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Everything posted by chenGOD

  1. Maybe kasich is gonna be the centrist republican? A lot of democrats (that's "libruls" to you Mystery) are not happy with Hilary As an aside, you don't have a "left wing" in American politics.
  2. I'm not quite sure what srivi af. wine is, but if you're posting on here, you're not socialising.
  3. Having not watched the republican circus - I'm sure they probably just went after Trump in the hopes that he would say something crazy and soundbite worthy (like he hasn't done that enough already). Oddly though, I recall reading a comment somewhere online from someone that Kasich would be the next Republican candidate - and I think this was even before he had announced his candidacy. Maybe in a foreign policy article or something.
  4. It's interesting that Kasich - a relative unknown - got so much time to talk.
  5. I really really really want to see a good fantastic four movie...looks like it won't be this one.
  6. YES. i totally forgot about that question, although to be fair, it was part of the questions from the (conservative) public and asked by an old lady. there was also a lady that said she didn't feel safe in her country anymore. not because of all the guns and shootings etc. but because of isis. rand paul reminded her that if he became president, nobody would be taking his guns away. i imagined that bringing a big sigh of relief on her part FLOL. I haven't even watched highlights yet, too busy with our own debates (the difference in tone between the Canadian and Republican debates is fucking astounding), but that is some awesome imagery. I liked the New York Times graph on how much each candidate spoke, and for how long. I note the "Don" spoke the most, and yet I can only assume he said the least.
  7. that's a very literal, autistic reading of what he said yes the children have been raise to believe that they live in a regime that is run by a god that's not to say that they actually believe it...but rather with all the propaganda everywhere, they are being raised to believe it would you not say that's true? and liberty, humor, irony clearly he's not talking about the actual people of NK being joyless humorless husks of human beings but rather the cultural and social atmosphere that is forced on them What cultural and social atmosphere? That of going to the beach? Or school kids playing ultimate with visitors? As to the first point - how about the millions of Americans who believe that Ronnie Raygun is a saint? I mean yeah they don't literally believe it, but they are raised to believe it. It's a stupid, stupid, stupid irrelevant comment that does nothing to progress the dialogue necessary to actually accomplish any goal of improving the lives of north Korean citizens. Also, flol he didn't pay a bribe to get in to the country, he paid a visa fee. The same as one pays when visiting many countries. Look, things are fucked up in the DPRK, there are grave human rights issues, and food security is obviously an issue. But Hitchens' whole tired schtick is about othering the people. And it's not even worth discussing. There's a reason North Korean watchers/policy advisers don't bother with any of that populist nonsense.
  8. wait, you guys have nudes in non-porn magazines? Negative. Ours model in like bikinis are whatever. Not to be rude but I find most of them fairly repulsive these days, almost like they just go down to the shelter and pick the first woman they see and do a photo op. It's offensive really. But today's was nice. They've been hideous since before you were born, young'un.
  9. First his assertion that you're either "on parade or at home" - simply not true. Second - his idea that "The concept of liberty or humour or irony or happiness or love doesn't exist." is also entirely baseless. But since he doesn't speak Korean, I suppose he wouldn't have understood any of the jokes, or irony that Koreans use. Nor, I suppose, has he read any of the defector testimonies about love and romance in the DPRK. Third this idea that "We now have millions and millions of North Korean children... who have been raised to believe that they live in a regime that is run by a god." is one that is insulting to the intelligence of north Koreans, and is so indicative of the neo-colonial mindset. He adds nothing of value to the discourse on the DPRK beyond spreading FUD. Edit - also, he can't even get basic facts about the DPRK right - the nation was formally established on September 9, 1948 (I remember the day cause it's my birthday, along with having read about it hundreds of times).
  10. Christopher HItchens opinions on North Korea are about as worthwhile as compson's.
  11. The snake soju is not common in Korea, much more common in China. Religion is tolerated under strict state control as a propaganda means. The Christians especially. It serves a purpose so the leadership can say "look how tolerant we are". Of course if you go and try and distribute a bible...well it'll be the last we see if Herr Jan on these boards for a long time. Cleaner lol. And less gun crime. I'm not sure if "nicer" is the correct adjective.
  12. He's not a professional golfer. I don't know why that set of pictures would make you extremely depressed. It's the same garden variety pics that every tourist takes, with the exception of a few of people in trucks piled on crazily (like how they do in India, Myanmar, virtually every third-world country).
  13. LOL, that's an amazing con job. Snake oil for the bullet age.
  14. That period from Ultraworld through to Orblivion was amazing for the collective. Not a single miss.
  15. The real question is, can you tell the difference between meth and taco bell?
  16. http://fox8.com/2015/08/05/drone-slayer-man-arrested-for-shooting-down-neighbors-drone/ Ahahahaha - "we don't know if it's pedophiles, thieves, or ISIS." LIVE IN FEAR! Also I see a new comic opportunity "The Drone Slayers".
  17. Can't wait until they start shooting drones out of the sky.
  18. Worse than that. I think it's mehness is its greatest offence, how did they make a film where massive dinosaurs eating people is meh?! Pretty much this. I liked Chris Pratt in Guardians of the Galaxy, but he was totally forgettable in this, as was every other character. The dinosaurs were meh. Everything was meh.
  19. Jurassic World - meh. Just meh. Entourage - ok, admittedly I watched a shitty chinese rip, but fuck that was awful. I liked the TV series, but the film was terrible.
  20. Who? Me? In English. Half of my thoughts are in English because of my old job where pretty much all my colleagues were from South Africa and Canada Yeah sorry, I was asking you - since Zeph is from Canada and all. It wasn't an attempt to slight your English either, was honestly just curious. Now that I'm learning Japanese, and because I don't speak Korean as often, I find myself forgetting the easiest words in Korean from time to time.
  21. Could you not remember what it was called in English? Or in your native tongue?
  22. Isn't that like one of the four horsemen of the apocalypse or something?
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