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Everything posted by lumpenprol

  1. yeah I like Ang Lee a lot more after seeing him interviewed (hated him after Hulk and haven't yet seen Pi). But he comes across as a very soulful and cool dude. Loved his noshing on an in-n-out burger after the oscars, lol.
  2. If that was his reaction to getting snubbed by the Oscars, then lol. I mean the guy has called the oscars "complete and total bullshit" (or something to that effect) so what does he expect??
  3. I should try to finish it. I just couldn't get over how staged it all felt. It's like Polanski just got together 4 friends of his to make a movie, there doesn't seem to be any particular reason they were chosen for their roles, and the dialogue was terribly artificial and awkward. Maybe it gets better if you allow yourself to get comfortable with the artificial dialogue, the way some Mamet does...
  4. baby develops 160 IQ at only 2 weeks, film at 11... I sort of agree with you. On the other hand though, I think a person has to make an effort to dislike this album. It's just fun to listen to. There are some subtle details packed in there, but it's not an alienating listen in any way really (apart from the length).
  5. unlike Inglorious, where I thought he deserved it, I didn't particularly like him in Django. Not sure the role, or him, belonged in the movie. Hate to say it but I think he's a bit overrated (anyone seen that Polanski flick he's in...Carnage? I could only watch about 20 mins of it.) Also: Sam Jackson should've been nominated. He did a great job imo.
  6. I got stoned for the first time in years and listened to this album, thinking it would be "mind...blown". I was a bit bored. lol. *Although*, cloudline sounded a lot better stoned.
  7. yeah I listened to oversteps again last night and was reminded how much I liked it. More than Exai I think. BUT. There is something very unique about Exai, it sounds like one big long song almost. Oversteps still has the very traditional song-song-song structure. But Exai feels more like a living organic beast that flows along. Imo. Still if I was going to make an "Ae best mixtape" I think several tracks from Oversteps would make it on, but maybe none from Exai (possibly irlite I guess). I'm not sure it holds up on a track-by-track analysis.
  8. a very definitive-sounding statement, but you could certainly persuade me. I think it's the most intriguing track on Exai fo sho.
  9. I was going to say that. It stands out as being one of the cooler things they've done since EP7. Most of the other stuff has been what I'd call "sound sculpting" or even sound effects, rather than songs. As much as I like them.
  10. they are different. Reason being the focal length, fov, or whatever the correct film geek word is.The focal point (in the jaws case, the main character) doesn't appear to move, but because of the focal length or fov or what have you (I'm using maya/max terms as I'm a 3d artist not DP) the background distorts.
  11. hehe, yeah it's something special. Especially given that the end result, when all is said and done, is so turgid. It's quite a bore. Keep in mind Neil Jordan was kind of the "it" director at that point, coming off the "success" of The Crying Game
  12. #1: Incunabula Everything else: shit
  13. I wasn't being glib though, doesn't it sound like "system...system...fuk....system"? I'll get my hat. and yeah bad Wire review is bad. Funny how much his dislike of ae shines through. and very good post coax, I agree this is like the audio porn side of ae. I think I've already burned out on it. But it was certainly fun.
  14. so the voice in deco Loc is saying "Fuck the System"? Sounds like it to me...
  15. lol, just watched it last night. The friend I was with - who happens to be a drummer, while I have no musical aptitude whatsoever - had even less patience for it than I did. First thing out of his mouth after the opening tracks - "well, I can see why he never became famous." Overall I liked it but it had some distracting holes in the story - what about the guy who shot himself or the guy who set himself on fire? Were those just red herrings blown out of proportion by the filmmakers, or did some guys truly die that way? If so, who were they? Did the Sugarman know them? And where did the money go? Too bad the guy was a bit of a cypher. He sounded a bit like Michael Jackson, shy and not very talkative. I bet he was a real prick too, given his lyrics and the fact that the mother of his daughters doesn't make an appearance in the film. Overall interesting film but felt very thin. I too preferred Anvil.
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