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dr lopez

Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by dr lopez

  1. haha i liked the yellow filter, gave the whole movie a hazy, dumb florida vibe. because that movie was hazy, dumb and in florida. movie could have used a better title. is that little lumpy in the profile pic???? super cute!!
  2. studmuffin edit: and the owner aint half bad lookin neither!
  3. hahah whoops i love this sounds really really good on headphones
  4. a huge public memorial for dave brubeck. for some inexplicable reason they put me and my sister (the step-grandchildren lol) in row 2 of like 500, behind all the big jazz names that came to give respects.
  5. wait who's at fault there? is puyol being a shit cause he's grabbing abidal or is song being a shit cause he wants the trophy but abidal needs to be thanked cause he has cancer?
  6. Flol these are amazing dude! yeah lol dr. lope is killin it ahaha just got sent two more these are even better My sis in that one lol haha that poor photographer probably hates me
  7. Photobombin' with Chick and George Wein. and then takin up tony bennett's headspace lol
  8. Jesus this album is fucking incredible. This is Kraftwerk of the 21st century and it makes me I sincerely hope he has a follow up, or at least proceeds with this "pop" style for a bit. The new Knife is great but almost too self-aware and political. man that bass sweep in the second half of riding the void even the stresses the trusty HD 280s out a bit. Not only are the tracks great, but there's TOOOONS of fun little sounds and quirks to pick up on repeated listens. I also love that's only 40 min, the proper length for an album imo.
  9. i love the cover tho. of RAM not trans. well i guess trans is pretty cool
  10. i'm reserving judgement until i get the cd. is it srupid to want to run my fingers over the 70s cursive title font? To hope that it's as glossy as possible? will that make me like it more?
  11. this arrived today. holy shit it's great!!! #accelerationism
  12. Great Gatsby - What happens when you give Baz Luhrmann too much CGI budget, old spor'. Nothing new here, just a shitty assortment of Luhrmann tropes already hashed out in the last four films, but this time round it's drowning in gobs of that slimy, soul-removing CGI icing. *opening scene of extravagant party* *cover of bad pop song juxtaposed with historical setting* *well-dressed, beautiful people supposedly in love but instead are stiff and hyper-sterile* *barely any sex that is arousing* *actually zero sex* *why is there no sex* *close-up of leo's puffy, "crying is for poor people" face* *EXECUTIVE PRODUCER: SHAWN "JAY-Z" CARTER*
  13. also you can totally be radio-friendly while still "pushing the envelope", which was one of their skills in the fcking first place.... this hasn't clicked yet...
  14. i thought it was a joke having moroder talk over a track. wow talk about dumb as shit marketing for the masses. WOW I HAD NO IDEA HE WAS FROM A SMALL TOWN WHO IS THIS GUY HE CHANGED DISCO 4EVR, WOW SO COOL
  15. this man is a piece of shit
  16. I told my best friend that I've been having casual sex with for 4 weeks now that this relationship isn't working. She was absolutely destroyed. We're living together next year in a nice big house. I don't want a relationship and it's already fucked up. I just want to stay friends with her and have sex with other women. sorry i know this is THE MOST TRIVIAL problem of all but I'm drunk, this is the fwp thread and it's been eating away at me for the entire day now.
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