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Herr Jan

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Everything posted by Herr Jan

  1. Yes, somewhere in the middle. It was also played in some set from 1993 (I think it was the Old Trout set in Windsor).
  2. Like someone else on here said (and what I repeated a couple of times), if we should believe the title of Selected Ambient Works 85-92, this is the 30th anniversary of his music making. Together with all the old tracks and scans and plans for watmm / Warp and Aphex... Well, these are exciting times!
  3. https://soundcloud.com/user487363530/somewhereottgtbag
  4. I definitely know this one from an old live recording... Anyone remember which one?
  5. Well, more confirmation for people still doubting... Richard played 8 Utopia live in Barcelona in 2010: (around 7 minutes in)
  6. I was about to preorder this and then I saw the shipping rate. 25 euros?! Sad. I can't do it. That's harsh indeed. They are a very small (trustworthy) company so they can't afford to lower the prices too much I guess (unregistered is €20, still a lot though). Is Clone another option for you? They are sure to get it too.
  7. Great new mix from the man on Ninja Tunes Solid Steel + new interview mentioning a new ambient album, sounds interesting http://t.co/6jiaevsXfj
  8. We don't know the timeline. It's quite possible, since Richard said that one was recent, but that's the only one we have a timeline for relative to the Syro album proper. You could deduct a little bit from when they were first played live - one track from the new EP has been played during the Metz gig in 2010, together with Xmasevet10. Another one or two were played in Wroclaw in 2011. 180db is the oldest one, being played in the Snowbombing set in 2005. Minipops was first played in 2007, just like 4 bit. PAPAT4 was first played live in 2011 (afaik) and Aisatsana in 2012 at the Barbican. The other Syro tracks are the most recent, with Marchrom taking the cake. Maybe a track from the new EP or one of the Noyzelab tracks that could be more recent, but I'm definitely not sure! Am I missing something?
  9. Well, Fact Mag has been reading up on watmm too :)
  10. Tiny tidbit added to that Parking Lot track: "made in 1988-89". And even Mike Paradinas has commented on the Chink 101 track: Planet Mu Records says at 0:31: Thanks Rich - like an early version of this www.youtube.com/watch?v=K8Bi_9nOu5Y For anyone still doubting if this is legit :)
  11. As a follow up to 2014's thread, 2015 is not starting too well with Edgar Froese of Tangerine Dream and now Demis Roussos of Aphrodite's Child at the age of 68.
  12. True Amen Warrior, they both seemed to really like that sample though :) Anyway, this seems to be connected to his 30 year anniversary of music making again (check the guess the new shit thread). He has told before that he had some DATs / test pressings at his parents house (like Q-Chastic), these tracks fit perfectly after those Noyzelab tracks and scans (also the scans Diskhat soundcloud track)...
  13. Maybe the songs are old, but he has polished some parts over the years, rerecorded others, etc. The percussion in those tracks are all over his older released stuff, the hi-hats as well. Btw, besides the beginning Ageispolis melody in Quad Rave, there is also the main synth pad in that track that has the same chords as .000890569 from AB3. And the end of Bimbingo also resembles a Pink Floyd sample? Damn, this one is incredible edit: notice the tag in the latest track is now 'early afx' instead of 'like early afx' :)
  14. There hasn't been anything taken down. He first uploaded that slower Q-Chastic 002 track under the name Bimbongo but replaced it with what it is now after only 5 minutes. This thread could be of interest for that: http://forum.watmm.com/topic/83182-squidge-in-my-fridge/
  15. Don't think that's the same scream from AB4, but I do know it's the same scream that Luke uses in his DJ sets as presets. Luke also did a remix of the original track where the sample is from: Which is even more proof that it's Aphex behind this, together with all the other clues in the music, the BS backstory and Aphex commenting on it + the fact that Bimbongo was at first Q-Chastic's 002 (but slower) before being deleted after 5 minutes and replaced by a track that sounds like it was made in the same week as 002.
  16. Quad Rave at 2:18 (before and after that too) - does that sound like the first bit of the Ageispolis melody or what?
  17. https://soundcloud.com/user487363530/parking-lot 'recorded off the radio, the sample..i think..this ones going out to damo, RIP mate your very missed.' From the Noyzelab interview: rich: particular period around 94, made in 36 clissold crescent north london, dont think you ever lived there? im sure u went there though? a lot of mates/mates of mates lived there memory is a bit hazy/smodged of that decade !-) I made ICBYD, RDJ, half of SAW2 etc etc there, amazing good times. dave: yea top vibes, i lived at 36 clissold for a while (about 6 months, well i still had my place in suffolk, so used to flit back & forth…), but was jus after u left an got the bank, late 90′s i tink prob 98 or 99! hazytimez 4 sure! I lived in the tiny room near the door over the stairs, damo got a vid of me setup in there once… Same one? Also in another noyzelab article about AFX: it all started when we were on the rephlex tour of turkey / israel / egypt in 2000, me & damo were doing video projections/vj. that was a time! rephlex co-founder grant was asked by Spannered "What are the 3 most cherished memories you hold from 20 years of Rephlex?" one of which was
  18. That (new) Bimbingo track is like discovering hearing a bonus track from The Philosophy of Sound and Machine by far the most convincing 'mysterious Aphex-or-not account' so far. Is this a taster for the infamous 'boxed set' Grant told about years ago :)?
  19. That's just Q-Chastic - 002 played a tad slower? Suzanne and Quad Rave are brilliant tracks btw... What is going on exactly :) "like early aphex but I'd never heard of him when I wrote all these tracks im going to be uploading" That's the description of Original Chaos Riff, that uses the exact same drum beat and pads as some SAW 85-92 era tracks. Eeither a good fake or Richard is up to something good again :)
  20. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pY5gUM1jJ2M
  21. Herr Jan

    SUN RA

    Great start with June Tyson on vocals, she made a lot of tracks stand out. Anyway, I'd say try these first: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9NJ2oXwWEvw (and the rest of Sleeping Beaty and On Jupiter, two of my alltime faves) http://youtu.be/rmqe_v11q3U?t=1m59s And then according to what you like (really far out or more traditional) move your way forwards or backwards :) Far out albums: The Heliocentric Worlds of Sun Ra, Cosmic Tones For Mental Therapy, Hiroshima More 'traditional': Jazz In Silhouette, Lanquidity, Supersonic Jazz
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