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Everything posted by lumpenprol

  1. without a doubt, quaristice (take on its own) is lame.
  2. agree with zaphod 100%, was ok in Pineapple Express but a big "no" to everything else. He seems to be a deeply weird guy, and not in a good way. I have no idea what his problem (read: chemical dependency or some other kind of vice) is. He seems weirder than a plain vanilla stoner, but not sure. Back in his Spiderman and James Dean days, he was very handsome (though still a bad actor), but then something happened and he got all scruffy and glassy eyed and douchey, and never recovered. He seems kind of gay, not sure if his weird demeanor has anything to do with that (eg., late night amyl nitrate popping or something like that). Whatever the case, he always looks really pale and sickly and out of it, a far cry from his former self. People say he's bright but he seems pretty average to me. A guy that certainly coasts through life, and doesn't seem to have the charisma to deserve an audience's attention... oh crap i just read part of his latest huffpo entry: *throws up in mouth*
  3. edit@acroyear Campfire was great, overall. Now who's the cynic :-) I'm not saying "it will suck" but I am doubtful simply given the long gestation. Usually a band does their best work when they are at their most prolific (as far as I'm concerned, with Boards, that was with the IABPOITC ep). But who knows, BoC often break the rules, so I'm more than happy to be proven wrong. And perhaps there really were "factors outside the band's control". I didn't like the TCH Ep that much, though. Left Side Drive was pretty good but overall it was significantly weaker than their past eps (imo). I also didn't like what they did with 747.
  4. I hope it's BoC's answer to Kraftwerk's Radio Activity. Ie., personal, minimal, ghostly, but with muted passion.
  5. lol. I think you missed one point, Naomi Watt's face curiously distorted as she tries to cry through her botox. And how did Ewan McGregor go from being such a live wire in Trainspotting, to this overly earnest, bland dude with distractingly capped teeth? In fact this'll be another case where I give a pass to a film that you slate. I thought it was pretty good for what it was, it had a lot of "Spielberg-isms", for good and ill. Great disaster sequences. Excessively maudlin and emotionally manipulative, with various climaxes glaringly staged for maximum tear-jerking. But it might be a good film for families, provided young ones can make it through the intensity of the disaster scenes. I liked it for how straightforward it was, and the focus on family (unlike, say, 127 Days or whatever it was called with the solo guy trapped in the canyon...there have been enough "stranded boys" flicks).
  6. I get that feeling too. But whatevs, maybe too cynical. I almost feel like they caved to pressure that Campfire Headphase was too mellow, not dark enough, etc. I just hope they "followed their muse" rather than trying to live up to BoCspectations....
  7. just watched Gangster Squad. Man if you want an example of what a bad director looks like, look no further. He has everything at his disposal - period cars, lavish sets, fancy clothing - and a laundry list of strong actors - Sean Penn, Josh Brolin, Nick friggin' Nolte, Ryan mumbles Gosling, Giovanni Ribisi, etc - but he just can't make it work. At all. All the actors phone it in or give cartoonish performances, and as for tone, the director can't seem to settle on one. Is it an over-the-top cartoonish period gangster flick, something like Dick Tracy or Green Hornet? Or is it a serious drama in the vein of Chinatown, LA Confidential, Untouchables, etc? He can't seem to make up his mind, so it's just a pastiche, with zero surprises. Really terrible flick, you can't even spot the potential hidden under the surface. Who greenlit this? How'd they attract such big name stars? I have no idea....searching IMDB now...oh shit he directed Zombieland. That explains it. I hated that film although some loved it for the intro and Bill Murray cameo. 1/10
  8. haha zaphod, I'm honored to be loathed so articulately. Or is that articulatedly? Which I am, not.
  9. agree with you on that at least. Completely gratuitous. Did you like it, Lumpy? Shit, I may have already forgotten what you thought of it. Wow, I'm getting really old. I liked it ok, think I gave it 7/10. I can totally see where you guys are coming from with your crits though, I'm basically just nodding my head reading your comments. Can't really say much in its defense except that I liked the idea of casting the hit man as the most businesslike of all criminals, and the filmmaking was "lush". The economic parallels were indeed heavy handed and implausible (criminals watching c-span?) but the bleak cynicism and dark humor of the film was interesting. Kind of like in Animal Kingdom, which I loved, where it's like a nightmare where "the law" can't help, all the characters can't escape each other, and an evil hag seems to have an almost preternatural ability to control events around her. Though the word is overused, there's something Kafka-esque about certain crime movies, that dreamlike sense of dread and the inevitable, that this film also had a bit of, too. disclaimer: I watched it while on my exercise bike and was in a pretty good and tolerant mood. Overall feelling was "hey, pretty...not bad...pretty decent acting from Pitt, for the most part...slow-mo shooting scene was certainly gratuitous tho"
  10. lol. there is no way Kubrick (or any other mortal) has had an IQ of 200.
  11. lol, "documentary film dedicated to beatdiggin' culture". Glad they clarified it was a documentary film, thought it might be a documentary pizza.
  12. a few days ago I was trying to get a sense of NK military prowess and found something that seemed interesting - If I searched for "largest militaries in the world" it seemed to not even make it into the top 10, as most sites rank based on expenditure, not headcount. Which tells us their budget is small. However if you search by headcount, they seem to have the largest military in the world. Which says to me: that's a lot of cannon fodder. I mean is ground troop headcount superiority even relevant any longer, when the other side could simply "bomb them back to the stone-age" as the neocons like to say. If there was a war, though, I guess that would mean immense NK civilian casualties. Sucks.
  13. I learned the word "caliche" from it (ok I lied, I actually read the book first...which made it hard to enjoy the movie)
  14. I guffawed, heartily we may look back and say it was true!
  15. lol at that score for Country of Old Men I kind of agree. Chigurh (sp?) was very well realized in the film, but it still didn't correct the fundamental flaws in the source material. Main flaw being Cormac McCarthy and his Old Testament sense of the world. You either respond to it, or you don't. Depending on my mood, I either like it, or think it's laughable. Really depends.
  16. haha, nice one Kannnnnnnnnnneeeeeeeeeeddddddddddddddaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
  17. i like your hair. i always wished i had curls >< so you're saying someone bent you over on your hardwood floor after the p-funk concert?
  18. how'd speilgerbs many loving close-ups of those underage kids look? (no pedo)
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