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Herr Jan

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Everything posted by Herr Jan

  1. Small chance, Richard explained why he did this instead of releasing a compilation in an interview right before the Syro release. From OOR mag (third time posting it in this thread but what the hell): I recently tried to craft an oldschool compilation. I literally have hundreds of tracks from around Selected Ambient Works 85-92. But after three hours I already gave up. I tried it a few more times, but I just cant get trough that pile of music. After three hours I dont even know why I'm doing this, it feels so pointless" Was this for your own pleasure or for a commercial release? "For an release. I'm thinking of releasing a boxset. But it feels a bit like you died, isn't it? That's what I told Warp. They said: you should put a gravestone on it! But I have already done that.[on the cover of the Girl/Boy single you can find a gravestone of his stillborn brother who would have been named Richard James]. I'm not sure what to do with it. Rephlex stopped, so that's not really and option. I still have some other ideas though, maybe I'll release some stuff anonymously. That's always fun, to see what happens. I think I'll go that way." Besides that, if the rumour by Philie T (look a few pages back) is true, he could continue using the SC for uploading more tracks as the months go by. Who knows :)?
  2. I really doubt Warp and RDJ have anything other than a very relaxed contract or agreement. I don't think RDJ likes any control at all over his work, and Warp probably provide the distribution and marketing and not much else, and Rich is probably very happy with that if he still releases through them/Bleep. It's not like Rich is going to need much cash to cover mastering (does he do that stuff himself? I forget), and he has his own studio to work and record in, so with Warp providing very little, they can't demand very much back. Contracts come in all different "shapes and sizes" so there is no need to assume Warp hold rights over his work, it could just be the distribution/marketing of it. edit: That being said, they're probably missing out on a lot of dosh, but probably not much they can do about it. The "Barry's Bangers" splattering of the google docs a couple of days ago claimed CCAI was a contract breaker, which seems to match with an interview given years ago about how after 'Drukqs' he had 2 albums to go on his Warp contract (if my memory serves me at all, which is debatable.) I don't believe any of it. Back when Drukqs was released the word 'contract breaker' was dropped a lot too, it seemed almost insulting. But lets go back to the year 2009 (links to scans), when Steve Beckett from Warp did an interview with the German magazine Groove. He stated that Aphex Twin signed a contract for three new albums. He also said there will be a release of an elaborate box set with all sorts of archive material (not only Aphex) for the 20th anniversary. That last bit is already way overdue, but could still happen (although I doubt it seeing how this SC 'scuppered' those plans), but in the case of new albums, Richard and Warp aren't finished I think (although their relationship seems watered down since Rob Mitchell passed away, but that's another story). Besides that, now that Rephlex has quit it doesn't seem like a logical decision, but logic isn't in question in this case I guess :)
  3. Cool, nice find at both the AGCG and KD track :) they both seem to mention or play AGCG all the time so must be a great influence! Same with Larry Heard btw, tracks like Sams Car and Laricheard (obviously) are basically Mr. Fingers tributes (and great ones at that).
  4. Very nice these, thanks :)! The only Warp related clue is in the fact that it was tweeted by the official account of Aphex, which is managed by Warp. Besides that, they've been awfully quiet indeed :)
  5. And this one doesn't have some glitch like the 'extended' Dixons track had. Interesting, thanks for grabbing it so fast then :)
  6. Thanks! I believe it's another version of it... but if you tell me it's the same track... i believe in u ;-) Shotkeya is exactly the same as Schottkey 7th Path but wrongly titled underneath the video that it was accompanied it, just like Ageispolis became 'Aegosopolis' (although that was MTV's Party Zone). http://www.discogs.com/Various-3-Lux-3/release/339476
  7. Loved that Preslav Literary School album and that Gigi Masin track, thanks :) I've been really playing these a lot lately: And because of this thread I have been playing this track over and over again tonight: http://youtu.be/CpznCSeqMxw?t=23m33s
  8. I wonder if those two modular synthesis/field recording albums featured any of the material from the noyzelab interview. there is about an hour of stuff there. A handful of tracks from the Noyzelab interview was made into a playlist on SC by Richard called 'Modular Trax', I guess that was at least one of them, and then there's the rest in there which could also be related to it, although I don't notice a lot of field recordings on any of them.
  9. http://forum.watmm.com/topic/11144-q-chasticmelodies-from-mars/?do=findComment&comment=225809 funny going through all these old threads for info about this early stuff, and finding comments I left 8 years ago that I have no memory of. Rephlex Discography - 1991/92-----------------------------NCC 1701 IG-88/Voafose and Ohm Double A side 4 track 12"CAT 002 Q:Chastic 4 track double 7"CAT 003 Strong Island Players 1 sided promoCAT 004 Caustic Window 5 track EPCAT 005 Caustic Window 4 track white vinyl EPTR 606 The Cyberchildren 3 track (club use only)CAT 007 The Kosmik Kommando 4 track clear vinyl 12"CAT 008 Analogue Bubblebath 3 8 track EPart 2cd Various Compilation CDCAT 010 The Kosmik Kommando 6 track samplerFuture releases - 1993----------------------CAT 011 Green Calx 2 track picture diskRLP 101 Rephlex Compilation albumCAT 013 Space Avenger Cassette So Cat011 was originally gonna be a 2-track picture disc by 'Green Calx' out in 93. That never happened at it became a Cylob release. Could be some of these tracks? Maybe it evolved into the U.I. Green release. Theres also some other early pseudonyms/artists I'm not familiar with. IG-88=GW-C, Voafose=Simmonds, dunno about Ohm, Strong Island Players or Cyberchildren. Such a gem this list, so many things that didn't happen unfortunately! If my memory serves me right, Cyberchildren was the initial name given to U.I. Red under the guise of Martin Tressider, him being of course Richard (later credited in the AB3 sheet). The three track EP never got released obviously, but considering we got a couple of very U.I. style tracks in this batch I wouldn't be suprised if they were the ones planned for release.
  10. Fun to reread this article from 2010 - up until a couple of months ago I thought this was the most ridiculous claim, writing it off as some typical nonsense, something that would never see the light of day anyway. Now it seems almost an understatement "I've got six completed [albums]," James told FactMag.com. "Two are very non-commercial, abstract, modular-synthesis, field recordings – those I finished four years ago. Another one is 'Melodies From Mars', which I redid about three years ago." He added: "There's one of stuff I won't go into; a comp of old tracks. Which is never really finished and always changing; and then one I'm working on now. There are also loads of tracks which don't belong anywhere." However James would not be drawn on when any of these records might be released.
  11. Completely agree with the last statement. As far as Q-Chastic goes, I remember Joyrex saying that the 12" has very little to do with the Symbonsad / 002 track musically. Here are the quotes: I was told the Q-Chastic stuff sounds like typical 4/4 dance tracks, nothing special. + http://forum.watmm.com/topic/11144-q-chasticmelodies-from-mars/?do=findComment&comment=225809 I was hoping to maybe be able to tell if there are any Q-Chastic tracks in this batch, but it's impossible to say, although the first thing I thought when hearing the second Bimbongo was - as if it was made in the same day / week as 002.
  12. What are these Space Night videos? Any context? Some really chilled stuff in here, lovely combination with the footage too :) nevermind, already found it. Why didn't the Netherlands have something as cool as this on TV?! I've been missing out!
  13. Basically it's just the soundcloud tracks but you have to wait for a clichéd loading screen, you can't skim through the tracks, the titles are harder to read and there are more annoying flickering images. Conclusion: seems more appropriate for Autechre :)
  14. http://www.discogs.com/Soft-Ballet-Twist-And-Turn/release/181858
  15. Both 128 and 320 are 4:37 for me with that track.
  16. Aphex on the frontpage of his account: 'fly away babies, good luck!' Thanks Rich, downloaded them all :)
  17. Luke Vibert did a remix competition for his track Sci-Fi Staircase in Future Music - Richard entered under the name of a friend of his called Tahniaya Russel (or something) and won. When it was discovered it was him, they did an interview with him and an article about it and gave the runner-up the prize. Richards track was never released, no, but quickly after that recording showed up and people assumed that must be that remix he did. Weird, you'd think they would release the track... =/ Read all about it here: The description is much more suited to the one released now (pretty relaxed and sophisticated, acid lines) then the previous Sci-Rem. So yeah, pretty obvious :) And it was never released, not sure if the runner-up was even released (although the guy did post it on his SoundCloud recently, he posted a comment on Aphex his SC last week about it :))
  18. Luke Vibert did a remix competition for his track Sci-Fi Staircase in Future Music - Richard entered under the name of a friend of his called Tahniaya Russel (or something) and won. When it was discovered it was him, they did an interview with him and an article about it and gave the runner-up the prize. Richards track was never released, no, but quickly after that recording showed up and people assumed that must be that remix he did. edit: basically this is the post that made the assumption, back in 2006. Velazquez was also the one naming it 'Sci-Rem' (short for Sci-Fi Staircase Remix) http://forum.watmm.com/topic/12347-future-music-luke-vibert-remix/?do=findComment&comment=251479
  19. yeah, it was that track that won the remix competition i'm not sure if the newly uploaded track was from the same or another remix comp, i'm confused It was never confirmed that Sci-Rem track was in fact the one submitted, watmm just assumed it was (I did too). We can assume that the track Richard just uploaded was the one that was submitted. Mainly because this track actually has elements of Sci-Fi Staircase in it, the other has nothing to do with it. So, that Sci-Rem track is just another unreleased Aphex (I assume) that was cut from a recording of a Luke Vibert set, the one Richard posted is the real competition thing.
  20. I've missed quite a lot of posts in this thread but I did see quite a lot of ridiculous fakes, please note that there's a separate thread for this. Bandcamps and soundclouds except for the two main ones are all 99% fake, so please be cautious! Now, on the real news: FINALLY!!! I've been hoping for this remix to show up so badly... really suprised it wasn't the Sci-Rem one (another unreleased track then?). Great remix :) Underneath the new upload in the description, gone now. soz, only 192 , the rest r mainly 320 i think, in middle of nowhere travelling with slo internets, would take2 long for anything else..going offline now cya
  21. Hah, I only have that bit where he mentions that part about 'bigger than my balls'. Hope to find the entire thing someday too! (1998) Interview excerpt (they're as big as my balls).mp3
  22. Don't even bother with that 'longer' version. Like Bambi said on the previous page, it is just a corrupt file (it glitches / loops at 3:55), hence it was replaced with the correct version.
  23. Definitely! Now I want to hear the other "Joyrex tape" tracks in the correct speed too :) Funny, I didn't even see this description with Fresher + Cleaner: This was the fastest techno track in existence when i made it, jus sayin, time is the strangest thing
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