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dr lopez

Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by dr lopez

  1. I'm your Wurst Case... ;) Wurstwasser is an Ae fan from when they appeared on AI and AI2 - but well the great era of IDM is over (to me: IDM mailing list, SLSK, produce Ae clone stuff by ourselves, and all in all being fanatic), lets just face the facts. Still hoping they produce creative stuff. fine but whatever oversteps was still one of the most original and well-crafted electronic albums of the last few years, and I didn't even love it. If a n00b dropped oversteps I guarantee more journalists would have creamed their pants several times, but to everyone is was just another autechre outing which everyone already knows is incredible. I mean jesus, autechre might be the most consistent group/musicians/composers to create music for 20+ years. It's mind-blowing really What I mean to say is that there was really no story for journalists to try and sell. No new "Hudmo" youngster that just dropped a bunch of twinkly bullshit that is the next step in electronic music. It was just autechre continuing on their path carving out more of their own sonic space. Whether you totally grooved it or if it wasn't "IDM" or neither it was still an astonishing release in the context of both the group and the scene in general. Also I can only really think of Beethoven being possibly more consistent while continually challenging the status quo. And he was over only a *slightly* longer period of time. Good thing booth and brown aren't going deaf like cylob lol
  2. I'm your Wurst Case... ;) Wurstwasser is an Ae fan from when they appeared on AI and AI2 - but well the great era of IDM is over (to me: IDM mailing list, SLSK, produce Ae clone stuff by ourselves, and all in all being fanatic), lets just face the facts. Still hoping they produce creative stuff. fine but whatever oversteps was still one of the most original and well-crafted electronic albums of the last few years, and I didn't even love it. If a n00b dropped oversteps I guarantee more journalists would have creamed their pants several times, but to everyone is was just another autechre outing which everyone already knows is incredible. I mean jesus, autechre might be the most consistent group/musicians/composers to create music for 20+ years. It's mind-blowing really
  3. My OCD is a little out of control but jesus I just get so pissed when the blue of vol II is a couple hues darker than Vol I and it's missing the II sign on the bottom spine. GAHHHHH WHY DON'T PEOPLE EVER CHECK THIS still waiting for vol III
  4. I was at a dinner party with Gervinho Once & we played that guess who u are sticky note on head game He was the entire cast of Eastenders
  5. lol. oh dear lord i never noticed that! LMAFO. this is probably my favorite now. Sean looks surprisingly good with long hair, haha am i the only one that sees The Bro in the background? I was wondering who that guy in the background was…The picture is even funnier ! my fav is dutch ae tatoo man
  6. The United manager added: "They gave us four minutes [of stoppage time], that's an insult to the game. It denies you a proper chance to win a football match." lol wtf fergie ur full of shit mate
  7. Hmm well your references seem to check out, mr. balsam gave you a rave! Wanna drink? *opens beers from the compound eye*
  8. has anyone mentioned tower of power yet? if not, that's kinda weird
  9. addendum: I guess I've never mentioned this but I played P.:Ntil for Dave Brubeck and after about 30 seconds in all his age cried, "What the hell is this, farts on a backbeat?" lol what a dork
  10. If you ask me it has. It's still really good, but for me Quaristice was the turning point (or, arguably Untilted). Though I think Oversteps is better than either of those (sue me). The run from Tri Repetae through Draft was just incredible, for any artist. Hard not to see it as a long, sustained peak of creativity and productivity. Anyhoo. Sorry I'll shut up. I am excite, too. I do believe they will always drop something surprisingly awesome from time to time, like the incredible live stuff... wha???? no fucking way. That album was like "hey lets just do an insane beat workout" and then they did and it was good.
  11. enough material in that album for a lifetime
  12. dr lopez

    draft 7.30

    and then i got fanboi chills edit: chili
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