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dr lopez

Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by dr lopez

  1. people say alcohol is a drug! it's not a drug, it's a drink.
  2. the problem with day today and brass eye is that they make 99% of other TV look completely atrocious and unwatchable are you the boz boz? are you A boz boz??
  3. ah i see. also louis lunch is fucking terrible ftr
  4. the burger was invented at louis lunch
  5. long time lurker - first time poster this stuff is good aphex
  6. http://youtu.be/Ar-1xbM_gao
  7. to crush the goyim, see them driven before him, and to hear the lamentation of their women. hehhahahehahaha
  8. 22 lol still much more deaf than I was age 18. #sadtruth
  9. make love is the best track on human after all -- which i will say has aged FAR better than we all expected. also RAM is actually a good album. This was hard for us to swallow because the first two are classics on arrival but yeah in retrospect both human after all and ram are quite pleasing to my increasingly aged ears.
  10. If you happen to find yourself one state over (RI, we taint that big!) stop on by the Dobalina house and I'll stir us up some manhattans, have the highlights from today's Spurs win over Chelsea on loop & we'll listen to some drexciya, vlad delay and of course actress. Anyway love both H'ville and G'ville (wasn't it supposedly going to be a trilogy?) but they feel totally different to me, the latter feeling more like a progression from RIP than anything. Would love to see him get back into some of the raw grit that oozed from the first two albums but would be stoked for anything including but not limited to a digital release of Xoul Oh and Rule remains the proverbial tits I like everything in this post - even.... actress. my god that spurs game. a feeling I haven't felt in a long time... happiness. #COYS
  11. Yeah me too- 5 has some deep tracks that I like but 4 and 3 seem a little noodly to me
  12. rap and rule are BY FAR the best tracks on the album
  13. *~*~*~*~*~*~* ATTENTION BOB DOBALINA *~*~*~*~*~*~* i put this record on today and it's not that bad. anyway, see ya
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