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Everything posted by Squee

  1. Ok, so not quite a pizza, but I made this from left over pizza dough and baked the bread/bun in my pizza oven. I sprinkled maldon salt and oregano on it before throwing it into the oven. It puffed up like crazy in the oven, and once it came out, I cut it open, added mozzarella, parmesan, mortadello, pesto, spinach, and tomatoes. Turned out pretty fucking good if I must say so myself.
  2. I’m back, bitches!
  3. You're right. Social media has given everyone and their uncle - and dumb celebrities - a voice. By the way, has TikTok been banned in the US yet?
  4. That looks like a fucking rocket.
  5. Not available where I am. Damnit. Also, I love your search.
  6. Can't seem to find it anywhere. No streaming service, no nothing. Where did you watch it?
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