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Everything posted by chenGOD

  1. He's far from perfect (not great on crosses, and liable for 1-2 cockups a season), but he's a very good shot stopper (we wouldn't be in the final tomorrow without him), so he'll provide decent backup if this new guy turns out to be the shit. He's a decent shot stopper, I wouldn't say very good. He's good when he doesn't have time ot think about things much. You're paying first team wages to your back-up keeper. I know that Klopp signed the deal with him before he had really had a chance to evaluate him, but even so, Mignolet still had 2 years left. I'm trying to understand the rush for that. Some people have said it was to get his confidence up, but that seems a stretch. Plus the increased wages kill his resale value. Ah well, we'll probably never know the true answer.
  2. The thing I don't get is why Klopp offered Mignolet a new 5 year contract earlier this year. He had 2 years left on his contract, and no one was rushing to buy him...
  3. TIL that goat behavioral psychologist is a professional option.
  4. And apparently Liverpool are making a move for a good keeper - seems the Mainz keeper is going to Liverpool.
  5. Zlatan to United rumour. Can't get more erect.
  6. *Revives Lopez and kills him again for making me aware that exists.*
  7. Not really, liberal has a different meaning over here for one thing, it means economic and social liberalism, in the US it's usually used as a right-wing bogey word for socialist (itself used mostly as a bogey word and not representative of actual socialism). Most here would consider that substantially to the right of most of the european left (though they might occasionally have certain more traditionally left-wing policies, tends to see-saw a lot on that front), and also to the right of much of the US Democratic party as well. There is far more variation on the left in europe, but virtually nowhere in Europe is there a significantly left wing party in power (Portugal and Greece only?). Even famously 'socialist' Sweden has economic policies that would be significantly to the right of Bernie Sanders for example. The general trend with mainstream left parties has been towards the centre/right over the last 50-60 years. Fringe hard-left movements, like Corbyn in Britain, or Podemos in Spain, see an increase in popularity from time to time (or hang around with small popularity all the time, in southern Europe mostly - where there are still a few active Communist parties even), but they're not electable at the moment, and will likely go away again when the economy sorts itself out over the coming years. The only sense in which Europe is more consistently to the left than the US is in terms of social welfare. Both US parties have histories of high government spending on most other areas, far in excess of most of Europe in many cases. Sorry bad wording on my part - yes Americans use liberal (incorrectly, as you point out) to mean socialist, so the American liberal (left) is more right than than the European socialist (left). Also Europeans often use neo-liberal to describe economic liberalism. Yes there are no left-wing parties in power, but this is probably largely due to the wider support for social welfare from non-left parties - if that went away I'd argue you'd see a lot more voters moving toward the left-wing parties. I think you'll see a lot more continued support for Corbyn as Cameron and Co try and whittle away the social safety net in Britain (attacks on NHS funding etc etc). I don't think progressive/conservative works well in Europe - conservative has too wide a variance. But left/right is a bit dated as well. Not easy concepts to wrap up in one word.
  8. This is fucking amazing.
  9. For what definition of left and right? American liberals are substantially to the right of European liberals.
  10. In all seriousness though they do put on a good show. If you see them at smaller venues, or if you go to one of the many NK restaurants that exist outside NK, sometimes they'll do songs like "Love me tender" or "country roads". But you ask them if they know who Elvis Presley or John Denver is and they have no idea.
  11. They put on a hell of a live show! It's almost as if they're playing for their lives!
  12. Just started in on "The Night Manager". First episode was pretty decent. I'm a sucker for Le Carre anyways, and love most of his stuff that's been translated into screen (I pretend the Brosnan version of "the Tailor of Panama" doesn't exist). Recommended.
  13. (lovely live album from Mr Dickson)
  14. great tune, hadn't heard before. damn you schmidt, you mademake too much music. Yeah his discography is so fucking vast. These HAT collabs are great albums, recent discoveries for me as well, actually discovered them trying to work through Inoue's discography. Here's hoping he continues his prolific output! Also if you haven't heard it, the stuff Inoue and Schmidt did under the DATacide moniker is well worth a listen. Wildly varied from banging fucking techno to beautiful dreamscapes to latin-funk DSP fuckery. Currently playing:
  15. great tune, hadn't heard before. damn you schmidt, you mademake too much music. Yeah his discography is so fucking vast. These HAT collabs are great albums, recent discoveries for me as well, actually discovered them trying to work through Inoue's discography. Here's hoping he continues his prolific output!
  16. I would like to see their policy prescriptions. Just because someone is genius in one field doesn't mean they would be a good politician. In fact I would argue that because being a politician means being able to work well with others, that people like Nash and Hawking would be terrible as presidents. They need the freedom to sequester themselves for a week at a time - being a politician trying to run a big, highly populated country like the US means you don't get that kind of luxury.
  17. Trump dressed as Napoleon, riding a bald eagle, holding Bin Laden's head. Doesn't get any better that that.
  18. Lol that's even better than the Obama-Castro limp-wrist gate.
  19. pretty accurate from this over 40 year olds viewpoint. I accept your apology. Even though she's clearly reading all of that off cue cards, that she probably didn't write herself? Just a moderately aesthetic talking head reading off cue cards? lol Edit: I'm being a dick, I know. wtf - she looks like she's 35. Speaking as another over 40... Anyways I know plenty of "millenials" who do great stuff. And part of the reason their future looks so fucking grim is the boomers' policies of kicking the social security can down the road. That and "trickle down" economics. Her generalizations and lack of historical knowledge are hilarious though. As if her generation was the first to listen to songs degrading to women, or the first to use slang to describe people they care about/love.
  20. So it was identical to every other speech he's given since he announced he was running for president? Yes. Worth mentioning for this one though because several pundits have somehow been blinded by the bullshit and praised it as being substantial.
  21. Trump's foreign policy address was remarkable - for its utter lack of content.
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