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Everything posted by lumpenprol

  1. yeah i'm just shooting off at the mouth without even letting it sink in, heh. I'm about halfway through my second listen (with a pause for some random sampling for a while after my first listen through).
  2. Me too but I don't even know what they can say about this. They fucking did it. They totally redeemed themselves after Oversteps. I was sure they were heading off a cliff. i dunno, i think this flows pretty naturally from oversteps and especially MoT. I really feel like they're just becoming more and more psychedelic. I mean we always knew they had that potential (the often quoted use of mushrooms during the creation of Chiastic), but their psychedelic tendencies were usually bound within a fairly controlled formal structure. That was one thing that made them such a pleasure to listen to, the tension between the tight formalism and the melodies and bizarre sounds. I think that formalism has mostly exploded now, though. What we're left with is a lot of odd juxtapositions, random wtf moments, and some very interesting sonic experiments. Or we'll see, maybe I'll feel more form emerge from the music over time.
  3. shit, I just realizeed my Runrepik got corrupted when I downloaded it. And there's no way to re-download a file from itunes without paying for it again??? FML.
  4. I would not at all be surprised if ae end up becoming a psychedelic jam band. With MoT and this, they basically already are.
  5. are you listening to it on your laptop speakers again ? im on #6, with the exceptions of some parts of irlite this is really rocking, lots of interesting stuff going on listening to it on headphones. the mix is very cinematic and spacious, but sorry to say not really feeling most of it. Will bite my tongue a bit as I segue to side 2...
  6. about to get to Bladelores...so far favorites on side 1 are Fleure, Flep,and Tuinorizn...found the stretch from Irlite through vekoS pretty barren...
  7. agreed, I thought it was a "quite good opener", unfortunately found irlite quite noodly and boring...just floating with the flow for now...
  8. it's probably a bad sign for replayability...I'd never be so quick to claim "it's their best album!" but at the very least it may be their funnest. It's clear the boys were having a blast making this.
  9. i assumed there were other samples up online, people are talking about is as if they're still listening. yes some of us *ahem* downloaded them before they were taken down (note: not sharing papa jr)
  10. hang on you guys, I really want to continue reading your exchange, but I need to pee. Can you hold on a sec before posting anything more? Thanks in advance!
  11. I remember biking up to Amoeba records on Telegraph Ave. in Berkeley to pick up my deluxe edtion Geogaddi on the first day of release. Good times, will never come agaiiiiiin......
  12. yeah, the moment where he gave "the black kid" the trust fund documents and let him walk off with them, I slapped my forehead. Nice job genius, it's not like the cops would ever get a search warrant for "black kid's" house, or that he could end up using it against you (for, say, blackmail). that, and when he had the talk with the "eccentric billionaire" dude, getting him to write down the deal on the napkin/menu, and sign it. Sure, that'll hold up in a court of law! yes his American accent has always been weird
  13. Count me in. There are different levels at work but yes I adhere to this fully. that would have been me...until Quaristice and MoT, lol
  14. It's a bit like ae heard Telephasic Workshop for the first time and thought "right, we can beat that", and then compressed the same level of polyrhythmic complexity tighter and tighter until it turned into dark matter
  15. completely agree! Pencha is one of my favorite ae tracks....OF ALL TIME
  16. you guys are nuts if you think that was intentional. Why would March have a "0" before it, but 4 not? Durr?
  17. funny, while you were typing that I was looking up the difference between shame and guilt, and found this interesting read (supports what you're saying): http://www.afterpsychotherapy.com/shame-and-guilt/
  18. Great review, I'll have to think about the line "After all, narcissism is simply unregulated and unprocessed shame." I would think "narcissism is simply unprocessed fear" might be more appropriate. Is the idea that someone is ashamed by their actions so they keep moving forward at a hectic pace in order to stay one step ahead of their shame? Incidentally I'm betting true sociopaths don't feel ashamed...
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