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Everything posted by chenGOD

  1. I think you're giving way too much credit to the capacity and capability of local law enforcement agencies. But yes there's also the likelihood that local law enforcement agencies (especially in rural areas) have strong ties with these individuals.... Not into golden showers. Ooh maybe now that Donnie no longer has any influence the Russians will release the Kraken (on pornhub?)
  2. I'm not disagreeing with the difference response (the after the fact response or some Capitol police helping with barricades and taking selfies etc.), I'm talking about going through due process beforehand to prevent this. One thing is for sure though, the US legislative response to this will be guaranteed to give more power to law enforcement.
  3. you're obviously not reading what i'm writing (as this is the the exact opposite of what i just stated) Are you not inferring that the authorities should have done something prior to the incident? Do you think just going down to these people and having a little tickle fight with them would have gotten them to stop?
  4. Well fuck I just saw this, and now I have a lot more Colundi loving to do. How exciting!
  5. I can't quote one exact thing, but is the general idea behind your post not something along the lines of "The FBI/CIA/HSI should have done something!!!" By that I infer you would like them to have arrested, detained, summarily executed (kidding) a bunch of people on what basis? Congregating in a public space, freedom of expression, the right to freedom of movement, the right to not be arrested arbitrarily, all human rights. To arrest these people, you need a substantial amount of time and resources to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that they were planning and capable of carrying out an attack. Again, not all of these people would be posting on parler, or other open source media, what their intentions were. One of the scary things about terrorism is how little organization and planning is necessary to carry out a terrorist attack. So these terrorists are all able to say openly, hey let's go to DC, we'll have a rally, we'll wear some shitty t-shirts. No judge in the world is going to grant a warrant to investigate further on that basis. Then once they meet in person, or on the car ride up, they make their barely thought out plans. So again I ask you, what would you have the FBI do? Arbitrarily arrest people cause of posting about meeting up in washington DC to exclaim to the world that you're happy to "simp for trump"? None of that is illegal - as I've noted, those are all basic human rights. As to the identification of people - sure dozens of people have been identified - to what standard of proof? Remember when reddit ID'ed the boston marathon bombers? And there were thousands of people involved, so dozens is just scratching the surface - you nor I have no idea what is going behind FBI doors (except for a lot of people logging a lot of overtime).
  6. of course...having someone rat out info is a lot easier i imagine....but i'm pretty sure they can track down exactly who these people are, for the most part, if they key in on certain individuals that could be dangerous enough to be at the level where they'd be able to get a warrant to investigate further/etc. they obviously didn't tho... and now they're resorting to asking for public help (AFTER the damage has been done) when the public has already done all the information gathering, done all the photo taking, sorting, tagging, etc. as for evidence of a planned terrorist act, see MAGA CIVIL WAR shirts yeah? i mean check out this one thread from this one guy just using as far as i can tell Twitter/FB photos and info. if one man can do this, in the span of like 16 hours in his free time, imagine what an actual team of trained agents with access to any and all the resources the US government's budget allows should be able to do. You don’t see any dissonance between the two parts I put in bold? I don’t understand what you want the FBI or HSI to do. Wearing a bunch of terrible shirts is not evidence of terrorism or a terrorist plot. To arrest those guys beforehand, the prosecutor has to establish guilt beyond a reasonable doubt. Imagine this scenario: Judge: “So what are you bringing to establish guilt beyond a reasonable doubt?” Prosecutor: “Well your honour, they were all wearing T-shirts that said ‘MAGA: Civil War’.” Judge: “Out!” So far you have one guy who was maybe identified after hours of crowdsourcing. Also, it’s not like the FBI is going to make a public statement every time they ID someone, charges have to be laid etc. etc. So who knows which people they’ve identified. Maybe the guys who were carrying around zip tie handcuffs weren’t using parler or other open source media to communicate their plans: according to the Twitter thread, one of the guys had an extensive military background, so he knew something about operational security, probably knew enough to use encrypted comms (which believe it or not, can be very difficult or even impossible for law enforcement to crack), and probably they used the potential “fog of war” (i.e. the useful idiots provided good cover) to carry out whatever plan they had. Like these guys deserve to have the full weight of the law come down on them, but some of what you’re describing sounds very fucking disturbing in terms of violating civil and human rights.
  7. SSN is for “influencers” (cause they need to pay them), apparently there is also the option of providing that plus your drivers license to unlock “citizen status”. Which, if any of these fuckwads did, and they were at the capitol, and have made posts that could be construed as seditious, well then, they’re gonna have a good ol time in prison. Lol Donnie wishes he and the dear Marshall were tight. NK leaders played trump like a big orange fiddle.
  8. It wasn't reported by anyone and I don't think any mods were in it. I just went and reviewed the thread, weird that it got hidden.
  9. Send those fucking idiots to North Korea where they can worship at the altar of a dictator like they so desire to do.
  10. yeah that's where i'm at with this. i'm just a regular dude and even i knew for the past few weeks, something is going down on january 6th and they better have the national guard there just in case. i can't believe how easily these fucks got in there, it's insane. @auxienThe FBI was 100% monitoring parler etc. - those posts often don't have pictures of the individuals associate with them. So asking for help identifying suspects is actually pretty standard. Also, as far as I know, in the US, law enforcement is still required to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that there was evidence of a planned terrorist act. The CIA has no enforcement capability as they are an intelligence agency. @mister millerThe national guard in DC has to be ordered out by the President. Trump of course didn't order them out. As well, the Capitol police are different from the National Guard. Lawmakers in the US have called for an investigation into the Capitol police, as they were seen opening gates for the MAGAts.
  11. Yeah me too. Apparently he died in like October. WTF!? Also NYE was full of good food.
  12. There are none. If credit unions are a thing where you are, look into that.
  13. Atom TM’s end of year message was very welcome: A short message to my dear friends, colleagues and followers. I usually do not conclude a year with a message, though think that 2020 needs a different type of treatment. Knowing that the past 12 months contained a complex set of challenges for almost everybody which provoked existential changes, most of which were irreversible in nature, I would nonetheless wish to conclude this cycle on a positive note. Albeit the emotional, psychological and physical harm which 2020 has caused, it has also been a profoundly revealing year. The new time is now clearer as it has shown us the true face of many things. It has taken away a great lot of elements, but also made us see and appreciate the real and important ones. We all will go "lighter" into the next year - "lighter" for some means "poorer", but it also means "enlightenment" to some degree, if you let the new order of things sink in deeply. The path that lays ahead has gotten an excitingly new and empty feeling to it, an emptiness not to be filled with the debris of past eras. Wishing you all the best for the year to come, let's fill that path with only the good, the true and the beautiful. Yours, AtomTM
  14. I think the solution is pretty obvious. TheBro just get yourself a vagine and a pair o' mammaries. Fake internet points galore are awaiting!
  15. chenGOD

    Brexit :(

    You gave me a copy of the book. ? I read it and passed it on to someone else who i thought would appreciate it. It was a great read. Full of scumbags in general.
  16. chenGOD

    Brexit :(

    I mean you could probably start that thread ? Finland, the Canada of Europe. No one really gives a shit about either of us, it’s cold or slushy (Vancouver doesn’t exist) and there are a lot of alcoholics.
  17. chenGOD

    Brexit :(

    Let’s not turn this into the shit on the UK thread. Still some lovely people and cracking tunes. Much like the US, some questionable decisions in choosing leaders. Olds in both countries bought into fear heavily. There are some good touristy bits (even in London - but you need a local guide there - @hello spiral offers some cracking tours - the Hunterian museum was great, and almost no one knows about it it seems). Still a bit of inflated sense of the whole “sun never sets” kicking around but as the last of the former olds die and are replaced by the current mids, that will inevitable be replaced by bitter cynicism and sad acceptance. Like the 5 stages of grief or whatever. And then some inevitable groveling to get back into the EU.
  18. chenGOD

    Brexit :(

    Cool Britannia was definitely a thing for about 3 hours. Some fucking tart wrapped in a union jack blaring out pop cruft? What could be more iconic and popular. https://www.jacobinmag.com/2017/12/1997-new-labour-thatcher-nationalism
  19. the only words that made sense there (to me) were "mango vape smoke".
  20. Because your immune system isn’t exposed to other bacteria. You need to expose yourself to more people.
  21. chenGOD

    Brexit :(

    https://www.scmp.com/news/world/europe/article/3115313/britain-and-eu-strike-post-brexit-trade-deal Looks like the lorry drivers get to eat their sandwiches after all, like god intended!
  22. two guys out for a romantic dinner doesn't seem that straight...
  23. Yeah Boxing Day isn't a stat in BC. Kind of bullshit. Maybe he's stressed cause of COVID?
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