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dr lopez

Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by dr lopez

  1. secret girlfriend. one of the most poorly-executed great ideas for a television show ever. It's actually such a brilliant and hilarious idea, it's a shame it had to be filled with shitty MTVesque transitions and no nudity. It's a shame HBO didn't pick it up and throw some clever writers at it.
  2. incunabula is fucking lush innit untilted is actually my fav after amber I think, just a beautiful, giant gritty machine that will break down at any moment. quaristice to me was shit and I feared the worst for their later career - becoming boring, more "jammy" much like old rockers and shit. Thank god that didn't happen. yet.
  3. why don't you just get on your knees and beg the prof? suck zir's dick?
  4. why did they fry those things and then arrange them like that? srupid
  5. aww sorry man. that sucks, at least you have a job now! Things aren't so bad are they? I'm missing squarepusher because i have to do a project that I don't give two shits about. I"M VERY UPSET
  6. i drank some pretty shitty expensive beer last night. Didn't realize it was shitty until the 7th one lollll fuck everything not hungover tho!
  7. I love german cause it's like funny english! Let's do it together! Die (The) Blech (Tin) Trommel (Drum) YAY!
  8. wen to five guys for the first time in the city. not as good as other ones i've been to, meat was chewy, also fucked up my order cause i forgot normal means two and now i had 6 beers and i'm fat
  9. this is one of my favs too
  10. cool! I believe that's another previous watmmer on the left hehehe
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