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Everything posted by chenGOD

  1. Which one do you think people have a better chance of seeing on a regular basis?
  2. Does Heat really portray Al Pacino as a morally infallible cop? Training Day is literally about a corrupt cop. Lol. Also I think there’s a considerable difference between a show that airs every week vs a movie.
  3. Nah it’s not about censorship. But when the shows are about cops being the good guys, and breaking the law to do their job with no punishment....and you have a generation of kids who grew up watching that shit week in week out... edit: I’m not saying that the shows are the sole thing responsible, but the normalization of that behaviour does have an influence. This is not the stupid “video games make mass murderers” argument, because mass murderer is not a job. But you can become a policeman, and like it or not, people are influenced by the cultural artifacts they consume.
  4. I’m good man. Just old. Fuck it’s been a long time!
  5. A lot of the cop shows (like Law & Order, NCIS, even Brooklyn 99) normalize police breaking the law. Should bin the lot of them really.
  6. Yo asymm...damn man had no idea. Beat the hell out of that demon and awesome news on the musical Tour de France!! Can’t wait to hear the results.
  7. Those are all fine words. We have the best words, not in order you understand, but the best words. These words are better but easier more difficult because easier more better understand difficult.
  8. There was a line from that guy those two articles you linked are about which was along the lines of "we keep expecting police to be social workers, but they're not, they're violence workers." Which is 100% true. Cops should be out there trying to arrest actual criminals, not doing domestic violence calls. I think I posted it elsewhere, but getting rid of the war on drugs (three strikes rules and mandatory minimums etc.) would be a huge help, as well as investing in education, as opposed to moving to charter schools (thanks Betsy DeRoss, you evil cunt), and a return to community policing.
  9. This is the culture that needs to change. It's the inability of new recruits to speak against superior officers that is at the root of a lot of these issues. In the George Floyd example, two of the cops were in their first week on the job. You're not going to speak out against a 17 year veteran. One actually tried twice and was brushed aside. It's not just about racism either. In the arrest of that nurse in Utah last year you can see the junior cops kind of thinking "maybe we shouldn't be arresting her?" and then not really challenging the senior officer. Now obviously this woman didn't get murdered, but this gives a sense of the culture that exists within police in America.
  10. https://thehill.com/homenews/campaign/502000-sanders-i-have-a-better-relationship-with-joe-biden-than-i-had-with-hillary
  11. I could barely read the article lol. police scanner. what the actual fuck.
  12. I'm such a lazy capitalist bootlicker. But the Apple Pure Ambient playlist is really good. Currently at 12 hours and 37 minutes worth of music. NP:
  13. https://www.politico.com/news/2020/06/10/white-house-stops-talking-about-coronavirus-309993
  14. Finished season 3 of Sneaky Pete. Kind of weak compared to the first two seasons but not bad, and Giovanni Ribisi is good as always. Started watching Upload - looks like it could have potential. A mix of the Black Mirror episode “SAN Junipero” “Her” and a mystery, with some pretty good lols.
  15. It was sooooo out of place. Just had no business being there. Like what did it add to the show?
  16. To get rid of the war on drugs, stop cops tossing users in prison. Get rid of the three-strikes rule. Decriminalize possession and go after the people pumping poison like fentanyl onto the streets. To reinstate community policing, have cops start walking a beat again, as opposed to driving around. Get them engaged within the community through various outreach activities. Modernize management culture and implement more flat structures as opposed to rigid hierarchies. Improve mental health resources available to law enforcement. Invest some of the money previously spent on military equipment on mental health professionals with specialized de-escalation training for domestic calls (which make up so many of the calls cops face daily), as well as increase training for the “muscle” accompanying those mental health professionals. The gun fetishization one is huge and I don’t know how the US deals with it. So many problems there.
  17. Get rid of the war on drugs, reinstate community policing, and send mental health professionals to domestic violence calls, with police along in case it gets rough. And stop with the gun fetishization. Please for the love of all that’s holy. Edit: oh and the paramilitary culture that exists in police forces needs to change as well.
  18. 1098 in 2019. https://mappingpoliceviolence.org What that site underscores is where you live matters. It also underscores the importance of participating in local elections to get people who will use policies to reduce use of force elected. http://useofforceproject.org 10K people die from drunk drivers every year in the US. But you didn’t “burn the bitch down”. You instituted policies to reduce that number (it used to be much worse), make cars safer etc etc. Stop thinking you’re helpless and go out and participate in your democracy. Vote the change you want.
  19. I think he’s talking about in-floor heating, not baseboard. In-floor heating is the bomb.
  20. 1. Terrible choice for a car 2. Dust will be always in the air 1. Yes 2. dust is always in the air anyways. In-floor heating is the shit.
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