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dr lopez

Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by dr lopez

  1. like a hot mix of rob brown and mike sandison tbh
  2. only saw first half... i can concede that. I just say that out of frustration because I feel for liverpool, I have no hard feeling against them. They need to sort their shit out. They're a good club that's been poorly handled pretty much since they blew me away that season they finished 2nd. Great great team with fringe players that actually performed like footballers. Riera, Fabio Aurelio's free kick goal against that slaughter of Real was a good memory. It was all downhill from there.
  3. at least we still won! lol liverpool are utter shit right now. what the fuck no strikers!! can't wait to see who the new underperforming POS they'll shell out 25 mil for in January.
  4. It's so carefully studied while still keeping a level of subtlety, both in writing and direction. The throwaway lines in every episode reveal more about the characters' personalities, dreams and insecurities than most TV shows I've ever seen, even enormously respected ones like the Wire where we're treated to large obvious (or obviously subtle) plodding "plot point" scenes of Omar being gay, McNulty drinking. Even if you find their lifestyle or whatever uninteresting or irritating, as a tv show it really and incredibly mature debut. can't wait for season two, a bit worried it won't be as good.
  5. does this mean 1/10? or you just watched all 10 episodes. because I won't let anyone diss on girls.
  6. wait so this isn't very good? Well I just spent away my life savings on this. POOP
  7. took me a while to register who this was. holy shit!
  8. such a lol because it was so obvious it was gonna skyrocket after that idiotic run-up
  9. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3lh6gQUeV4w
  10. i love him. strikers need to have that ego. bendtner has it but lacks the actual skills lol
  11. lol troon has an inability to deal with any thread he didn't create
  12. little late buuuuut Nixies Phoenixon Martin Van Halen Milli VaFilli Sleater-McKinley Rutherford B. Hayes Against The Machine (last one is a lol for me)
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