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Everything posted by chenGOD

  1. LOL that needs to be taken up with management (i.e., joyrex) FWP - there's too much snow in Ottawa. I'm tired of shovelling my driveway. It's also cold as balls.
  2. Still here - just moved to the second page: https://forum.watmm.com/topic/86083-how-does-the-world-view-america-these-days/
  3. It's cold as fucking balls here. Like catholic priest balls without any access to altar boys. Why couldn't the people who settled the capitol city here realize it was a shite place to do so.
  4. yeah i guess it's a yout thing. silly kids wearing these in the middle of winter trying to make a fashion statement but freezing their asses off i figure once spring rolls around i'll bust em out It's barely even cold in Victoria though. And Buljy, if you got out of that hick town, you'd see there's a world beyond urban cowboys. ;) FWP - the curry I had for lunch is doing a number on my asshole, Spent a good 30 minutes in the bathroom alternating between huge, cavernous farts and shits of various quality.
  5. For convenience: Friday, morning, House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jerry Nadler (D-N.Y.) also called for an investigation. “We know that the President has engaged in a long pattern of obstruction,” Nadler said in a tweet. “Directing a subordinate to lie to Congress is a federal crime. The @HouseJudiciary Committee’s job is to get to the bottom of it, and we will do that work.” Rep. Ted Deutch (D-Fla.), appearing on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe” on Friday morning, called the story “as serious as it gets.” “If this is true, what it means is this is more evidence that the president has violated his oath of office,” Deutch said. “If he told Michael Cohen to lie to Congress, if he suborned perjury, this is as serious as it gets.” Eric Holder, President Barack Obama’s attorney general, tweeted that Congress should start impeachment hearings if the story is accurate. “If true — and proof must be examined — Congress must begin impeachment proceedings and Barr must refer, at a minimum, the relevant portions of material discovered by Mueller. This is a potential inflection point,” he wrote. “If the @Buzzfeed story is true, President Trump must resign or be impeached,” tweeted Rep. Joaquin Castro (D-Tex.), a member of the House Intelligence Committee. The White House did not immediately respond to a request for comment on BuzzFeed’s report. Lanny Davis, Cohen’s adviser, issued a statement to MSNBC’s Katy Tur saying that “Out of respect for Mr. Mueller’s and the Office of Special Counsel’s investigation, Mr. Cohen declined to respond to the questions asked by the reporters and so do I.” Rudolph W. Giuliani, Trump’s attorney, responded to the report by saying, “If you believe Cohen I can get you a great deal on the Brooklyn Bridge.” [Trump reportedly told Michael Cohen to lie. His own attorney general pick testified that’s a crime.] But BuzzFeed says that Mueller’s office has more evidence than just Cohen’s testimony that Trump directed him to lie to Congress. Per the report, Cohen’s testimony is backed up by “interviews with multiple witnesses from the Trump Organization and internal company emails, text messages, and a cache of other documents.” Trump calls Cohen 'weak,' dismisses scrutiny of Moscow project President Trump on Nov. 29 said his former personal lawyer Michael Cohen is lying to federal prosecutors about a Trump real estate project in Moscow. (Photo: Jabin Botsford/The Washington Post) In November, Cohen admitted he’d falsely told Congress that Trump’s efforts to build a condo tower in Moscow ended in January 2016, when, in reality, those efforts continued through that June. As Mueller noted, Cohen’s testimony was an attempt to “minimize links between the Moscow Project and Individual 1,” which is how Trump is referred to in the report. Trump had repeatedly insisted on the campaign trail that he had no ongoing business interests in Russia, even as the deal continued to unfold. In court documents, Cohen admitted that he’d briefed Trump on his ongoing negotiations with Russian officials about the proposed deal and said that he’d consulted with Trump’s team before his false testimony before Congress. But he never said in those documents that Trump himself played any role in encouraging his false testimony. According to BuzzFeed, Mueller’s team now has evidence that Trump did just that. Democratic leaders promised a quick probe into whether Trump, in fact, did direct Cohen to lie. “I mean everything feels like a bombshell and we are all numb but I’m pretty sure if this story is true it’s — I’m going to be careful with my words here — something that congress must investigate thoroughly,” tweeted Sen. Brian Schatz (D-Hawaii). Sen. Chris Murphy (D-Conn.) tweeted, “Listen, if Mueller does have multiple sources confirming Trump directed Cohen to lie to Congress, then we need to know this ASAP. Mueller shouldn’t end his inquiry, but it’s about time for him to show Congress his cards before it’s too late for us to act.” Added Rep. Ted Lieu (D-Calif.): “This stunning Trump Tower Moscow story establishes a clear case of Obstruction of Justice, a felony. I’ve lost count now how many times @realDonaldTrump has engaged in Obstruction of Justice. Oh, fyi the first Article of Impeachment for Richard Nixon was Obstruction of Justice.” Lieu added in another tweet that “Based on the BuzzFeed report and numerous other articles showing @realDonaldTrump committed Obstruction of Justice and other possible felonies, it is time for the House Judiciary Committee to start holding hearings to establish a record of whether @POTUS committed high crimes.” Lieu then speculated on another criminal code the congressman suggested the president may have violated if the BuzzFeed report is accurate.
  6. Yeah I realized just how insulting it was when my wife pointed out that college athletes are disciplined as hell diet wise. That fast food shit could legit fuck them up. Maybe not: https://www.sportsjoe.ie/world-of-sport/fulham-fc-nutritionist-explains-why-usain-bolts-100-mcdonalds-nuggets-a-day-at-beijing-olympics-wasnt-so-bad-91554 https://www.telegraph.co.uk/sport/olympics/2563451/Michael-Phelps-the-extraordinary-12000-calorie-diet-that-fuels-greatest-ever-Olympian-Beijing-Olympics-2008.html
  7. Any chance you know of a good guide or resource for Singapore? Me and waifu are discussing maybe going on a trip there for our 30th birthday this year...Enjoy all of the amazing food and some of the night life. Go and check out the night safari - eat the street food - and be prepared to spend a lot of money if you're going to bars. It's fucking expensive to drink there. As to specific guides - I would just say check out the usual places - trip advisor etc etc. Better to go to a bar and chat up some expats to find out the unique places to check out.
  8. Just one of the many reasons Singapore is a great place to visit, but a terrible place to live. And visits need not be longer than 3 days to see everything of interest on the island.
  9. But only the best collusion! He has only the best colluders working with him.
  10. Look at all the services and employees out of work: https://www.cbsnews.com/news/heres-what-shuts-down-in-a-government-shutdown/ Imagine IRS is still shut down come tax time - that's gonna be fun fun fun. Libertarians will love it of course. I'd be all for Cascadia, as long as you knock out all the guns. And bring in California.
  11. Look at the dictator over here. I mean, essentially you have a state of anarchy at the federal level right now, thanks to the actions of orange-man. So I think it's a pretty valid topic for discussion - will this shutdown, if it lasts for an extended period of time, potentially lead to states seceding from the US? California might want to become its own political entity - that would be a huge loss for the US. Would there be renewed interest in the creation of Cascadia? And, what will the resulting governance structures look like as result of Trump's malfeasance? Will some newly formed states turn to anarchy as a governing principle?
  12. Anarchy is such a misunderstood term. Anarchy does not mean lawlessness or chaos, it simply means leaderless, non-hierarchical. Anarchy works well for small societies. When you have nation states as an organizational basis for a society, then a greater degree of organization is required, and with that comes corresponding hierarchies, as resources (human and natural) need to be prioritized. This is not to say that the current system (nation state) is the best or right one, but simply that organization on this scale will require some sort of governance with resulting structures.
  13. The scene where he constantly runs back to the house because he thinks he missed a spot was amazing. There were a lot of phenomenal scenes in the film- that one made me laugh in a sadistic sort of way. The scene with "simple" was incredible for the tension it built.
  14. The House That Jack Built. Great work from Matt Dillon describing LVT's revulsion/fascination at the depths of his own depravity/genius as he reminisces about all the art he's made. Seriously good film.
  15. Something to do with sanctions, am trying to find out more.
  16. From the campaign site: URGENT: We do not know why GoFundMe has returned donations. It happened unexpectedly and we are working to understand and resolve this. In the meantime, could you please email freemichaelspavor@gmail.com with the subject "Donor" so that we can contact you directly and rearrange your donation. Please do not donate again on this platform until we have a chance to better understand the issue. Thank you so very much.
  17. Shit my bad, didn’t even read that post carefully.
  18. Depending on how you define mass shooting, no. https://www.gunviolencearchive.org/reports/mass-shooting
  19. Watched his press conference on the shutdown/border security yesterday while at the dentist. All I could think was “this is the ramblings of a man either on some very good acid, or in a state of full-on dementia”. Literally nothing he said made any sense. College man, college. Unless you have some weird hate on for mixed-media art.
  20. That sounds like you guys both have a mature view of this - so just take it as it comes, don't push, and what happens will happen. Regardless, sounds like you guys are enjoying each others company , so that's always nice - seems more like a FWS tbqhbbq
  21. That is not a recommendation. Mentioning something sarcastically is not a recommendation. I will not comment on the Mona Lisa except to say that I have not seen the original, so any comment I might make can not be based on fact. What I recommend is you start trying to understand that memory is faulty, corporations change or refresh products/characters/shows, and general knowledge is not a replacement for specialized knowledge, which changes as the subject is studied more in depth (i.e., your understanding of biology is not a replacement for the knowledge produced by medical professionals).
  22. Just to be clear: I did not recommend that subreddit
  23. Yes. Also beerwolf: chin up lad, you’re a good egg! WATMM would be worse off for you leaving us.
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