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Everything posted by fumi

  1. Also this, (in a slightly less obvious way). September 27th, 1985. https://youtu.be/nezoHhdVOUU
  2. Anthony Hopkins and Ed Harris signed two season deals (apparently). After that.. who knows.
  3. He doesn't watch TV and doesn't own a TV. Amazing actor. Incredible body of work over many decades. http://www.inquisitr.com/3602186/westworld-star-anthony-hopkins-reveals-why-hell-never-watch-the-show/
  4. I'll be honest, I just watched the penultimate episode and I'm getting lost now. It's hard to figure out what is real and what isn't. It's got a bit confusing to say the least.
  5. There's a couple of tracks like that. It's the same underlying track.maybe he was just recording over older material and it leaked through. I think so. It's a deliberate thing. Part of his aesthetic, I guess.
  6. Good album. The first side is definitely much stronger though.
  7. Is this the full 15 track edition. Can't find details.
  8. Good YouTube channel for arcane 70s/80s library music. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCpUaVaLffIuWGnxvDpapbrQ
  9. Released in 1986. Later sampled by FSOL.
  10. There is another track playing underneath No More Dreams V. You can hear it at the end.
  11. New episode (7). MAJOR stuff happening in this episode. I didn't see it coming. Well done to the writers.
  12. Thursday's UK newspaper front pages. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/blogs-the-papers-37946138
  13. For real. It's gonna be decisions far greater than dealing with disgruntled people who clean his hotels.
  14. I really doubt this. He's got Republican majority in Senate and House, so if he "Becomes practically a democrat" he'll be fighting against both and greatly disappointing his supporters. What motivation does he have to do this? "Doing the right thing?" He's given zero shits about this up to this point. I dunno. You may be right. It just feels that so much of his outward persona is just brash, obnoxious and so forth and yet I believe there is another man in there somewhere. During the last eighteen months, there were a few moments (so fleeting they may have been said to have never even occurred) where I felt he accidentally let his guard slip. Sometimes it was an expression or just his body language.
  15. Those riots. That would been a hundred times worse if Trump had lost. Just saying. The people taking to streets - they're democrats. They believe in democracy. Or maybe only when their candidate wins.
  16. You surely mean 'Magic In You'. I mean come on. That track is lush as fuck. Utterly gorgeous and uplifting.
  17. I've noticed a few similarities between your album and that of Steve Hauschildt in that both of you seem to prefer a quite small sonic palette and try to coax as much beauty out of that as possible. Do you think this is a growing trend in electronic music? I can't say 'new' because Eno sometimes used to limit himself to just a DX7 in the 1980s.
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