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Everything posted by chenGOD

  1. Having my first listen to this. Only on "au14" so far but man this is so melodic. It's a nice shift away from the last couple of years output, which was great but sometimes a little too overwhelming. One question - maybe @Rob Ae can answer? WHere's the best place to buy the digitals from - Bandcamp or bleep? What puts more money in your pocket?
  2. The wealthy are bonkers and they fuck up their kids' lives, part 33,789. https://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/2020/11/squash-lacrosse-niche-sports-ivy-league-admissions/616474 Facebook used to be a festering shithole. It still is, but it used to be, too. https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2020/10/19/why-facebook-cant-fix-itself
  3. @Zephyr_Nova i mean theoretically yes I knew about the meetings in advance. But me changing my sleep schedule....meh.
  4. Fucking international meetings mean I have to wake my ass up at 5:30 - I usually don't get to bed until 3!
  5. Jesus fuck - how is it possible that North Dakota, with a population of 762,062 has 26,612 cases. That's 3.4% of the population, and the state is mostly fucking open farmland. Idaho, Arkansas, Alabama, North Dakota, and Tennessee (5 states identified as Republican) have a combined population of 12.5M, and have 129, 327 case. California has a population of 39.5M and 18, 153 cases. Something is very fucking wrong in those states.
  6. https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-features/rudy-giuliani-new-york-trump-997712/ A good read on “America’s mayor”.
  7. And just for zeff: the green peppers and tomatoes were from our garden, as was the basil for the pesto. stevie g, the za was tres bien. ????
  8. Pizza pics uploaded. Nikka is my preferred Japanese whiskey, but I do like Suntory. Recently been drinking the Kingsbarns Dream to Dram which is outstanding for a new whiskey. The old fashioned was just made with a cheap Canadian rye (from the great one’s distillery ? )
  9. Said homemade pizzas (one tomato and pepperoni, the other pesto, shrimp, and sundried tomatoes) and local brewery with delicious IPA offering
  10. Old fashioneds as an aperitif before homemade pizza.
  11. This isn’t getting widely reported yet (as the paper has yet to be peer reviewed) but it could be promising: Coronavirus: test that can detect pathogen in 5 minutes developed by Nobel Prize winner Jennifer Doudna
  12. Someone on here asked why people cared so much about US politics even though they’re from elsewhere. As a Canadian, there are a lot of reasons why we care about what happens south of our border. This image explains it simply
  13. At least we're in the Champions League.
  14. I luv u 2 babby. The Villa-Scouse result somewhat soothes my pain, but I will drink to forget this weekend. Lol
  15. https://www.theatlantic.com/health/archive/2020/09/k-overlooked-variable-driving-pandemic/616548/ Did this article get posted already? I’m assuming yes. It’s a good article, but I disagree with one of the outcomes
  16. This is one of the areas where Adam Curtis's documentaries actually work - The Century of the Self is a great intro into how consumerism became a thing. As well, the work of Daniel Kahneman and Amos Tversky on behavioural economics is very important, as well as to a degree, Richard Thaler. Not so much for the economics part, but the psychological aspect of their work. Marketing and sales companies have fine-tuned a lot of those ideas. There needs to be education on marketing and sales tactics - starting around the time kids are 9 and ongoing. This is how you will break out of consumerist culture.
  17. What the fuck is this new look. I can't even get the old default theme to look right. And that popup is ridiculous.
  18. A friend has a pair at their family cottage. Fucking great if you are listening to jazz, classical, acoustic stuff, classic rock/yacht rock/adult contemporary/vapourwave. Not so good for teh IDMz. That's what my old shitty ears tell me anyways.
  19. Reminded me of this fantastic album from Killdozer
  20. ^^^I literally facepalmed at the end of that video, so that's the auto-response you get.
  21. Sorry son, first four years of his life he was in Calgary. Blame the doctors at foothills for not aborting that abomination.
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