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Everything posted by chenGOD

  1. 5 points behind the Blades and they have a match in hand. Feel like you'll be in the playoff rather than automatic promotion. I'm for 'boro but it would be lovely to see any of those four in the playoff spots now in the prem again.
  2. I did like the score for white lotus quite a lot - didn't realize he was the same guy as Utopia! I loved Utopia - and I just realized I don't think I watched season 2 of that, thanks for the reminder! I did like quite a lot of the characters, but found most of the storylines to be...a little pedestrian? i dunno. Like it was good, but not great?
  3. Did you need subtitles? We did ? Nope. The brogue wasn't that thick. Also probably helped I was listening through headphones, so didn't have to deal with the compression issues as much, they duck dialogue under the audio so much on streaming services these days.
  4. I mean - it was pretty average. S1 was better than S2, except of course the scenery in S2 is lush as fuck. I did laugh like fuck at the ending for S.2 when Coolidge went out the way she did. Super fitting. What it made it one of the best TV show that came out in recent times for you?
  5. The White Lotus - stupid rich people doing stupid rich things and getting stupid outcomes. Nobody learns anything and yet it's somehow all kind of entertaining. Shrinking - I watched the whole thing and it was good and funny and smart, but fuck if people talked to me like that I'd think I was in a neighbourhood where everybody did coke all the time.
  6. Watched The Banshees of Inisherin on the plane recently. Darkly funny, some really well delivered lines and gorgeous scenery. 8 chens out of 10.
  7. I've been reading the number 34 counts being tossed around, but no actual evidence to back it up - the indictment is sealed so not sure where they are getting that number from. Anyways: And a decent summary of things here: https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/donald-trump/manhattan-grand-jury-voted-whether-indict-trump-rcna73588 And Robert Reich provides a decent analysis of three criticisms that will likely come up here: https://robertreich.substack.com/p/trump-is-indicted
  8. McTominay turning into prime Lewandowski for Scotland.
  9. lol that's what I get for drunk posting. Thanks for the link to the book, I read it once long ago but yeah Lessig is great.
  10. This is why its so much more than a library. Like my public library is dope - they lend musical instruments, have makerspaces, etc. but look at all this knowledge that is up on archive. Intellectual Property laws need significant change. Lawrence Lessig kind of got at it 12 years ago (earlier than that actually but this speech to the World Intellectual Property Organization is amazing) here. 30 minutes well spent.
  11. But libraries pay for hard copies of the books and have special copyright laws? They need to argue they are something else, because they are so very important in preserving human knowledge and culture (like that amazing film "In Our Garden").
  12. Don't know if this portends a new album, but always have time for more AWVFTS.
  13. 3 sips of a hard seltzer and Tucker goes wild. Jesus. No wonder his wife's pussy is dry. First time hearing of it too, pretty fucking terrible.
  14. So far, Stairs Wine, Nonce Tarter, Major Miner, Taming of the View, and Lucon Acid have been my faves. Great acid from Luke! Murky Buckets!
  15. this is out everywhere, and is funktastic. get on it if you haven't!
  16. Woooooooo instabuy! This is going on repeat on the way back home today!
  17. I have some buds, but I want proper headphones for traveling so that people can see straight away not to bother talking to me. Plus headphones are much cooler for wearing and not listening to anything.
  18. Anyone have any experience with the Sennheiser Momentum 4s? I'm tired of wired headphones when traveling, and I will be traveling a bit more for work this year.
  19. City will hire a gaggle of lawyers, obfuscate, delay, obstruct, and delay some more. They’ll get fined 10k, and pinky promise to never do it again.
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