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Everything posted by chenGOD

  1. White people shouldn't wear dreads because they look like utter tools. Cultural appropriation is a problem, but not necessarily in this particular case.
  2. "The petition got 350 signatures". George Washington's student population (undergrad and graduate) is approx 25,000. So just over 1%. In other words,pretty fringe. yet they still managed to ruin an event for everyone else. One event cancelled doesn't mean the "run the show", the event still went on, it didn't have this one performer. Yeah it's shitty, and students let them (GW Admin) know about it on their twitter. But it's hardly running the show. Now if for example, GW University was not allowed to teach Huckleberry Finn, or if they weren't allowed to have classes on world history, then yes, you would be on to something. But from my experience with professors, any one of them worth their salt wouldn't give these ass clowns the time of day. So yeah, still fringe, still no big deal.
  3. "The petition got 350 signatures". George Washington's student population (undergrad and graduate) is approx 25,000. So just over 1%. In other words,pretty fringe.
  4. Some controversial guest lectures are canceled. Many many many many many many many many more that you will never hear about continue as planned. And if you bothered to read the article you linked to, you would find that many of the deans and presidents of the universities routinely defend their professors. I'm not denying that there are incidents. The issue is, these incidents are not representative of university education or campus climate as a whole. They simply garner attention because they are not part of the day-to-day of university life. This is most definitely still a fringe thing that is amplified by the internet echo chamber.
  5. I can think of a few people on here who this applies to. lol Also the SJW phenom is way overblown because of the echo chamber that is the internet. Ifyou spend all day browsing SJW tumblrs, of course you're going to think that the world exists solely of these monstrous creatures. The reality of it is that while these idiots do exist, their influence is marginal. Tenured professors have complete autonomy (within legal bounds of course), and the good ones don't put up with any bullshit. It's funny how they've co-opted the original idea behind safe spaces (namely a place where truly persecuted individuals could speak freely to either a counselor or someone in their peer group) into these totally vapid bubbles of idiocy.
  6. Slowest episode so far this season, but still drives the story toward Saul Goodman. Dat montage tho.
  7. I don't know what the fuck is going on here but the only person who excommunicated delet is delet. As in like the terminator, or that rash on your choad, he'll be back. And deer, given limpy's dedication to free speech and his anti-SJW stance, he don't need you white knighting for him.
  8. I thought it read Europe Stimulator at first...
  9. Serious rumours about Gotze to be reunited with Klopp at Liverpool. That would be an excellent signing for the scouse. http://www.theguardian.com/football/2016/mar/28/liverpool-confident-signing-mario-gotze-jurgen-klopp-connection
  10. I thought it was an after effects zoom/motion blur transition myself. I was thinking while watching this week's episode that those edits served no purpose whatsoever. Like there was literally no point to them. Unless it was supposed to represent a time shift? The monotony of routine setting in? This week's episode was decent as well, but how the fuck does Darryl the expert tracker get caught in a ruse like that?
  11. Jesus the drumpf is so red in that clip. Like he's been boiled.
  12. Tardigrade still most idm thing ever.
  13. I don't get paid enough to deal with this mess. Plus I'd have to change skins (mass moderation doesn't work with classic) and it's just ugh...such a hassle. lol In all seriousness though, I think a new thread for stuff like that is appropriate. Let's try and keep this one focused on the elections and the process. Policies (be they racially motivated internment camps or not) in another thread please!
  14. Phoenix has one polling place for every 108,00 voters. http://nyti.ms/1VLAXhF WTF?
  15. Montreal Smoked Meat sammich and nice wheat ale for lunch. Some good things come from working at home.
  16. Fuck this gay earth. Cruijff and Shandling in one day.
  17. That's not a bullet hole she showed Mike, it's just standard chipping on cheap ass siding (I think it was stucco, can't remember). The shooting she heard was the papers landing on the pavement. Mike has some fucking cojones dealing with Hector like that. But the return of Tuco is going to be interesting.
  18. Son, I am excite - Dark Crystal and Toxic Avenger plus all the other goodness mmm mmm doupleplus good
  19. Only renewed for 10 mate (lotta $ going to zombies) Why u gotta crush my hopes and dreams fam. This is watmm chen. The place where dreams go to die. We are the dreamers of the dream.
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