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Everything posted by chenGOD

  1. So wait, is this essentially just Ted Cruz begging? Surely he should pull himself up by his bootstraps?
  2. Or, to quote the other Clinton - "It's the economy, stupid"
  3. a 20 point win is pretty good for a guy who wasn't even a member of the Democrat Party until recently.
  4. Looks like Sanders should do well in New Hampshire.
  5. Don't buy ikea furniture and save yourself a future fwp.
  6. i like those jeeps, they're classy looking Me too. They're tough cars too, can take a beating. pictured (L-R): women, the 21st century, MRAs oh shit, that reminds me... there's supposed to be a Return of Kings meet in Hyde Park today, just a few blocks away from me, and a massive protest against them and their ilk has been organised for the same time and place. I might just cruise down there at lunch and watch the irl battle between women-hating neckbeards and overzealous SJWs. Lol the one in Toronto supposedly got canceled cause a group of women boxers threatened to show up. Also apparently Roosh V is hiding out at his moms place lol. Yes it's ok when women threaten violence against men and act out on it as I've seen in videos before of femfailz attacking peaceful men's rights rallies, men who are ironically protesting against the institutionalised protection of unfair treatment of men by women. watmm again completely misses the point of something political yet again, heh. I wonder what you guys will be like 20 years from now when you've gone through divorce court and not been able to see your children and had to pay alimony or had false claims of domestic violence against you and so on, probably different people. It s a shame that we can't learn from the experience of others anymore. That part of the brain seems to have been turned off, and instead we rely on the man or woman on the tv to inform our view on every matter in the world, they think and opine for us, as we slowly vegetate into oblivion.Lol they didn't threaten violence they merely threatened to turn up. I'll tell you what I'm like after being divorced. I still see my daughter from that marriage and have amicable relations with my ex. I don't pay alimony, instead I put money away for my daughters college fund. Because contrary to what you might have read or heard from the MRA movement, women are not all evil bitches. They are merely fallible humans, as are men. But both people in the relationship move on, because they're adults. Of course there are the scandalous exceptions, but those prove the rule. On the other hand, obviously not all men are like Roosh, who advocates for legalizing rape. http://static.fjcdn.com/pictures/All+the+neckbeard+fucks+on+fj+fw+women_877eae_4916209.jpg
  7. I'm reluctantly accepting it. It just feel so...blerg. The question could be either "Who will be a crushing disappointment at Chelsea for the remainder of the season?" or "Who will get injured within his first 3 matches and miss the rest of the season for Chelsea?"
  8. i like those jeeps, they're classy looking Me too. They're tough cars too, can take a beating. pictured (L-R): women, the 21st century, MRAs oh shit, that reminds me... there's supposed to be a Return of Kings meet in Hyde Park today, just a few blocks away from me, and a massive protest against them and their ilk has been organised for the same time and place. I might just cruise down there at lunch and watch the irl battle between women-hating neckbeards and overzealous SJWs. Lol the one in Toronto supposedly got canceled cause a group of women boxers threatened to show up. Also apparently Roosh V is hiding out at his moms place lol.
  9. really? am I the only one seeing a swastika here?
  10. Yeah that's true - kind of added to the charm though. But the story/universe was amazing. I'll check out The Expanse - haven't watched a decent SF series in a while.
  11. I loved Babylon 5. Just finishing off season 3 of Hannibal - some of the score is fucking amazing - great ambient stuff.
  12. So is Palin throwing her support behind Justin Bieber?
  13. Have you considered perhaps getting another, different bike?
  14. flol good old 'arry https://streamable.com/tiow
  15. Oh good, a colleague mentioned it (The WItness) the other day - so I'll take the chance and pick it up. :)
  16. After watching an episode of Hannibal, that remix has an odd context lol.
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