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Everything posted by chenGOD

  1. Am envisioning a bat drenched in onions and hot sauce then wrapped with its own wings. Still though, batcock...
  2. What is more important a) burritos b) disgusting with salsa c) batcock
  3. Completely forgot about Pole after Steingarten came out many moons ago. This is lovely - a nice return (yes it came out in 2022) to them for me.
  4. That is a wild article. The kind of consumer habits described in there are so fucking foreign to me.
  5. On a scale of 1-10 (with 1 being the least likely and 10 being the most likely) how likely are you to recommend Aphex Twin to a friend? What thoughts, feelings and associations do you have when you think about Aphex Twin? Thinking about Aphex Twin and other electronic music artists, what differences first come to mind? Would you be the one most likely to use Aphex Twin in your household?
  6. Likely a repost but this is fucking great - 360 video with spatial audio: ps. please come to Japan Richard.
  7. Truly immense talent. Once his presidential campaign sputters out, he and Playboi Carti should drop a record.
  8. What does he say about you liking Playboi Carti?
  9. this is beautifully stated about their music. a sad passing indeed.
  10. Some good news for a change (didn't we have a good news thread?)... Community college free in Massachusetts for residents over 25 without a degree!!
  11. Ugh that's so gross. Reading that article it looks like it's mostly "red" states, big surprise. This shit needs to be exposed far and wide across the US.
  12. Do ALEC laws actually appear in many states? I have a hard time taking them seriously, they have Laffer as one of their economists. I appreciate the movement away from horserace/wacko candidate, but i guess ALEC and that project2025 "think" tanks, are responsible for much of the wackiness. They all want to cut taxes, reduce government (well they say they do - project2025 policy actually increases the size a lot of govt departments lol), and do away with pesky regulations.
  13. I mean I'm up in tiny Canada, so my experience is definitely different, but it really depends on the expertise of the policy person/people in question. Sometimes they'll take on the think tank/contractor documents word for word, other times they'll recognize that it's a lot of BS. Regs for financial institutions are particularly problematic for sure. Lobbyists in the US are way out of control.
  14. Yeah PNAC and this thing are the same - but they don't make policy. These guys certainly try and influence the direction of government (dem think tanks do the same on the other side), but at the end of the day, it's up to the policy people within the bureaucracy who make policy what they take on board. Don't worry, we're going to build a wall and make Trump pay for it.
  15. As someone who actually does policy work in government, I just want to say that think tanks don't make policy. Also that document is full of so many contradictory recommendations it is near worthless. It may have some worth printed out and then lit on fire to keep Texans warm in the winter when the power grid goes out.
  16. Ah unfortunately I bought the physical record in store, so yeah my DL code is only for the bleep store. May have to buy the digitals when more is released...
  17. So if we bought the physical record, we have to buy the extra tracks he's adding? Edit: m12 6 omc zeq is a banger though!
  18. Who in the actual fuck is paying $71 for a Derby shirt in the US? Hardly a widely recognized side.
  19. hoping for you my man!
  20. I can't get the AR to work! Maybe I need to update the app...
  21. I ordered the Japanese version from Tower Records - the bonus goodies varied slightly depending on where you ordered it from. The record unopened: Japanese text talking about Aphex and the record - I haven't read it yet. On the flipside of that was a lovely graphic! And the bonus buttons/pins Have we talked about this text on the artwork? they could be track names...
  22. Just got the record here. Son, I am excite!
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