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dr lopez

Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by dr lopez

  1. what i dont understand is why even spend a moment's notice on "lo-fi house" when ron is out there dropping the deep heaviness in 2018. i can't wrap my head around it.
  2. excellent new ron trent track
  3. his book was the perfect airplane read
  4. whaat that picture was unexpected, how did you like vienna did you just visit the city ? yes i was there in november. it was very nice. its the culture darryl. the place is full of culture. chockas
  5. all his "philosophizing" or "intuitive talk" seems totally counter to norm's belief that comedians are definitively not modern day philosophers and should stick to jokes all the stars are here
  6. ok i'm getting soft in my advancing years but the trailer for black panther actually made it look decent
  7. people complaining about MoM not doing enough experimental stuff... jan has put out like 4 records of experimental stuff since parastrophics
  8. donald glover is also very short so it might be ok. chewie is 5'11" now
  9. im really fed up with casting for casting sake / because the actor is "cool". this only works if an actor is cast as a joke / ironically. like keanu in john wick. people like donald glover are cast in movies so idiots can tweet "seeing DONALD GLOVER IN THAT COAT omg such swag!" I don't think he's a bad guy and i've somewhat enjoyed things he's done (not his music or standup which are terrible) but i am now completely disinclined to like him. anyway this will probably suck but expectations are so low that it might be fun? not likely.
  10. yeah rubin im not sure why you're even posting that. did you listen to that track? it was horrible. just noodling on a organ preset. he even admitted that it wasn't good and just for him. guy needs some therapy i think. sad, but there are casualties everywhere
  11. i feel like devil is in the details nailed that bang on about 10 years earlier
  12. still sad about this. that new release brought me into a vainio phase. i sit in my room while a finnish blizzard rages outside
  13. k c masterpiece i mean. like some store-bought shit
  14. bbq sauce sucks actual real bbq rules
  15. how dare you fucking take the lords name in vain (tony hawk pro skater 2)
  16. and the mountain shall drop sweet wine and the hill shall melt
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