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Everything posted by Squee

  1. My friends and I have made a Google Doc spreadsheet full of movies that we've never seen but always saw on the shelves at the video rental place when we were kids or movies that everyone has forgotten (such as the Ben Hur remake from 2010) We use Picker Wheel to decide which movie to watch. It's always an amazing experience. I can't wait for the wheel to land on Cool World.
  2. Looks thiccer than it was. Just a lot of goody air in that crust
  3. I’m no longer using a rolling pin. Level up!
  4. Yeah, sound design and music. I can't talk about it because "business". Was told about it two weeks before launch.
  5. So a game I did the sound design and music for, that I can't talk about, is out on Apple Arcade today.
  6. Omfg. I completely forgot about Soundmurderer.
  7. "If it takes forever" by Connie Francis. But mainly due to THAT episode of Futurama.
  8. It's been a while... Last night I made a test pizza with mushroom thaht had been fried in lots of garlic, lemon, salt, and pepper and ricotta, parmesan cheese, and mozzarella. Before putting it in the oven I put some honey on it so it would caramelize in the oven. Once it came out I added some fresh lemon sezt and a bit more honey. Turned out okay, but it could have used a bit more of everything. After After that I made one with salsiccia, mozzarella, parmesan, red onion, and when it came out of the oven I added some truffel oil.
  9. Two days into my summer break and I've been working both days.
  10. Started playing Fallout New Vegas for the first time. Seems solid only an hour in.
  11. Got into a verbal fight with some parents whose kid was having a party. Fucking idiots.
  12. Wait, Harold from Twin Peaks died?!
  13. Sounds like the Steamdeck would be a better purchase in the long run. More expensive you can play anything from MAME to PS3 games on it - and of course, your Steam library. I'm thinking about buying one.
  14. We don't have a "current state of the UK" thread, so this goes here...
  15. recorded-20526049042611.mp4 I don't know how to use Snapchat but I recently found out that this filter makes everything better.
  16. 40 is a great age and she still looks great.
  17. If you don't already, you should 100% use Letterboxd instead. First of all, the reviews are pretty hilarious, people are self-concious about their bullshit, and the Film Lists are great.
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