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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by auxien

  1. auxien

    Now Reading

    The entire Borders Trilogy was very good, imo, but The Crossing, particularly the first half, is outstanding. Apart from that, the only McCarthy I've read is The Road; I keep putting off Blood Meridian, I'm almost afraid of how good it's going to be. Dune is very good. I need to read at least the rest of the original series, as I've only read the first book once through. edit: I'm currently reading Bradbury's The Illustrated Man, and am enjoying it so far.
  2. auxien

    Now Reading

    an excerpt (the story's prelude) can be found at http://www.tor.com/stories/2013/04/from-the-mouth-of-the-whale-excerpt i'm only about 20 pages in so far, but it's interesting and pretty nice, and a bit poetic (a plus in my opinion). it's good so far though.
  3. I LOVE IT Dr Lopez your pizza pic was great. impakt, nice shirt, and i like the picture on the wall behind you what is that.
  4. in between sips of coke, psn said: i really doubt they'll be debuting new material though. to anyone's knowledge, has maynard practiced with the band at all?
  5. Wha? Are they glued in? sounds like some really strong aedhesive...
  6. auxien

    Now Reading

    like 3849, i much prefer short stories (and poetry). i don't see why someone who doesn't like to read novels is (i do read some novels, but it's much less often than most) missing a lot or is laughable because of that. it's just their preference.
  7. No, but going off subject so much it fills up two fucking pages is a waste of time. i only remember 10 or so posts, but maybe it kept on after i checked it last. (keyosc) did sound pretty sweet the once or twice i listened to it. actually, this reminds me i haven't listened to Exai in like a week or two. i wonder what'll stand out differently to me.
  8. so the mention of the word 'porn' is NSFW? fucking hell man, this place
  9. auxien

    Now Reading

    that first one sounds interesting. i've heard that guy's name before too, not sure where. ALL of Dune? even the newer books? good lord man. sand is coming out of your ears by now!
  10. UH SHOULDNT THAT BE ALOHA FROM FRANCE?? jeez i know french better than u! but really, nice hair dude. also, is that a shower curtain on your window? it looks like it's plastic
  11. their heads have obviously gotten way too big. they've been revered and almost worshipped and it finally is taking a toll on them. i loved that part in that above interview excerpt about how they're all rich and made now...i mean, good for them, i love their music and they deserve success, but does he hear himself?
  12. auxien

    Now Reading

    i'm in school currently so most of my reading has been stuff for courses...parts of The Iliad and The Aeneid, some Plato, some 17th and 18th century British Poetry (Blake is crazy but i like it, Byron is awesome as i already knew). read Black Thunder by Arna Bontemps recently, which is a fictionalization of a real slave revolt in 1800 in Virginia...it was oddly written (lots of changing narratorial voices, etc., cliched imagery at times), but there's a lot of mastery mixed in with awkwardness. overall a good book, and interesting partly because of its content and the time when it was written. we're now going over a poetry compilation he did of black American writers, mostly focused on the Harlem Renaissance folks. Langston Hughes is of course a highlight (does anyone here read poetry? i don't remember seeing much poetry mentioned). beyond school stuff i'm reading a Kindle version of Unstuck #2 http://www.amazon.com/Unstuck-2-ebook/dp/B00AQ9RXZU/ref=sr_1_12?ie=UTF8&qid=1362773158&sr=8-12&keywords=unstuck... there's some interesting stuff in here so far. looking forward to The Water Spider, first read about the story here: http://weirdfictionreview.com/2012/12/the-water-spider/ and my interest is thoroughly piqued.
  13. yeah it's a great track. but it's like 'hey! we could do an entire album of awesome crazy shit like this track!' ...here's 2 hours of swishy shit!
  14. so we've got lush sounds, sights, feels (assuming the Cairn Eco Kraft stock with clear foil block to front slipcase feels like heaven), and now SMELLS??? someone lick it.
  15. they've got one last album in them. but that's it. we'll have live DVDs/performances maybe to look forward to even after the last album, though!
  16. I find that high volume makes it sound perfect, but at lower volumes I know what you mean. It's like the music is struggling to accommodate and punishes you for it. Exai's natural habitat is loud and dark. agreed, definitely. loud and dark is awesome...but even on headphones (decent quality ones!) it's just...lots of swishy shit on a lot of songs. they've certainly done this sort of things on songs/albums before, but the songs where it's so strong (1 1 is, irlite (get 0), Netlon Sentinel, etc) it's almost too distracting for me to enjoy sometimes. also, the panning/whatever on 1 1 is on headphones is INSANELY well done. i appreciate the shit out of that in one respect, but in others, i just can't enjoy the 'meat' of the song i guess. which i'm sure is part of their reasons for doing what they did in the song, but damn.
  17. am i the only one who is kind of annoyed by the excessive swishy shit going on in many songs? i'm still enjoying this album, but the 'bury the drums/melody/atmospherics in washy noises' shit is getting on my nerves.
  18. it looks like your kid is getting some awesome visuals off of Fleure.
  19. this is exactly what i would think a male with hidden interests from Romania would look like. Kaini livin' the good life, Skrulllx droppin tha bass, modey being awesome, this thread has been ignored by me for too long.
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