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Everything posted by lumpenprol

  1. really? It's probably one of my favorite sci-fis. I'll admit it borders on cheesy, but the message is good (human spirit triumphing over determinism). At the very least it shows how you can do "more with less", a la Stalker.
  2. Yeah, check out the Favorite Exai Minutae thread, that moment is one of my biggest faves....
  3. The Master: whoa, I consider myself a PTA fanboy but this was rather lame, no? I'll go out and say it - I think both PSH and Joaquin Phoenix were miscast. PSH plays a whiny, craven duplicitous pussy like a pro, but lacks the charisma and menace I'd associate with a cult leader. And Joaquin Phoenix is, seemingly, a real-life junkie, so I wouldn't exactly call this acting. He looks mummified and shriveled, occasionally gets in fights, and does a creepy laugh. In other words he plays himself. I actually turned it off about 1/3 of the way through and had to force myself to continue it the following day. Not the sign of a gripping flick. Most of the scenes cut before they build up any tension. For what it was it was ok, but it felt like it could have been much more. Most of the "processing" scenes, which should have been somehow gripping or suspenseful or creepy, seemed to fall flat (I'm thinking particularly of the "window to wall" sequence). I guess PTA was going for something very subtle but it ended up being too flat for my tastes. I thought Amy Adam's performance was better than either lead, but she didn't get much screen time and her transformation wasn't handled as well as it could have been (I thought the masturbation scene was unintentionally bad). Though it may end up growing on me in hindsight, for now I'm gonna say 6/10. I'd go lower but at least it was filmed pretty, and seemed ambitious.
  4. the assets are all basically the same, innit? My studio modeled most of the characters except for Lara, and did some enviro and props and rocks and stuff too. w00t hope you enjoy it, I haven't played it yet fwiw...let me know what you think..
  5. pick up the Nausicaa graphic novels, like Akira, they are much better and richer than the film itself.
  6. I guess he just found out Crytek are making Homefront 2 and he wants to live up to it
  7. Hey Guys, new Tomb Raider is getting some good reviews on Metacritic: http://www.metacritic.com/game/playstation-3/tomb-raider I know none of you guys probably give a sh*t about Tomb Raider, but I worked on it so if you feel like it...show a little love (in cash form :-) Poor sales make baby Lara cry
  8. playbynumbers! also, cds look boss! That black and white really makes them pop.
  9. um, not sure I thought about it more than that. he'd have a drill. for a dick. bond is sort of a tragic figure anyway right? so he'd be macking on some fit bird, and they'd go back to his place and start making out when suddenly "BRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR" she'd be turned into hamburger and he'd give a brief heavenward "why does this always happen to me?" and then go fix himself a motor-oil martini
  10. it'd be cool if they created a bond who was sort of like a Robocop-Tetsuo Iron Man-Terminator mash-up, who was smooth with the ladies but would then drill them to death with his drill dick, and slaughter criminals and civilians indiscriminately with excessive force.
  11. Matt Damon will take over the franchise; the next film will be "James Bond: Bourne Again"
  12. haha :-) he does seem older now, not sure why. He seems tired (at least he struck me as tired in Prometheus).
  13. not sure fassbender should stoop to being bond. He's too good for the franchise. I just saw an article that hinted that Idris Elba was also in the running. That's be a trip, a black Bond. I'd watch it, loved him as Stringer Bell (though not so much since).
  14. really, I think Spirited Away is amazing...as is Princess Mononoke. Two of my favorite films. Princess Mononoke is more anguished (death of nature), while Spirited Away has more creepy sexual subtext (the innocent girl cleaning all the gross customers in the sauna...)
  15. i usually watch to the point where the killer is identified and "dies"...rest of season 2 is pretty crap (with the possible exception of the last bit directed by Lynch, though I don't like the "twist ending") Season 1 is perfect
  16. indeed. Incunabula is pretty badass, though I haven't listened to it as a whole for a while. I sometimes put on Doctrine to remind me of the good times.
  17. yeah I remember I saw Apollo 13 in theaters with a girl I had a crush on (cue old man music). Can't remember if it was better or worse than the To the Moon stuff. I do remember some scene where they're guiding their capsule by line of sight or some such. They have a similar scene of taking their bearings based on star position in To The Moon. It's stuff like that that really blows my mind. In the middle of space relying on (seemingly) ancient mariner type tricks and human eyeballing. Talk about balls. wait, what? if anything it's completely the other way around. agree, In Bruges was a grower, and the banter was great (career best from Colin Farrell?). 7 Psychopaths not so much.
  18. yeah, I thought Band of Bros was better. At least it didn't make me as angry. Not only is ...to the Moon annoying, but it whitewashes. As I was watching last night, I kept thinking "wasn't there a case where the capsule almost sank because someone blew the door in the ocean?" Sure enough, just did a web search and that event happened to Gus Grissom (who later died with two other guys when the test Apollo capsule caught fire). If they had included that earlier incident it would have made everything much more dramatic. But, I'm guessing, they didn't cover it because they didn't want to cast any sort of shadow on Grissom's memory. I just learned more on this webpage than I learned in 1 hr of watching that doc: http://datamanos2.com/apollo1/grissom-media.html
  19. edit: at zaphod I had no idea, I had been watching Ken Burn's series on the National Park System, which was fairly ok but marred by the expected overly-sentimental swelling music rah rah America stuff. I figured from Earth to the Moon couldn't be worse, but boy was I wrong. Tom Hanks really is a geeky overgrown man child, isn't he? It's the only way to explain the weird combination of technical jargon plus astoundingly mawkish patriotic sentimentality. It's sort of in a class of its own. Not only is hard to watch, but it's surprisingly uninformative. I don't feel like I've learned much more about the lunar program than I knew going in. I found myself wishing multiple times that it was more Ken Burns style, give me the "un-doctored historical footage plus a voice over and some talking heads and I'll be pleased as punch, thanks". Instead they throw everything into a huge mish-mash: a few bits of historical footage, some modern day footage made to look artificially aged, a bunch of actors who come and go between episodes without rhyme or reason, constant changing of film stock for no reason, a bunch of CGI of varying quality...it's almost funny to see how, instead of enhancing each other, all these different approaches cancel each other out, so there's zero emotional heft at all. You're just wondering "is this real or fake?" "there's no way they actually spoke like this!" etc. It really is a mess. And many of these folks aren't dead yet, right? It's an insult not to have them in there as talking heads. But what do I know, maybe they trot them in at the end, a la Band of Bros
  20. not to derail the MJ moment, but just to spread the hate and loathing, has anyone seen that Tom Hanks miniseries From the Earth to the Moon? I was all stoked to watch it, but it's pretty terrible. Remarkably bad and disjointed and annoying. It's like a playbook of "how not to make a documentary." Just thought I'd share the bile.
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