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dr lopez

Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by dr lopez

  1. terrible is strong but its definitely not good. allowing adam to speak might help
  2. i haven't listened to chapo in about 3 months and never looked back
  3. lol damn it says youre from belgium which would explain you not getting election at all
  4. by a country mile. If you don’t think this you are banned
  5. happens when i try to share dank with the gf
  6. that is a nick mullen joke (and drawing I think) that was originally "if dogs did goatse" that someone stole and changed to "if a dog were to open his ass" lol ah yes: https://twitter.com/nickmullen/status/815289703574421504
  7. True story: I preordered the CD, but a few days before I could officially download it, it appeared on a blog site so I downloaded it. I was actually convinced I was listening to a fan-made fake, like what people did whenever Autechre released an album. I thought "nice try guys, but there's no way BoC would do this after 8 fucking years." And then I read everyone gushing about it and it felt like Trump winning. jep lol
  8. This is what generally happens for me with all artists. No matter what I don't find their newer work to be as good as their older work. the beatles, steely dan, kraftwerk, autechre as you mentioned... only an elite group get better as they go along
  9. i think i endure them because they remind me of the fat midwestern slobs that I watched movies with in high school. mike is basically an idiot with shit taste, jay is marginally more discerning but still kinda slow. rich is ironically the smartest but has the most infuriating taste. when mike loved jurassic world.... it was over. I have no idea how he made those great prequel reviews, which are still very funny.
  10. his basic point is completely accurate. stfu with your dumb trumpet, it's annoying and you're not good. we've all thought that. but to wrap that all up in a pathetic, petty, disgusting jew york city homunculus who is somehow more loathsome than the busker-- well you've got urself a classic meme folks.
  11. an artist respects the silence that serves as the foundation of creativity
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