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Everything posted by Squee

  1. You just reminded me of how much I hate Jerry Seinfeld's shoes in that show.
  2. On dicogs it says that it was mixed here https://www.discogs.com/label/266840-Power-Station so it was probably one of these four guys Larry Alexander Neil Dorfsman Matthew Lamonica Rhett Davies
  3. I have a huge layer of calculus on the backside of my teeth. I should probably go to the dentist.
  4. Individual 1 has been fairly quiet lately, hasn't he?
  5. I can't tell if that's a shreds video or not?
  6. No, I totally know what you're talking about. After 4 hours of digging the backside of my thigh started feeling so weird. Weird in ways I've never tried before. Must have been all the stomping I did on the spade. Man, it felt great! Let me know if anyone else needs a tree removed.
  7. If you're ever in the mood for a Gaspar Noé movie you need to talk to someone.
  8. I dug up a big tree today, chopped its roots with a fucking axe, and pushed that son of a bitch over, and I've never felt more manly! My whole body is now aching and I can feel muscles that I've never felt before.
  9. It's a resampled piano. Back then we had absolutely no way of recording anything so we would just sample stuff off the radio and throw it into Battery.
  10. Clearly, the people who rejected it are slack jawed yokels. It even sounds good on my laptop speakers. Haha, cheers, man! I ended up making something else the client approved, so I’m gonna use that track I posted for a video game Hahaha, holy shit that’s old!
  11. Wifey talked me into getting the kiddos vaccinated, now I'm gonna have to see them grow up all tarter sauce : ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4k5L2yPufoM ...?! PS. Homer suddenly throwing shit at that guy is amazing.
  12. This sketch was rejected for a soundtrack. I really liked it :(
  13. Means Microsoft is trying to become a platform for online gaming rather than have Live exclusively for its consoles.Plus, once streaming becomes the norm you’ll be able to play Gears of War 9 on your SwitchI think the streaming titles currently on Switch: Resident Evil 7 and Assassin's Creed Odyssey in Japan, plus the similarity of the Switch hardware to the Nvidia Shield, have motivated MS to include Nintendo in this campaign. But yeah, XBL is definitely headed to an open platform service. It make sense - the money is in the services, not in the hardware or games. Think about if MS had ALL (including PC master race folk) users paying to play online together - they'd make a fortune. I wouldn't be surprised if the NextBox is nothing more than a generic PC focused on streaming games. They’re working on two consoles and my guess is that one is a streaming box and the other one is a regular console but able to stream as well
  14. Means Microsoft is trying to become a platform for online gaming rather than have Live exclusively for its consoles. Plus, once streaming becomes the norm you’ll be able to play Gears of War 9 on your Switch
  15. I'm going to Pax East to show off a game. Fuck. GamesCom was fucking tough. I've never been so tired my entire life. I couldn't even recognize myself in the mirror.
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