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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by exitonly

  1. we have a similar thing in the US where anyone who went to a 6 month program can call themselves a Sound Designer
  2. while this book does use notation, it is really easy to get into and covers how to build up material for composing- https://www.amazon.com/Composing-Music-Approach-William-Russo/dp/0226732169/ref=sr_1_3?keywords=william+russo+composing+music&qid=1645208147&sprefix=composing+music+will%2Caps%2C564&sr=8-3
  3. how is making crap music for pennies better than just getting a full time job?
  4. might be the best thread ever gonna be sad when it falls apart
  5. i have a soft spot for dre and snoop. kendrick lamar is the shit. the rest of them i dont really care about. it was definitely 90s nostalgia and i was definitely the target demographic sooooo... watched it on youtube. i have no regrets.
  6. kevin sorbo is (now) a hard right antivax nutjob. be careful giving him views. Xena on the other hand, i can get behind. lucy lawless for the win!
  7. not combative at all, i wasnt just stressing that since this is kind of a touchy subject unfortunately, and also i find myself going around this forum arguing about stupid stuff so its possible people might assume im arguing about this. for whats its worth, im mostly holed up in my house. i do some outdoor dinning on occasion but other than that and groceries, still pretty locked down. i just think the information on omicron is incomplete at this point.
  8. ok but that article has one doctor saying this- Dr. Bruce Patterson, who works for single cell diagnostic company IncellDx and the Chronic Covid Treatment Center, told the Deseret News that it’s too early to see long COVID-19 patients from the omicron variant. “I suppose in February we’ll see a massive wave,” he said. The other article says "It’s too early to know for sure, but many doctors believe it’s possible to have long-term effects from the omicron variant of the virus" that is not a scientific conclusion in any way shape or form. again, not arguing but i think people should wait for actual info, which due to the nature of the symptoms has to take a while.
  9. i was aware that long covid is a thing, but i wasnt/am not sure what the conclusion is on omnicron. obviously theres going to be more long term information on a strain that has been around for years vs last november. being naive, i would assume that since omicron does go as deep into your lungs, the long term effects would be different. not arguing, just looking for info.
  10. i would define”computer music” as academic music made with computers before the dawn of home computing. this probably ended in the mid 80s. laurie spiegel was at the tail end of it. it’s obviously a stupid name NOW because virtually all music is made/recorded with a computer, but there was a couple of decades where it was restricted enough that maybe there is some coherent themes across the board. I’d say algorithms, serial techniques, spectral music, and simple sound generators are what i personally think of when i hear this term. there is still a lot of music that is influenced by this phase, but as john chowning said in a lecture i attended- “the ivory tower fell into our laptops”. once everyone could do this sort of music, it inherently diluted itself.
  11. that article's timeline feels like it was written by someone born in 2002- k&d sessions released in 98 thievery corp released in 96 what does moby have to do with any of this?
  12. that is a sea of disinterested people. must have been an amazing vibe to feel
  13. i guess i misunderstood the point of your post. my take on it was you were saying 'how could he almost be homeless? we all bought that record!'
  14. it might be depressing, but its also reality. if you thought someone could put out one record on rephlex a decade ago and then be set for life, you were living in fantasy world.
  15. dedicate time every day. i get up about 3 hours early and end up putting in a bout 2 hours of music time in the mornings. i end up feeling burnt out by EOD but that’s ok! it’s been way better for me than when i tried to stay up late because my energy was all zapped and i couldn’t focus. but yeah you could also try communal living somewhere cheap and try to avoid a job or setup some passive income with a web scam of some kind
  16. sure. i didnt think you thought that was happening, i was just saying i'm not worried about it happening. it would cost more in personpower to manage dealing in the market than it would bring in revenue. Also, companies like this need to show growth quarter over quarter. its not like they can buy the latest hot modules and hold on to them for 20 years to resell or something. i think the goal of this is to just encourage people to sell their things, so reverb can get a cut. like "look your synth is worth 1200 now and you paid 1000, time to sell!", then they make more money off increasing the number of transactions.
  17. zillow lost millions of dollars, bad press was the result, not the cause https://www.nytimes.com/2021/11/02/business/zillow-q3-earnings-home-flipping-ibuying.html also, i think the price difference for a synth or something like that is going to be a couple hundred dollars in a few years at most. reverb would have to be hoarding gear at mass for long periods of time to make any money that way. that sounds like a crazy idea to try to do at scale vs just skimming a few bucks off of every transaction, which is a proven business model.
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