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Herr Jan

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Everything posted by Herr Jan

  1. That track in the OP is one of my most played tunes this last week, just incredible. In other news, I moved the thread to the music discussion forum (for obvious reasons). For other threads on this series though, check: http://forum.watmm.com/topic/77098-various-artists-edm-a2/ http://forum.watmm.com/topic/78853-various-artists-edm-b2/ http://forum.watmm.com/topic/84200-edm-c2-d4-e1/ So now that this is basically a main Jodey thread now:
  2. 'Free personal worldwide delivery on a satin pillow.'
  3. Merry christmas from Herr Flick Jan! I just remembered that it was exactly 5 years ago when Rephlex put the digital webshop online. Since I don't celebrate christmas (properly, with gifts that is) that is still the best christmas present I ever got from someone. Even though I had to pay for it myself. Still though, that was such a great move.
  4. Happy days, the MD just popped in the mail! I'll be celebrating Colundi instead of Christmas :) P.S. - https://www.linkedin.com/pub/colundi-sequence/9b/746/280/nl
  5. Oh wow, the soundtrack has finally been released! Didn't even catch that! And I agree completely, first attempts to watch this (alert, lots of coffee, etc.) didn't work out, so I tried it deep in the night with a lot of scotch. Amazing experience, both visually as musically. Best movie I've seen this year.
  6. Nothing yet unfortunately. I contacted APMusik and he agreed about it taking too long, so he sent out a new one :) hope this one will arrive safely!
  7. Welcome! Good to have more Vibert lovers on board :)
  8. I'd be slightly concerned, as I got mine shipped here to the US several days ago... And I had order #5 nonetheless! Not a good sign at all. Thanks, I'll send out a mail if I haven't received anything by tomorrow.
  9. I think he confirmed that it was, yeah. Most likely his robots in action :)
  10. The short version was available on his Soundcloud you will probably remember. I hope it will be available in the next shit (if there will ever be such thing). it wasn't the short version if i remember correctly, i think he just said he played back a break loop he made from the same sessions. That track is brilliant though, it's like aphex concocting his own spin on Pierre Bastien. edit: it also kind of reminds me of that band Dawn of Midi Exactly, definitely got those Bastien vibes too. Still I think it works mainly because of the mix with that SAW 2 track that is playing backwards, not sure. Checking out Dawn Of Midi now, nice one!
  11. Haven't received the MD yet, getting a tad worried because other UK orders I made later are already in, and previous Colundi orders were relatively fast. Am I the only one?
  12. I'm really not that much of a gamer, but this weekend I tried a couple of games. First of all was Half Life: Deathmatch. No complaints there. Still brilliant. Now, with my new laptop I can finally play Starcraft 2 and Diablo 3, and after two months of owning them I haven't played more than two hour each, but as far as I can judge they are brilliant. More of a SC fan though, so I'm getting that done first. After that I was giving NFS: Hot Pursuit a shot: bought it from Steam for close to nothing a while ago because sometimes I just want to have a quick race game where I can drive like an idiot for an hour and be done with it. It might be me and my lack of knowledge of modern games, but I think this was the most annoying game I've ever played. My entire prejudice about modern gaming bundled in one shitty game. First you have to set up some account, turned out I already had one, didn't remember password, didn't receive a reset mail after waiting for an hour, made another account, had to enter the keycode, keycode already in use with another account... Yada yada yada, no online account for me. I'm probably better off that way. Then the entire menu only works with the up and down arrow, which takes loads of work and is completely rubbish because they didn't built a keyboard with this laptop for nothing. After that you get countless intros / videos that you can't skip. Just impossible. More precious time down the drain. But it doesn't end there. Now all the other bullshit around it comes about: achievements, more intros and advertising for the cars you can't skip, etc. Just when I think I can finally just play, somebody decided that the controls should be completely different then any other (racing) game, so first I have to reset that. Now I can finally start having fun... ...That is, if endless explanation is your idea of fun. This is like the Christopher Nolan of games. After so many years of NFS they suddenly have to PAUSE the entire game to show you there is a cop car coming? With the message that you should avoid it?! C'mon, what were they thinking? And why do you receive points if you take any place that isn't last? How is that an achievement? And then there's the horrible music... Still, like a soldier I carried on playing, unlocking more car commercials everytime I won. And I won every 10 races I played because it was dead easy as well and just quit. Never again. Back to Super Turrican II.
  13. I've been craving this album a lot lately, which is new for me, but I'm really starting to love this album as a whole. Even though I agree with the production being a bit stale / bleak? I think this was more intentional then I might've believed at first. I think the challenge for him was to make it a positive album instead of going the easy way and make it a dark album. Like Richard said in the Noyzelab interview: mankind needs as much positive/trippy/awakening/next level non dark thought provoking vibes as possible right now, we are living in a mega dark spiritual age and its 2easy to channel that into our music but I think we have to try really hard to drag ourselves out of it and dream up new mind expanding music & art, thats definitely not boring nu age yawnsville. For me, he completely delivered with that, there's no darkness at all on Syro imo. It really turned out to be an incredible mature and rich lush Rich sounds. Now the only thing missing is this track... http://youtu.be/4cNdH-EZYUM?t=5m55s
  14. Just a heads up some people might enjoy hearing: Polarius - Winter In Polarius will be repressed soon! One of my faves
  15. That is still my fave version too, downloaded from zilty (in horrible quality) I think. I always thought the 'Switch' sample was to indicate they would switch turns on the decks, but that's highly unlikely of course :) I just skimmed through the Noyzelab interview in search for more unknown artists, and with the first one I found I immediately hit the jackpot with the first hit on YouTube: Herbert Eimert: Klangstudie II (1952) most likely another Aphex selection played over Luke's choice (I assume) - Trouble Funk Express (around 34 min. in the full set above).
  16. From that Freemium Gaming episode, South Park felt like good ol' South Park again. Definitely the best season in years, and those final two episodes... Brilliant.
  17. Ordering a small package from UR / Submerge is way too hard. It took three weeks from ordering to the items actually being sent and another two weeks for it to arrive. But the worst part are the costs: a shirt + two 12"s it was $30,- + $30 shipping costs + it was taxated at the border so was just billed for another $30.- on top.
  18. WOW!!! I kind of lost track on Exaltics this year, but this badass deep acid burner completely got me back in.
  19. Last one was the midseason-finale. As usual they now can take a hard earned half year break in which they take extra courses in gravity and gun-aiming lessons. I didn't know about the spin-off though... I asked to END the show, not EXPAND on it.
  20. LOL, what is everyone hatin' on my delicious burger with egg? It is awesome anyway, in my defense, this is not my FAVE burger, but it's... well, quite good. Oh shit, haha. Is that a boob in top right? Also is it called 'the English man' because it's unhealthy and pasty looking? That my friend, is a chin I thought it was because of the bacon and egg in it, but that's probably because I have never seen or eaten a pasty that looked like this burger.
  21. No need to attack with retard accusations here, remember, it's just taste :) What I meant with that 'mastered' sentence was that he thinks he has done enough with that style, so goes on with other stuff. No need for the artist to repeat it, as much as fans feel entitled to hear more of that stuff. I still respect Squarepusher because of the same reason, even though I disliked his last couple of albums, at least I'm pretty confident he'll do something completely different everytime. Nevermind, I'll just let my avatar do the talking "They always want a return to OUR old albums, but that is philosophically impossible, they really only want to rediscover again the first time they heard Under a Funeral Moon, and that is ALSO impossible. But when I want Bonded By Blood by Exodus, I go and listen once more to that album. I don’t sit and dream about Exodus making that album once more. Because if they DID get that exact same sound the riffs and songs would be different and you would still react as if it had changed a lot. It is philosophically invalid wishes. And especially has no root in reality." He has always claimed to making his tracks in a few hours btw, also before 2005. He made the distinction between Legowelt tracks (harder work) and for example Polarius (quick, live, raw, like his fave track, Apollo Park, was made in less than an hour! In the early 2000's! Same with Gladio, etc.). TL:DR - I still like his stuff, new and old. All good :)
  22. Wow, I was just playing that vid yesterday, was getting back into his stuff again. I was completely obsessed by his stuff, especially this show around age 13... I was one of those annoying kids who could repeat every line of the entire show. He did a few UK shows too, and a lot of his stuff is subtitled on YouTube, but most of it doesn't come across that well I think. Most of my fave stuff is Dutch obviously (Theo Maassen, Lebbis, Poelmo!) but I also really like Jim Jefferies, as well as Jimmy Carr and that whole English crew and Bill Hicks mostly. The problem with most American standup is you have to wait until the audience shuts up every minute before the guy/woman can finish their joke. And this: http://youtu.be/WUJFuRoWyWc?t=55s Which reminds me that Maddox should be included in the list too, even though it is not stand up comedy.
  23. So, basically he shouldn't try to impress anyone and just do his own thing but only if that thing is to just release the same Italo influenced stuff he already mastered 15 years ago? And if he should try to do this, isn't he just trying to impress the vasio mong on the watmm forum :)? I agree though that not all of those 'raw / live' tracks are overwhelming in quality and effort, especially with his earlier Strange Life albums, but he himself claims admits to have a low quality barrier too, but that wasn't different before 2005. He also admits working a lot longer on proper Legowelt tracks, as opposed to other aliases, and I can really hear that in for example that recent Clone album (The Paranormal Soul). I don't prefer anything (just good music), live or programmed to hell, but I'd rather have him change his sound / studio every now and then. He still releases EP's with tracks that are hit or miss, but when it hits... Always worth the experiment instead of playing safe by just bashing out the same albums like some Motorhead-style album factory. The way I see it, he's doing his own thing more than anyone else in that scene these days.
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