but yeah, just stumbled upon this famous break again
  12. lol Medievil Rave Mk2 Face Culler says at 3:43: midievil rave is medievil rave after the plague hit Medievil Rave Mk2 [pre plague mix] Man, such a great tune though!
  13. *looks at lenght* *listens* aw yeah This! Must be the longest track he has ever released(-ish). What a treat once again!
  14. This ones pretty cool too http://ripitup.com.au/music/luke-vibert-ive-never-been-interested-in-promotion/
  15. http://www.dummymag.com/lists/the-10-best-weird-disco-songs-according-to-luke-vibert-kerrier-district
  16. Gib Gib? what is gib gib? 24 Triple D = Gib Gib One of the oldest unreleased AFX live recordings floating around on the web afaik, together two other tracks (named by a fan, Gah, Gebble and Gib Gib).
  17. Wow, Gib Gib and one of the 'Joyrex' tape tracks but sounds way more developed in the process? Unreal to hear the Gib Gib track after fucking ages of just imagining what it would sound like properly, based on that crappy audio recording of the NASA (?) / Old Trout gig. Yeah, realities are being scrambled once again!
  18. OMGwtfimotbh it's 4:20 @ 4/20 here now, quick!
  19. I merged two main PSA threads for obvious reasons. Anyway, the fourth mission has been uploaded: http://www.mixcloud.com/PenrynSpaceAgency/psa-mission-004/ This is the one with my fave mix of 2014, by Jodey Kendrick. Also interesting is they play a track from AFX's AB5, I'm assuming it's sourced from one of the testpresses? That has to be a first timer for it to be played on the radio. And the Vibert track at the end is an unreleased one too? Next episode will have a brand new Bogdan Raczynski mix in it apparently, have to watch out for that one :)
  20. If it'll be done it'll be done through R&S. Upon the Syro release Renaat ® did an interview on Belgian radio and talked about being contacted by Richard about something. He couldn't elaborate on the content :) *fingers crossed* Renaat did post on facebook recently that theres going to be a documentary about R&S to be made and aired on Belgian television... maybe Aphex will make an appearance? Sweet! Would be suprised if he did, but I'd still like to watch that doc anyway
  21. If it'll be done it'll be done through R&S. Upon the Syro release Renaat ® did an interview on Belgian radio and talked about being contacted by Richard about something. He couldn't elaborate on the content :) *fingers crossed*
  22. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=11p0y9z1XOU
  23. Thanks for sharing! Missed opportunity to ask about Kerrier District or other upcoming things, or ask him about the soundcloud dump and Luke's old archive, ah well :)
  24. 10/10 post. Highly due for a classic Beefheart binge again soon :)
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