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dr lopez

Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by dr lopez

  1. it's mind-bendingly bitter - can compare it to Green Flash palate-wrecker but more lemony.
  2. this sucker right here. Insanely good. Incredibly powerful hop nose, like a mix of citrus and weed. Tastes almost synthetic but not in a bad way at all - like some kind of future tang-beer designed for mars. Only available in CT as far as I know, certainly going to miss it when I leave.
  3. couldn't have said it better myself edit: *sigh* someday I'll really write out why I think actress has zero staying power and is an emperor-has-no-clothes situation for millennials and internet-savvy 30 somethings
  4. I've just found my new least favorite user on this forum. There's a whole new world of insults that I've prepared for you for the time we'll cross our paths. I (sincerely) hope you aren't happy and content with your life. yeah but there is like more going on both conceptually and technically in this 10 mintues than in like actress' entire catalog -
  5. loool he's so pretentious it's kind of bewildering this is what i meant when i posted that ^
  6. yeah actress is reaaaaaaallllly far up his own ass. what with the "rip music 2014" bullshit... so lame
  7. this is so rhythmically uninteresting #imtryingsohardtolikeit
  8. nah i'm talking about grainy atmospherics with hints of rhythm and beats fading in and out. Seriously just listen to Vantaa or Kuopio or like all of Multila apart from Huone. Seems to be trying to capture the same aesthetic but Sasu prefers the long track carefully crafted approach while Actress seems hellbent on making unfinished sketches a emotionally moving statement - it can work but I don't think he has the talent to pull off the AFX "ya i just made these soundscapes when i was falling asleep w/e i know they're great tho" thing. not yet maybe. w/e
  9. Got this today in CD form, although no listing yet on discogs and itunes and aren't usually CDs released on tuesdays? lol well I got a 1 day advanced release I spose It's ok - but I still don't get all the hullaballoo. Vladislav Delay did this better like 10+ years ago... I guess it's taken that long for this kind of style to be co-opted by the pitchfork mainstream
  10. hmm ok -- i often find my tastes collude with yours so mayhaps this is a good sign. at any rate, it will arrive on tuesday and we shall see.
  11. yeah this is a great film indeed - love the airplane scene with vinnie jones http://youtu.be/lymHWUr_kW4
  12. next colundi sequence to be determined entirely by 4 CORNER SIMULTANEOUS 4-DAY TIME CUBE
  13. Nebraska - interesting film. quite beautifully realized in some parts, others it comes dangerously close to falling apart. will forte and bob odenkirk were unclear choices as they both look the role but at times seem almost as confused as we are that they're in an alexander payne movie. Thought forte looked completely out of his depth in the beginning with really flat delivery but as the film went on it actually worked. the highlight was obviously bruce dern who brought lots of subtext to the role. Impressive physical acting as well. I liked it, but I'm from small town middle america and my grandfather was a shitty alcoholic war veteran who grew up on a farm in rural washington. i can imagine it being hard to connect with for others, especially non americans. alexander payne movies are all worth seeing at least once/10
  14. Spot on. Stupid fucking movie. 2/10 and a combover and the worst fake fat belly ever. he actually gained that weight
  15. i think the numbers on the back of the CD correspond to how many overtones of equal temperament were used. if you go to ovuca.com there is a lot more info listed under the experiments tab this is in response to rekosn
  16. Inside Llewyn Davis - 6/10 or 7/10 possibly if I see it again Oscar Isaac has a beautiful voice and it was very obviously him just singing in front of the camera - no movie magic syncing up a prerecorded vocal track. All of this I consider necessary for a film about music. Would have liked to see more about life in 1960s New York, even just in the subtle charming ways like A Serious Man did, but I expect they were working with a different, perhaps smaller budget and it's not as easy to transform the west village into 1961 as it is to simply film a suburb of bloomington, mn that hasn't changed in 50 years. At some level seems like coen bros by the numbers: Great and unexpected casting, episodic plot, confusing jokes, and john goodman being an asshole. And there's nothing wrong with that, but it doesn't make this film stick out either. I came away with basically the same thing as A Serious Man: You're fucked either way; you're going to have a shit life no matter how hard you try. This one had more of a certain craving of that shit life and it becoming a self-fulfilling prophecy. Anyway, anyone should see every coen brothers film at least once - not sure this needs a cinema screen but it has some great moments.
  17. last 3 tracks on MU3 are really good. but second disc of MU1 - (so I guess MU2) is a really cohesive work of music. Up there with Astrobotnia 3 and Wasted Sunday in his output.
  18. dr lopez

    Wisp Tracks

    lol but on a more serious note, and I'm sure someone has already asked, could a more saintly person than I collect all these unreleased tracks and zip em up or something? Meant as no disrespect to wisp but if they're available I'd love to see an EAP - EOD collection or something - bandcamp or otherwise
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