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Everything posted by gl0tch

  1. I actually don't know what to think of the track. Like Awepitttance said, this is def in the vein of Queersauce, but different. Makes sense in light of the album art actually. Anyways, there's plenty of private circles online for the oldschool guard, early traders. I'm pretty sure his comments weren't part of an official review. As for post count, sorry for stepping on your wolf paws, wolfslice.
  2. I love how people with < 50 posts are telling ME what's up. Whatever. This is real guys. Sisson knows whats up.
  3. HOLYWTFBBQ! I can NOT wait for this to come out. ____________________________ ..."To say Exai is a divisive album is (while in line with the effervescent and murky lore Brown/Booth) an understatement. Repeated listens continue to reveal a strange anthropology — here, the footprint of the duo's explorations are front and center, and yet all signifiers dissolve once again. I have to ask myself, what is the strategy, the recourse, and the terrain for Exai? For the listener it's a familiar engagement with recurrent rewards. But something doesn't feel right here. While Exai is Autechre's celebrated 11th release, it leaves the imprint of something more immediate, less formal. Are we finally given entrance to Booth and Brown's own acknowledgement of their career or is Exai's fruit simply a redefinition of the accidental artifact? Multiple listens continue to reveal a reinvestigation of the nature of "mistake," but what would have been a deliberate "glitch" for 2001, is an immediate flourish tinged with calculated nostalgia. One only they could pull off." - Patrick Sisson, December 2012 ____________________________ I dug around a little bit and looks like promos went out with the year-end push. And lo and behold, seems like a review mix is out there! This looks like a snippet of vekoS!!! http://soundcloud.com/p_sisson/p-sisson-vekos
  4. well, I heard it. It's a continuous mix. Both discs. Just like the live shows, but in disc format.
  5. Solid color and rudimentary shapes != sounds like Queersauce. Everybody already knows this sounds like QR Tetris AIDS.
  6. My prediction is we'll be hearing this by January if we choose to do so. Physical media = leak point in the manufacturing chain. I'm still gonna preorder this though.
  7. Did any other geeks see that title and think Exia from Gundam 00 ?
  8. Autechre, being avid fans of Tetris, have decided to release two discs worth of Russian themed folk music.
  9. I analized the pink brown noise derivatives and was able to extract a QR code image. You guys found this too right? Not like it was terribly a secret. Anyways, I can't believe it took me to a place where I can download the live set. HOLY CRAP. Duntrfls BOARD SOUND FTw Bbq
  10. Did you see that part when you lift the back part of the plastic off the case, there's a pack of Reason patches in there with wires and stuff? Unbelievably next level. And those AIDS t-shirts they were wearing? Who would have thought of THAT?!? I mean c'mon. Pure. Genius. Best album ever.
  11. New Puscifer EP (Bohemian Rhapsody cover, etc) and his proposed touring schedule for 2013 would suggest new Tool is pushing out further. OR, recording is done and this is coming out soon. Doubtful though. I can only imagine Tool would want to hit the summer 2013 schedule, so the window is closing.
  12. Right?!?!? LOL, my thought as well. There was also something about iPads with this album. I didnt hear if it had to do with how it was created/performed, or how it would be distributed. I really think several timelines and aesthetics are converging with this release though!
  13. My mate Mitch, who was Ian's roommate back during some neo-architecture workshop or whatever, just proofed a low-res share of one of the inner lenticular "cards" or some shit they're trying to pull off. Apparently the album is call "Duntrfls". The guys keep referring to "done true feels". Not sure what that means to them, but it seems like a nod to old school maybe? Anyways, take it for what it's worth. Mitch's brother in-law was Ashley, their sound guy. So, this is definitely legit. (LOL, funny name right?!) With that, I humbly present to you Autechre's "Duntrfls":
  14. Oh god, t.d.n. gl0tch. gl0tch from t.d.n. It's all coming back to me now. Christ, I haven't posted there in so many years. i remember when i was browsing those forums at that time, they did get all worked up about this fake cover, something abstract yellowish (it was either from gl0tch or jules?) people were seeing easter island faces in it, and other deeply toolish-y stuff it was amazing and by amazing i mean "beyond any boc forum over-analitical gaze" i don't like that forum in many ways, but if there's an official new album announcement, i'll be browsing the fuck out of it again, just to read the crazy speculations Yup, it was me. I found the pic: I had done a couple more, with something that looked very meat like and some other weird bone shit. I gotta find it. Maybe I still have the files. LOL!
  15. I faked the tool art for that record. People were into it and then got pissed.
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