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Everything posted by chenGOD

  1. This thread is the worst thing humanity has perpetrated on itself.
  2. Yeah Chuck is a gigantic asshole. I don't know if Kim is done yet, I think she leaves after Jimmy puts his own interests ahead of her welfare.
  3. Some idiot was posting all kinds of internet tough guy shit on a friend's facebook post (stuff about his military experience, how you don't fuck with a guy who's spent 5 years learning how to kill people, etc etc), so i posted the navy seal copypasta, and my dad saw it lol. He asks if my facebook account has been hacked and says he's worried. I'm trying to explain that it's nothing, but can't go into detail cause facebook messenger is not a medium for having this conversation. Finally I just told him he owuldn't understand cause there's a "cultural knowledge gap", and then he got pissed at me lol. Seriously though, he's 78, has no idea about memes, 4chan, etc etc, so it's like the most tedious, pointless conversation i could ever have with him.
  4. Why is it a problem that he was on the police radar for years but was ignored? I'd disagree with that 100% - it did much more good than bad. The international order since the end of WW2 (with two superpowers) has been one of the most peaceful times in recorded history. I'm sure people will point to the numerous wars and conflicts since then, but when looking ta the world as a whole, the statement stands. Absolute poverty has been reduced drastically, health indicators have gone up globally, education has become more accessible, goods have become cheaper than ever, and services are following suit. Yes there are problems (climate change being the big bad boy, followed by wealth inequality), but on the whole, it's tough to argue that capitalism and democracy has made the world worse off. Trump on the other hand - well if the world followed his lead, then we'd be in trouble. Luckily, grown-ups have seen fit to let him throw his tantrum in isolation and will continue the efforts largely led by the US in the 20th century to make the world a more prosperous, more civil, and more peaceful place.
  5. Awwww sheeeeit, its on!! How many lawsuits has he already had against him over the years though? I'm not inclined to get excited until there is a permanent cripple to his power base, provided outright impeachment is out of the question. This is slightly different than bankruptcy lawsuits. I don't think much will happen if the suit goes to trial (he's already tried to get the DoJ to argue that it shouldn't even be heard), but the disclosure process will essentially force him to give up his tax returns, and whatever else is relevant to corruption and the emoluments clause. Also that shit with his cabinet members is fucking ridiculous - not even Kim Jeong Un is that insecure, good lord.
  6. yes, someone please tell me what the correct truth is the smoke is overwhelming...the connections are FACT...just no smoking gun in relation to the orange choad himself.... here's a great politico article going over the smoking guns that are in plain sight. impeachment depends on congress deciding to impeach. and the majority are choads You want the real scandal hiding in plain sight? The House passed the "Financial Choice" Act today - which repeals a hell of a lot of the Dodd-Frank Regulations that were passed as part of the responses to the 2008 financial crisis. Unless it gets stopped in the Senate, prepare to clench real tight.
  7. The Celts makes me thirst for the living too. Top answer. Also those mugshots are the reason stereotypes exist.
  8. The corruption is so blatantly obvious, it's crazy how blind his supporters are to it. https://www.nytimes.com/2017/06/01/opinion/jared-kushner-ivanka-donald-trump-jr.html http://www.salon.com/2017/05/27/this-week-in-donald-trumps-conflicts-of-interest-nothing-to-hide-but-nothing-to-show/ http://www.salon.com/2017/06/01/heres-how-much-economic-damage-president-trumps-alleged-corruption-could-be-doing/ http://www.gq.com/story/maintain-the-swamp and from the New Republic (to counter balance all those librul rags): https://newrepublic.com/article/142389/donald-trumps-enduring-corruption-presidency
  9. Uhhh New York CIty, California, Florida, lots of New England, some of the Pacific Northwest....they all want a word with you.
  10. Most countries are already on board with the Paris climate agreement though. Are we all gonna decide to let it all go to hell because of one petulant, arrogant, narcissistic pasty shit-scrotum and is increasingly small circle of buddies? Fuck that. The problem of course being how much polluting the US does. https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2017/06/01/climate/us-biggest-carbon-polluter-in-history-will-it-walk-away-from-the-paris-climate-deal.html
  11. He's certainly destroying America's global standing. Even China is willing to work with the EU on the climate accord.
  12. I wonder what a Venn diagram with these two categories would look like: trump supporters and roosh v supporters. not wildly dramatic, weenie MRA types have a figurative and literal hard-on for Trump and hard line "Conservative values". I think the last time I donned the hazmat and took a look at the Return of Kings frontpage it was littered with political musings between the usual "reeeeee women" shitposts Do you think they'd be ok getting cucked by Trump? Also it kind of annoys me that so many people use "cucked" incorrectly. Former teacher in me I guess.
  13. I wonder what a Venn diagram with these two categories would look like: trump supporters and roosh v supporters.
  14. Right in the feels with Chris Cornell. Damn. Good read here on this. https://thefirsttenwords.wordpress.com/2017/05/20/its-not-what-you-think/
  15. Bwah hah hah. ‘He’s been neutered’: Trump supporters melt down after president calls Islam ‘one of world’s great faiths’
  16. Seems more like a first world success! High on varnish and a lovely looking desk too boot!
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