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dr lopez

Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by dr lopez

  1. dr lopez


    Just pm me some of your favourite hardcore idm breakz and I'll sing "tweedlee di da dooo" over them in real tiema lol
  2. dr lopez


    god i hope so. Its... just.... so... funny.
  3. lol is that even rob????????????????
  4. lol, if someone working for Gawker had to listen to an entire episode of O&A they'd probably spontaneously combust. lol
  5. lol that actually looks good. i love ted danson more than most but not sure he's right for a minnesota cop but w/e
  6. I was late to the party too, but pretty much everything MBM/Jack Dangers heard has been mint. The earlier industrial stuff isn't my cuppa but Actual Sounds + Voices, RUOK in Dub, & Tino's Breaks Vol. 5/Dub (JD side project) are probably my favorite so far. Saving Subliminal Sandwich for a rainy day, fucking double albums amirite? Yeah would love this too though not holding my breath... this ep is such a direct hit though (artist + label + sublime execution) that it'd be hard to top. Some crimes are best left unsolved... omg subliminal. what i would give to listen to that album for the first time....
  7. fuuuck i ve been going to bareburger like once every two weeks and i always forget to snap a pic. NEXT TIME
  8. dr lopez


    hahahaha hi fi prince. thats a lol. anyone who is a prince fan knows that u can just get the old cds for 6 bucks in the bargain bin and that'll be the highest fidelity digital sign o the times you'll hear. incredibly quiet and narrow.
  9. of course u are! I love it and i've learned that what ever you hate I actually think is really good. i call it...... murphy's law.....
  10. this is fucking great. no one makes deep grooves like this but jack
  11. Where do you get them? Also j thought he was on nothing - back when nothing was the shit
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