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dr lopez

Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by dr lopez

  1. no money!!>!!>!>! but you're so good you need all the money
  2. i want to be you someday! I know i have the know how... just too nervous!
  3. quoted for pagebreak and the memorable performance and the old guy who couldn't get enough of you funnily enough that's my gf's weird dutch neighbor. In all fairness it was a NHK'Koyxen concert and that was some random person taping me. my deeply internet savvy friend looked up the event and stumbled upon this video lol
  4. fckin hell. AP3 was good... but really only a feeew tracks i came back to. Bench was the best
  5. I guess I was just disappointed because I had hoped in the back of my mind that cuaron was the blessed one who could create a film where the intense and dominating effects are actually used as a means to an end-- that is, to tell a story and effect us on emotional levels. Swirling space debris... Fun to look at but leaves my mind fairly quickly. I could have just looked at a nice big pair of DDs at home and saved 12.50. So if cuaron failed us... Who can do it?
  6. spoilers i guess Unspeakably bad music. ruined a lot of moments for me. hard to stomach because y tu mama had great music that made me think cuaron had ok taste. both the "orchestral" score and the electronic swells and shit were pathetic. bullock as fetus baby with umbilical cord thing was forced. not the slightest attempt to build any sense of a character, save the dead daughter which caused a gigantic lol for me due to "her just falling and hit her head." Get it guys!!? G-R-A-V-I-T-Y... woah.. deep! Completely hated the drops of water on the camera lens trope this time around. In children of men is gave the war a documentary feel, but in this coupled with the first person shifts, destroys the idea of what the camera is. yeah, at this point it can do anything. cool i guess. the ISS exploding was 30 seconds of cinematic virtuosity that you don't see every day.
  7. interstate blows my mind every time abundance....
  8. lol trick out your Acura Integra i take offense at that kind of stereotyping. i don't own an acura integra. it's a tl. If even a massive Power Plenum grille can't alleviate your ennui, then Acura's design team has truly failed us all lol
  9. i hate to love those roasts... a nice easy format for stand ups to have fun. always some dud jokes but i like that each comedian gets only about 15 min of time... stand up specials with one person can get draining
  10. maybe i'm just a massive dick. but i gotta say... i've never really been impressed by any uk burgers posted here... something about the proportions are just way off for me. Do any other US fatsos agree or am I seeing what I want to see?
  11. put this on as I drove out of NYC. it kicks! more than I remember. I love shoved ftr
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