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Everything posted by chenGOD

  1. Every time I come to the end of this thread I die a little more
  2. I had no idea....and thanks, I try not to be indecent. Huh, so that's what those dots are for...I always wondered. I don't know if that's such a strong anti-Obamacare position....we all know healthcare should be federally funded and universal. Obamacare was not perfect, even in its original form. But the watered down compromise (that was watered down because of resistance from the Republican party) is still far better than Trump's vision of "free market" healthcare, which will almost certainly increase health outcome inequalities as the best care is driven to those who can afford it in such a scenario. The only thing that's amazing to me about Trump is how he managed to sell himself as a "man of the people". Well, what's that saying - "there's a sucker born every minute." It just kind of sucks that they voted for a person who almost certainly use government to make him, his family, and his cronies, much much richer.
  3. Stay outta Cracker Barrel lol The hotel I stayed at in Kalamazoo was on Cracker Barrel Blvd. I was mightily disappointed not to get complimentary Cracker Barrel tasters in the hotel room.
  4. I was making great time from Sioux Falls to Kalamazoo, (shaved an hour and a half off google's estimate) and then BAM, rush hour chicago tuned the I-94 into a parking lot. Motherfucker.
  5. Gonna need a lot of it to make it through the next 4 years.
  6. Drove 1612km (1002 miles) yesterday. Today's 1152km (716 miles) will be a breeze.
  7. Lol there's enough material in that vid for a whole week's worth of may mays.
  8. Where does one post if it's a FWP and FWS at the same time... FWP: I'm in Missoula, Montana. FWS: I'm leaving as soon as I've had breakfast.
  9. yeah, I mentioned this back when this theory was brought up the first time. I guess it's possible that a long enough period of time has passed that no-one who works there now would have been around back then, but you'd think the upper management and board people would be aware of the history of the place and know what he looked like. maybe Ford managed to scrub out Arnold's digital existence or something. it all seems a little bit contrived, but it's also pretty cool I guess. it does also look like the Billy/Ed Harris/multiple timeline theory was true as well, which is also kind of disappointing to me. all those early analysis scenes with Dolores were presumably between her and Arnold before she killed him. it seems that many times after that she almost uncovered those memories, the closest she came was when Bill brought her there, but then she got stabbed and presumably that was the end of that (guess we'll find out for sure in the next one - the final scene with her triggering some more recollections of that time I'm guessing, hopefully she'll be all caught up after that and we won't need any more of that nonsense next season - it is a nice touch though that their memories are so accurate that it's impossible for them to tell the difference between them and the present). present day Dolores seems to have had her most recent triggering of the memories by seeing the picture of Bill's fiance her da found in the dirt, so has she just wandered all the way to the church by herself while having a bunch of hallucinatory memories? Presumably after she killed the bandits at her gaff and fled she just went straight there, the younger Dolores seems also to have done that prior to running into Bill, I'm not sure (did she kill the bandits more than once, or was that just in the past?). If we assume the double timeline is correct, then William/MiB (being one of the longest running gamers) came in after Arnold was already dead (the irregularities his buddy's family had probably heard the rumours about). Board members of big corps do get shuffled around quite regularly, so it's not entirely unlikely they wouldn't know. That leaves upper managment - but after the Bernarnold reveal, it wouldn't surprise me if upper management was all hosts. I'm also somewhat disappointed the multiple timeline theory is true - feels a little cheap in terms of a plot device. I can't remember the timeline of the earlier episodes - did MiB attack Dolores' family before she found that photo? And if MiB is William, clearly his feelings for Dolores are pretty....different. Anyways, yeah I'd agree that Dolores has just wandered there after finding the photo with a bunch of flashbacks - too much LSD in the system I guess. The Maeve/Hector storyline is nicely set up, but still have no idea about the Wyatt storyline. Is the security guy getting ambushed part of it? Or is that another way for Bernard to contain his killing of Elsie and Theresa? Also, shout out to Hopkins, the haunted look on his face before Bernard offs himself is some masterful acting. Really looking forward to the season finale.
  10. My wedding ceremony playlist was originally in this order 01 Aphex Twin - Avril 14th.mp3 02 Sun Kil Moon - You Are My Sun.mp3 03 Squarepusher - Every Day I Love.mp3 04 Erik Satire - Gymnopedie No. 1.mp3 05 Erik Satie - Gymnopedie No. 2.mp3 06 Erik Satie - Gymnopedie No. 3.mp3 07 Aphex Twin - Nanou2.mp3 08 Brian Eno - An Ending (Ascent).mp3 09 Aphex Twin - nineteen.mp3 10 Squarepusher - Tommib Help Buss.mp3 11 Oscar Peterson Trio - You Look Good To Me.mp3 We were supposed to walk out to Every Day I Love but instead walked out to "You Are My Sun" and it was actually better. Then they switched You Look Good to Me to come before the Gymopedies so closed with Tommib Help Buss - and it actually worked out better as well. Also I almost cried when An Ending (Ascent) came on. lel.
  11. Not that he has suddenly become smart. But that he is talking in a way that makes me realize he has potential to do a good job. He has dropped the rhetoric, and he is talking real shit now. There is no consensus on climate change. What? He spends the first quarter of the interview whining that he was treated unfairly, and hints it would be better not to criticize him. And no consensus? http://www.skepticalscience.com/global-warming-scientific-consensus-intermediate.htm
  12. What in that article convinced you that he has suddenly become smart? Was it the lie about climate change (contrary to his statement, there is near unanimity on climate change); or was it his statement about putting experts in positions of authority within his cabinet (climate change denier as head of EPA, ambassador to UN with zero foreign policy experience, education secretary in favour of defunding public education, and Ben Carson); or was it the change of heart about the electoral college?
  13. . The idea I'm advocating is that the way to turn them into egalitarians is to treat them with an excess of humanity and compassion, as this offers them the opportunity to make an egalitarian gesture back. I'm just curious if you've changed your views on Muslims at all.
  14. Last minute flight costs are a bitch at the holidays. You're welcome. Why u no take off shoes upon entering homestead?
  15. Lol and they have the nerve to call the "left" soft.
  16. Trump apparently wakes up at 5 am every morning, and doesn't even drink. I don't think he is necessarily opposed to working hard. It's just that I don't think he is the type of person that wants to do the work. He wants to direct the action and delegate, and that's not an uncommon trait in a leader or manager. A lot of these types are looking at bigger picture stuff and thinking rather than focusing on minutiae. Presidents need to be able to look at the minutiae and determine how those fine points affect the big picture though. If trump's reported short-list is even halfway accurate, the US is going to get a lot more fucked up before it gets better.
  17. In public waiting to meet someone and my right ball is sticking to my upper thigh but I can't reach in and give that a good scratch like it needs.
  18. I'm in Japan right now, and the news is a solid stream of how Trump is going to be a shit show for relations between the two countries.
  19. So it begins. http://nextshark.com/asian-americans-now-targeted-harassment-donald-trumps-victory/
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