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Everything posted by EdamAnchorman

  1. Yeah I wish I could remember the numbers, it was something like half his assets were frozen and the other half was his war chest, something like 400 billion IIRC? I think it was Ignatius who linked that podcast series, it's a good listen: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/winter-is-here-with-garry-kasparov-and-uriel-epshtein/id1612842845
  2. I heard somewhere, I think that "Winter is Here" podcast series that was linked here far earlier in this thread, that the daily money Russia gets from Europe & other countries buying its oil & gas is more than Russia spends on the war every day. So, unless that changes dramatically, we probably won't see any serious shifts in how things are going now.
  3. Yeah they mentioned that in the first podcast, too, and made an interesting point that it's against the law (or attracts attention) at most places to straight up censor information so they've gotten around it by just drowning it out with their own BS. It's good that he gets in front of governments, but then they have to first listen to him and then figure out what/how to implement the correct measures.
  4. That guy seemed extremely knowledgeable on the Russian aspect of this mess. I hope our governments have consulted or are consulting with people like him.
  5. I got him to give me a demo version of one of these CD-Rs and I gotta say it was quite good.
  6. Saw them in Philly last night. First time seeing them since the Yanqui tour, and my first show since COVID. Really wanted to hear Mladic but they ended with BBF3 instead, not too bad.
  7. Turns out that if you begin with a view that information (binary yes/no, 1's / 0's) makes up the fabric of our universe, the dimensions of space and time can readily emerge from this basis. This would mean that space and time aren't even fundamental to the universe, they emerge from information. So the basic building blocks of the universe may be as simple as yes/no or on/off?
  8. Maybe he was just a low-level, low collateral damage kill for Putin to send a message to the others.
  9. I wonder what this does to sperm count / fertility. Infrared light aside (hello burned balls), increased temperature in the scrotum is linked to lower sperm count / viability, no? I mean that's why the ballz exist outside of the body cavity in the first place. If so, then we should all strongly encourage Carlson's followers to do this.
  10. Hey if they wanna dumb down their entire population, it might take a generation or so, but they'll reap what they sow.
  11. Soooo glad I got to see a live performance of this album on Halloween 2019 not long before COVID hit:
  12. Always wanted to require an anchor and compass to be able to eat my pizza.
  13. I think that the level of feeling "represented" increases as you get to more local government. Recently I have really tried to read up on the candidates running in local and state elections before casting my vote. I agree that the further up you get, the less it seems the politicians do what's right for their constituents, at least in America. I've continued to vote in the main elections, but after having to choose between the lesser of two evils too often, I have started to pay more attention to the primaries which I think are vastly more important than the final elections. We need grass roots movements to get people to pay attention to and participate in primary elections at all levels, I feel that could have the quickest positive impact.
  14. Yes, and people who tend to fall for scams like this are probably not very successful in life (ofc there are outliers, but by and large they're probably not successful). This orange man comes along and lets them feel that their lives are not where they want them to be because of the swamp in DC, or the minorities coming from other countries and taking their jobs. They latch onto that and get to say, "yeah, I didn't get that job because the system is corrupt or because that minority got it over me", which is easier than saying, "I didn't get that job because I'm not as qualified or as smart or hard-working as the other person". It's much easier to blame others or "the system" for their own problems. I feel that these people have always been here, but they have stayed out of politics because there were few candidates they could get behind. The problem is that Trump came along and gave them a unifying voice, something they could all rally behind, even if it was only for his own personal gain.
  15. I keep wondering how the poorest, the dumbest, the most racist of Americans have identified so much with and blindly follow a rich New Yorker who doesn't care about them at all. They were just so hungry to latch on to anyone who was so vocal about being anti-establishment and racist. From my armchair psychiatrist viewpoint, they want something/someone to blame for their lousy lot in life, instead of looking in the mirror and realizing their own situation is probably because they're not smart enough or hard-working enough, etc. IMO we're lucky he doesn't give two shits about most of his followers and their well-being. Imagine if these morons all got behind someone with actual charisma, someone who could wield actual political power other than, "I'll take my voting bloc and go home".
  16. Leah? And pretty sure only a few people (xelah?) had a hard on for her.
  17. I figured as much. And damn, that article is from six years ago... So what's a viable alternative? Natural fibers? Cotton is still a polymer, albeit a natural one (cellulose-based). Do we even know that natural polymers won't also cause negative health and environmental effects? So what, then, leather breeches or nudity??
  18. I wonder if little bits that come off of your synthetic fiber clothing are considered microplastics. I mean, they're definitely synthetic polymers, and just take a look at all the little fibers that your clothes shed. It's probably not a stretch to think that those bits are falling into your food or getting rustled up in the air that you breathe. Might have to start wearing a mask when I change the lint trap in my dryer.
  19. You're shouting so loudly about the nazis. Yes, there are probably nazis there as Chen has pointed out, but why are you shouting so loudly about them with all the other horrible stuff going on? We all get that nazis are bad, but it's like the house is completely on fire and you're screaming that someone left the oven on. Yeah you want the firemen to go in and put out the fire but not unless they can run through the flames and make sure that the pesky oven is off as well.
  20. Totally agree. It's unfortunate that it seems to be in our nature to crash headlong into things without thinking about or caring about long-term effects too much. We'll have to try to "evolve" into new ways of thinking or future generations will face many hardships that were created by past generations.
  21. I'm against plastics in general but the reality is that there is no economically-viable alternative that the public will accept. Nobody wants to see this stuff clogging up landfills or choking waterways but most people also don't want to pay the extra cost (sometimes substantial) it would take to make the products they buy more environmentally-friendly. We dug ourselves into this hole very early on and we're at the point now where it would be difficult to break our addiction to plastics. I wouldn't say that anybody is forcing plastic onto consumers. Unfortunately, it ultimately allowed businesses to create things at a lower price, and the public ate that up. We obviously can't count on businesses to do what's morally or environmentally right, so what's the solution? Enough people have to be willing to pay more for a better alternative, at least in the short run, or there need to be subsidies / penalties for producing plastic-free / rich products.
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