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dr lopez

Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by dr lopez

  1. I wish they still made pepperoni pizza eggrolls like grandma used to make. *picks up box* Guy, you've done it again!
  2. that looks like a terrible 5 guys burger honestly
  3. I read the first one, as per my ex-girlfriends recommendation. IT was fairly good. Just finished up Watchmen, mainstream by watmm standards, but I had never read it. I think the best part of it was Black Freighter, it was all metacomic, and it involves pirates and he rides some bloated corpses to shore. I didn't even know corpses could inflate like that, probably not even possible, should be on an episode of myth busters Yah you have to read ALL the Akira novels. I got an amazon gift card and just took the plunge for all six. NO REGRETS.
  4. i just ate a döner that I believe easily took two years off my life
  5. too busy looking at cats to care about post mike p's most recent pic
  6. :'( really sorry. Came into this thread reminded me of my Dizzy. How sad for all of us.
  7. that's what we thought. slightly unnerving when first pass is all the food and the second pass is dark dark blood. everything is doing fine now.
  8. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bpDjhrccx8U
  9. ask xxx. also, hospital is that really necessary though? in a foreign country which kind of sucks and we don't want to bother...
  10. Need advice: friend threw up blood last night after much imbibing. Isn't feeling too good today. How to proceed?
  11. well if you're going for ease, pick one that's closer to English. how about German? Deutsch ist sehr schwer.
  12. Lol I didn't have the guts to say it first
  13. HA! you're still fresh in many ways my friend In this case, it was Cylob's desire to have the subforum removed, and since I respect the artists we feature on WATMM, I've removed the subforum. Now, does Ceephax have an RSS feed on his site? just joshing jr I know the rules I'll be a good boy also stephenG any doubts cylob isn't amazing: one track: German
  14. HA! you're still fresh in many ways my friend
  15. aaahh back when times new roman used to be gangsta
  16. i come back to farewell frenchman a lot. the others not so much, but yeah solid album. sad no one else really liked here.
  17. Machinedrum - Room(s) Extended yeah so I was epically late to the party on this one. It's good. Three great tracks, the best being U Don't Survive, then Door(s) for me. All the others kinda bore/annoy me. 6/10
  18. Can't believe only one person said Computer World! That's the obvious choice for me, Remain in Light a close second then followed by bush of ghosts
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