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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by phudoshin

  1. i expect something to appear on the various arts shows on the national radio/tv channels here. I actually know an up-and-coming arts radio show presenter who would be perfect for an interview with the lad... i may just tweet him
  2. Just watched the kids "Mess Head" (squarepusher/chaso AD )video. The fact he likes the track the and video being what it is is just amazingly brilliant.. All of this is is really classic AFX. the track is gorgeous and emotional. the video is raw/simple and innocent and pretty much "guardian think-piece" proof although I can see it coming. In the end you just know that RDJ digs that a kid has discovered his music and is unfettered by irony or media-savviness.... at the same time this gives way to mass consumption and contemporary media-viral-ness which is unavoidable if something is just bloody good... but "at the heart of it all" is THE MUSIC and THE PASSION. 10/10
  3. Japan event: (edit well late to the party also) Nice one Dublin kid!
  4. phudoshin

    elseq 1-5

    im same I know all the AE_LIVE stuff back to front but Exai needs more listens
  5. phudoshin

    elseq 1-5

    Hows you bitches pronouncing it to your lower class friends... else q el sec elsk el seek
  6. phudoshin

    elseq 1-5

    if they called it "elseQ" the internets wud be broked
  7. phudoshin

    elseq 1-5

    You're not the only one who's skint mate. Can't see myself getting the flac bundle for at least 4 weeks! lol. Such is life. its not the money.. its the driving around with new car = new car stereo = chhhhooonns. #Likeaboss
  8. phudoshin

    elseq 1-5

    I just bought a fucking new car this week - a new new one -first and last time ever probably. I think Rab n Steve fucking KNEW i needed some musics for it
  9. phudoshin

    elseq 1-5

    Hands up i was WRONG about the LIVE stuff being "the album" (yeh i know they're ep's but shut up) May i always be wrong!!!
  10. phudoshin

    elseq 1-5

    fucking nice little midweek surprise.... sorry new radiohead... i gots the 'chre to wrap my brain about
  11. I don't see how gigging like they've always done is "interacting with fans" or giving something back. In that case RDJ has done a shitload of "interacting" with his 100's of DJ sets 96-2014. We also know he's got more releases coming. As for this being some sort of Warp-driven fan-payback to have SP and Ae produce live shows? sounds a bit simplistic. They're just doing their musical thing.
  12. Comparing soundcloud banter to blasting out mental beats at a gig is a bit of a streeetch. Its all good stuff but hardly comparable interaction-wise. Sorry i just turned 42 and am squirley :P Aslo RDJ had DJ'd a lot and ae, sp always do the rounds.... no biggy
  13. *sniff* my first E was at a rave on NYE 1999 where they played "Party like its 1999" at midnight. end of fucking story
  14. I really gave up giving a fuck about the mess that was TWDSE06. - poor pacing - all-to-quick wrapping up of plot lines - going nowhere characters (fr. whats-his-name) - dumb-ass cliffhangers - rehashed storylines - pointless speaches - odd char development (carol going awol) Get a script lesson from Game of thrones guys and come back to me
  15. phudoshin


    I seriously think RDJ's recent quiet period is him listening to Ae live and being so blown away he now works in Lidl deciding on whether to stock hammers or oven mits this week
  16. phudoshin


    love it.. such t-e-n-s-i-o-n
  17. i skip "known(1)" a lot i do't like that i do but.. its just so damn grating
  18. But is his shirt washable?
  19. phudoshin

    draft 7.30

    V-proc works well with BoC
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