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dr lopez

Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by dr lopez

  1. stavros penis, nick chink and adam aids was a big ol lol in a recent one
  2. sounding really good. looooots of mika in here. rip :'( very good but unitxt still has my heart.
  3. first one is the only remotely funny one
  4. yeah its hard to deal with. good thing the inforwars people are completely fucking retarded. anyway cum town is good again
  5. ive had raw chicken sushi before and it was really good. i think the chicken just has to be fresh, if its been sitting in a fridge it can get the bad stuff
  6. yes mine arrived and it looks great. really nice design and packaging
  7. gonna have to wait for the digitals. this one is a little out of my price range :(
  8. deak-dawg made good on this one finally. #oscarsowhitehair
  9. pan sonic - vakio jo jo jo very good stuff
  10. agree. even if i don't love it, it will certainly be interesting
  11. wow. sounds great. very excited. these guys are incredibly smart and cool
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